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Rank Austin Metro

Rank Austin Metro (2/12)



  1. this is just down the road from me, he has been trying to sell it for months
  2. 1 day of work and its starting to look like a bike again
  3. Hopefully it'll look better once I get more of it together, if not I'm only a few quid outta pocket
  4. Had a friend look at it today and he said something about the engine is a Honda xt or something but not original engine. Means nothing to me only bike I have ever owned is my Yamaha daystar lol
  5. Yes I may have only made the 1 post but just from the help I got on it helped me loads, more than I can say about a few other sites I tried on without any help just abuse because it a Chinese bike ( even though it only cost me £30 lol). When I find someone asking something I can answer I will return the good deed.
  6. Lol the pics are just the ipad being a arse
  7. Here is my project, it cost me £30 as a spares or repair jobbie 2006 bts 125cc, all parts there just gonna spend some time doing it up. So what do you all think
  8. Only been on this site for a few days but would like to give thanks to the people that have helped me loads
  9. Hi, what would you need from me and how long does it take? Thanks
  10. Yeah I really need this as well, bought a bike as project but need the reg number to be able to do anything and dvla are about as helpful a chocolate teapot lol
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