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😎.. SavvGetzWiththeprogram

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@loserone furnished an empty AdBlu, as we were passing anyway (we live at the Coast and he's in Weardale.. 🚀) on a little jolly out....



Ahh..... My 'totally $hite* dog rough eBay acquisition' looking like it has some right to be there 🙄

*BruccieBonus = 78miles + NO Smoke 🔥

Winnah 😎🛠️



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20 minute 'upgrade'......

All new leads + air filter



.... Good lash of Silicone spray >> down plugholes .. into plug sticks .. onto coil posts .. into lead coil plugs .. over coil body + loom plugs 👍


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So..... Leg stretch, here at Creswell Ices, and the car is transformed 🥳🥂.

Smooth as Silk ♥️



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Quick trip over to the Civic Amenities Site, Wallsend. By pre appointment 17:30 - 18:00.

Skipped 2x Getz wheels, numerous plastic bottles of old oil [into recycling drum], single pane radiator & junked 4x plugleads 4x 14" wheel trims....

Job jobbed... 🥂


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As an aside.... I keep a plastic tub box in the hatch boot, with some basic tools and oil/washer top up stuff, I took it out to get the old tyres in...

Having NEVER raised the spare wheel cover board and looked under it 😱.... I reckoned if the spare was a baldy scrapper then one of the 'good' wheels being chucked out could be swapped in 🤔

No need to worry 😁

Brand-new/unrun spare, full toolkit [in factory Hessian bag] + NO WATER in well 👍

...... we'll forget about that now, then 🤣


  • 2 weeks later...

What A Beautiful Day ☀️

Popped over to Penrith for lunch....

Geezze 😯... Bit snowy about Hartside ⛷️



Aye..... Grand Day Out




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Well, well, well... 🙄

You drive into Morrisons for a fill-up and whatdy find abandoned on the pump plinth.. yupp 2 of em!



..... So now I've two. @loserone + this one 🥂🥳.


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Rather sad sight (for 2.5seconds 😯)

Hauling up the stretch from the end of Washington highway onto the A1.... Following a large artic - not rushing it, everyone howling past us...

I spotted a rabbit, just going (.... trying 😢) over the kerb into the undergrowth with a mashed up/dragging leg = big boyo just squashed it!

Probably death throes TBH...

Ah well



At some times of year you will struggle to drive 5 miles here without flattening a rabbit.  

2 minutes ago, loserone said:

At some times of year you will struggle to drive 5 miles here without flattening a rabbit.  

I remember a holiday near Balmoral in the mid 90s during the summer. We set out of an early morning fishing trip and it was impossible to avoid the rabbits, they were everywhere 

I'm not into killing them for fun but I got at least half a dozen on that morning drive. Poor buggers - death by Triumph Acclaim. 

1 minute ago, grogee said:

killing them for fun

Not with the car, but if they're in the garden eating our fruit trees / bushes / shrubs then they're fair game with the air rifle.


Don't think my Southern soft heart could shoot a wabbit, but rats would be fine...

  • 3 weeks later...

@loserone.. well, today, MrGetz got a run through the Brushes of Doom and emerged with no noticeable increase in paint defects 👍.

As he's so *shiny/glazing unmuddied, I went into StikkaMode 😎....



2k more until oil + filter is due....

The kind contribution of an AdBloo drum will make that a <🙀> less messy enterprise ✔️

Cheers M9


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  • 2 weeks later...

MrGetz jostling with other 'runners n riders' @Gosforth MacciD...




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Normally keeping a look-out for pheasants, kamikaze traffic dodging....

Always warmed by the sight of big, fat hens scratching around in the grass margins... when passing farms....

TODAY 🙀 .... Was truly a Red Letter Day 🤪

.... Zipping along, coming into the back of Morpeth along by the golf course, I make a nice neat slice on a blind left >> tracing the white margin line, no drama >> lo and behold an ffinn HERON is standing on the very verge... Like a statue, unblinking...

I slotted past...

Very Impressive 😎


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Summertime just round the corner.....

My 'it WAS on the day I bought it' non-functioning A/C needs looking at 😯....



He's dropping into my street 11am tomorrow... No Charge pre-check.

Getz are notorious for degassing at the 'rubber pipe ferrule' onto the compressor...

We will see how it goes (hopefully not IN & straight OUT 🤣🤣).


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My i10 is waiting on me deciding to get a replacement condensor, as it has been for 3 summers now!

37 minutes ago, egg said:

My i10 is waiting on me deciding to get a replacement condensor, as it has been for 3 summers now!

Ha Ha..... Precissimmo 😉

My WVM Pug had A/C.... Froze me and generated savage 'cotton mouth'🤪.... Drove with the pass window 1" down to 'bleed away chilled air' = seems pointless 🙄.

SWMBO deffo 'not happy', being baked in SuziQ.... A/C firmly top of her purchase agenda with MrGetz...

We Will See...



Odd one today..... 😯

Trickling round the north slip, onto A1(M) @Birtley services and >>>> stumble,stumble, chunter as if on 3, [dead throttle] .... Drop cog [4 into 2] boot it >>> vroommm 😃. Not FBW, has cable.

EML is now flashing.....

Drive another 1/2mile, engine pulling fine....

EML goes out = stays out 😵‍💫

.... W.T..actual..F is up 🤔



The chronic cheapskate in me has forced my hand..... 🙀



This POS, from an '07 1.6 Hyundai Coupe @£17 delivered....



..... Rather than a NEW one @£35+

We Will See


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  • Confused 1

Uh Oh..... 🙀

Battery OUT + connectors splintering Tae Fcuk.... 😐

Deffo a sunny day job!


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...... Sensible precaution @£5.50 delivered 😉





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You've just spent half the savings of buying a used part?

12 minutes ago, loserone said:

You've just spent half the savings of buying a used part?

Yeah.... The crappy connectors MIGHT not go ping.

The number listed on Fleebay, otoh, says 'aye, buy a lotto ticket M8' 😕

Don't come included with a brand new one either 🙄...



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£14 well spent 😉




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Ahh..... Seem to be burning clean 😉




...... however 🤔


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Well Well Well.....

Grumble /miss /shunt /chuntering GONE!

🚙💨 😎

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