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Wet Copper turns Green

Karmann Ghiaman

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This shows that PC Plod is pretending to be all touchy-feely-greeny-cares-about-the-environment-while-ignoring-human-rights again:


http://www.motorcities.com/contents/08/ ... 26579.html


They obviously don't know much about Johnny Frenchman's limited engineering skills, or the meaning of the word rouille, ha, ha. And a Toyota Prius for the Chief Inspector please!

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If you're planning a heist, Coventry's the place to go :D Humberside Dibble uses Protons. I once saw a chase, where a lad in a Fiat Coupe was being persued by a couple of police BMW's, and then the athsmatic Proton about 30 seconds later ... A copper that I came across told me that they really were useless, as they have some kind of fuel return valve that cuts off the juice if they lean too far in a corner, eg when you're chasing a villain :roll:

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I don't understand the human rights reference.The local bobbies in the small town where I grew up rattled around in a non-turbo diesel Escort - it was just such a point of ridicule! maybe it was an early step towards encouraging them back onto the 'beat' on foot. It's a far cry from the day the traffic police turned up at ur primary school in a loaded Rover SD1 to give us one of those 'talks' on road safety - I was too distracted by the pursuit car to really listen. I miss the SD1 and Senator cop carsThe French haven't made a car prone to rust for decades whereas I've seen countless VX Cavaliers, Vectras and the odd Astra with chewed out rear wheelarches and they're from Germany 8)

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I don't understand the human rights reference.


The French haven't made a car prone to rust for decades whereas I've seen countless VX Cavaliers, Vectras and the odd Astra with chewed out rear wheelarches and they're from Germany 8)

Human rights means stuff like having a smoke in a pub, going at 4mph over the (random) speed limit & actually getting some help from the forces of loranordah when you've been the victim of a (real) crime.


Your French is good j-j!

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Human rights means stuff like having a smoke in a pub, going at 4mph over the (random) speed limit & actually getting some help from the forces of loranordah when you've been the victim of a (real) crime.Your French is good j-j!

! is it a 'right' to drive at all? (let alone at any given speed) ditto on smoking , ditto any action in the universe really. I know what human rights can be said to be or what they can be interpreted to be not least having studied for a BA in Philosophy! I don't agree that your list outlines a selection of actual rights. Reads more like your own select list of rights of 'what you want to do yourself' If you think the speed limits are wrong that sounds like an opinion more than anything else - I don't fully agree with them myself but never find it hard to stay legal. As for French; mine is shite. The last French I ever learned was called French for Engineers and I got a 'C' and that was a 'score' AFAI was concerned - I blame the grammar - words on their own are easy ! like rust: these are in the Citroen owners manual in all the languages :lol:
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Definately just you I think....It is hideous though. I remember the local plod coming down to school one day many many years (ok, about 25 years ago) with a Rover SD1 and Mk2 Transit. Everyone had to go and be 'locked up' in the back of the Transit, not quite sure why though....

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Humberside Dibble uses Protons.

However they did used to have an Escort Cosworth and a 3.0 Senator to catch joy riders. Used to see the Cossie flying up Bev Road chasing car full of 12 year olds peering over the steering wheel, and 5 seconds later see the Senator hurtling along with a some mean looking alsatians in the back.Cossie was cool. Just googled it and here it is. Dogs and all.http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.ukspeedtraps.co.uk/jpg/cos.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.ukspeedtraps.co.uk/police202.htm&h=142&w=260&sz=24&hl=en&start=5&um=1&tbnid=-Uezt-46-AxdxM:&tbnh=61&tbnw=112&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhumberside%2Bpolice%2Bcosworth%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26rlz%3D1B3GGIC_enGB257%26sa%3DN
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Everyone had to go and be 'locked up' in the back of the Transit, not quite sure why though....

Giving them a taste of what was to come.... :lol:
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