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Saved from the scrappers... 17 year old Polo


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This came to an acquaintance from a lady who didn't wnt to spend money fixing it any more. I suspect she may have been using that as an excuse for getting something new and shiny, as she was overegging the pudding somewhat.

She wanted it scrapping but it came to us for scrap value instead.

07 Polo 1.2 with THREE cylinders and FIVE forward gears. Absolutely knackered paint, which is handy as my machine polisher died last year and I haven't replaced it yet.

As a result, the polishing means I have a right arm to rival a teenage Popeye.

As it had lived out in the sticks under a tree, I wasn't sure whether to clean it or call Bill Oddie to investigate it.

The repairs needed were as follows - oil and filter, reset service light, replace boot struts, and remove organic matter from the boot.

Needs a couple of bits of rust treating but for a sensible daily to park anywhere it's perfect. Drives sweetly as well, only 70k miles on... Sweet, sweet car.

I might also stick some P slots on it as the wheeltrims are jiggered and the tyres dont match. Hmm.



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You have a proper bargain there. If it was this time next year, I would be all over that as my granddaughter will be needing a car. That would be perfect for her. 

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