Split_Pin Posted April 12, 2022 Posted April 12, 2022 I presume you've used Cataclean, taken the Audi for a spirited drive and then got them to test it again when it's red hot? That's my usual, initial approach!
TrabbieRonnie Posted April 12, 2022 Author Posted April 12, 2022 On 12/04/2022 at 07:21, Split_Pin said: I presume you've used Cataclean, taken the Audi for a spirited drive and then got them to test it again when it's red hot? That's my usual, initial approach! Expand Yes, my cars are always well-warmed up for the test(!), and it had a bottle of cataclean through beforehand too. He even let me away for a burn at the end of the test, and immediately tried again on my return, but alas. Still waiting for the probes, I'm quite hopeful it's them being past their best, as I say, she definitely starts and runs differently after cleaning them, so something changed... With that and the fuel pressure regulator replaced, I'll try again, he's usually very, very helpful, so I need to make a bit of the running this time! If running cool old cars was easy, everyone would be doing it! Matty and Split_Pin 2
TrabbieRonnie Posted April 17, 2022 Author Posted April 17, 2022 Happy Easter! Might be getting somewhere with the wee Audi's emissions... and as usual me being an idiot could be the culprit. During the Mazda's oil-burning woes, I used four of the Coupe's plugs to replace the coked up ones in the 323. In order to prevent ingress of shite into the Audi's cylinders, I temporarily fitted the Mazda's old ones therein. They fit, are the same length etc, and run fine... hence me forgetting I'd done it! They are, however, a totally different heat range to the Audi's NGK Iridium jobbies. I removed them yesterday, to find the four Mazda ones covered in white furry deposits (too hot according to t'interweb). Replaced with originals now, starting and running well, so I'll book her back in this week sometime. Of course, I only got to thinking about the plugs after obtaining and replacing the air filter, fuel pressure regulator and both Lambda probes... Wee Mazda itself... Still waiting for the locksmith guy to arrive, in the meantime I tracked down a couple of key blanks online. I've let him know, so this should speed it up a bit when he gets round to us. Otherwise, I think I could get keys cut anywhere now(?), with the correct blanks, the VIN, proof of ownership etc. Be good to get the young 'un out in his car, he starts his uni course in September, and we'd like him well used to driving before that, as he'll be all over the country. Had the week from hell at work, so the cars, although progressing very slowly, have been a nice wind-down/distraction anyway. As have the old motorbikes, don't like to post without pics, so have some of them... Cheers all. Split_Pin, Dyslexic Viking, Saabnut and 2 others 5
Split_Pin Posted April 17, 2022 Posted April 17, 2022 Hopefully that will sort the Audis emissions! Those bikes look like a hell of a lot of fun.
TrabbieRonnie Posted April 22, 2022 Author Posted April 22, 2022 Hi all, Can't seem to get anywhere with the cars at the minute, so have come on here to grump about it...! Audi Coupe... Still failing emissions. I have ordered a stainless centre box/resonator/silencer to cut in to my home made straight-through exhaust. It's the only obvious thing changed since it last passed the MOT, I wonder if the engine needs the back pressure to run 'properly'... it runs great btw, just rich apparently. Maybe a new cat after that? Running out of ideas tbh, my mechanic says that the injectors, if original, have done pretty well to last 210k, so could be worn. However, he also said that he can usually hear if that's the case, ie the engine would run rough. This one is silky smooth, but maybe they're worn enough to let too much fuel through, but all worn evenly? Who knows... Mazda disazda... The saga continues. Have been consistently let down by the local auto locksmith, and it seems to be a very specialised industry round these parts. I must have phoned a dozen guys, only to be redirected to the one I've been trying to get since the start! Anyway, I decided to bypass the ignition lock tonight, I really wanted to get it running after sitting fully re-assembled for two weeks doing nothing. I carefully removed the steering wheel cowl, and unscrewed the switch from the back of the lock. This left me with a screwdriver-turnable slot, excellent. The plugs were out, and coil lead disconnected. I sprayed a small amount of wd40 down the bores to prevent a dry run after sitting so long. Turning the 'key' resulted in a lovely smooth turnover. Encouraging stuff, that spurred me on to fitting the plugs and going for a start. It sounded exactly like it always did, an instant away from starting, then stopped. I assumed it was still pulling fuel up to the injectors, so tried again... At this point, it spun very briefly, went 'pop', and SHEARED IT'S CAMSHAFT PULLEY BOLT!!! before dropping the pulley itself overboard. Farrrk. I stress that I have never touched this bolt, but presumably the machine shop did in order to change the seal behind the pulley. The wee bit left in the camshaft was easy enough to remove at least, and when placed together, the bolt looks waisted. I wonder if they overtorqued/half sheared it, and then the shock of combustion finished it off... The pulley is located by a pin that sticks out into a cut-out on it, as it's come loose, the pulley has ridden over and smushed this pin over. Some damage to the pulley has occurred... This is all pretty gutting. Confusing also, because Mazda's b3 engine is supposed to be non-interference. Yet, when investigating the failure and trying to turn the camshaft by it's flats, the valves were clearly touching the pistons. Half a turn on the crank allowed free movement again, so hopefully nothing's bent. In summary, I think the pulley let go, slipped on the camshaft, and as things moved out of time, the pistons jammed against the valves. It hadn't actually started, so I am hoping against hope that it's all ok in there. I can only assume that the head being skimmed has brought valve interference into the realms of the possible, or that a valve stuck/dropped. No springs look to be broken, all collets are present and correct, and with the pistons out the way, it all moves around ok? Weird. Now need to source a pulley bolt and pin for a 30 year old motor, before trying again. Bugger. Edit... Turns out the Haynes manual knows it's an interference engine, so that explains that bit. Back_For_More, Tickman, Dyslexic Viking and 6 others 1 1 7
TrabbieRonnie Posted April 24, 2022 Author Posted April 24, 2022 Phew! Was losing my car mojo a wee bit, but remembered I have a Trabant... https://youtube.com/shorts/THlPkBWjKG4?feature=share Feel better now 👍 320touring, Matty, Bear and 5 others 8
Matty Posted April 24, 2022 Posted April 24, 2022 On 17/04/2022 at 08:53, TrabbieRonnie said: Happy Easter! Might be getting somewhere with the wee Audi's emissions... and as usual me being an idiot could be the culprit. During the Mazda's oil-burning woes, I used four of the Coupe's plugs to replace the coked up ones in the 323. In order to prevent ingress of shite into the Audi's cylinders, I temporarily fitted the Mazda's old ones therein. They fit, are the same length etc, and run fine... hence me forgetting I'd done it! They are, however, a totally different heat range to the Audi's NGK Iridium jobbies. I removed them yesterday, to find the four Mazda ones covered in white furry deposits (too hot according to t'interweb). Replaced with originals now, starting and running well, so I'll book her back in this week sometime. Of course, I only got to thinking about the plugs after obtaining and replacing the air filter, fuel pressure regulator and both Lambda probes... Wee Mazda itself... Still waiting for the locksmith guy to arrive, in the meantime I tracked down a couple of key blanks online. I've let him know, so this should speed it up a bit when he gets round to us. Otherwise, I think I could get keys cut anywhere now(?), with the correct blanks, the VIN, proof of ownership etc. Be good to get the young 'un out in his car, he starts his uni course in September, and we'd like him well used to driving before that, as he'll be all over the country. Had the week from hell at work, so the cars, although progressing very slowly, have been a nice wind-down/distraction anyway. As have the old motorbikes, don't like to post without pics, so have some of them... Cheers all. Expand Ohhh TY? I had a Honda TLM when I was a kid.
TrabbieRonnie Posted April 24, 2022 Author Posted April 24, 2022 On 24/04/2022 at 18:56, Matty said: Ohhh TY? I had a Honda TLM when I was a kid. Expand Hi Matty, no it's a 1978/79 DT50 M. I had a 1985 model in my youth, and it's very similar, same bike really... Great wee bikes to learn on. Matty 1
Split_Pin Posted April 24, 2022 Posted April 24, 2022 Bummer re the Audi emissions, they can be a right head scratcher to sort. Is it coil pack or dizzy and rotor on these?
TrabbieRonnie Posted April 24, 2022 Author Posted April 24, 2022 On 24/04/2022 at 19:42, Split_Pin said: Bummer re the Audi emissions, they can be a right head scratcher to sort. Is it coil pack or dizzy and rotor on these? Expand Coil pack, a mysterious and ominous black box! Split_Pin 1
Split_Pin Posted April 24, 2022 Posted April 24, 2022 Is it something like VCDS these can be plugged into or are they too old? Mine has a 'modern' 5v engine so I think it's VAG.com for that. A pisser either way though
TrabbieRonnie Posted April 24, 2022 Author Posted April 24, 2022 On 24/04/2022 at 20:11, Split_Pin said: Is it something like VCDS these can be plugged into or are they too old? Mine has a 'modern' 5v engine so I think it's VAG.com for that. A pisser either way though Expand Yeah, I have the VCDS for the big Audi mainly, but I did buy a lead to fit the Coupe... Shows nothing untoward, no fault codes and lambda readouts look good ( they're supposed to be around 1 apparently?). We'll get there in the end! Trabbies are of course exempt from emissions testing, so the race is on to see what gets back on the road first! Split_Pin 1
Split_Pin Posted April 24, 2022 Posted April 24, 2022 Aye from memory of a similar war with an old Cavalier last year, 1 is Lambda. There was an Eastern Bloc car meet at the Riverside Museum in Glasgow today, sad I missed it. Lots of Trabants and Wartburgs I believe!
TrabbieRonnie Posted April 24, 2022 Author Posted April 24, 2022 On 24/04/2022 at 20:52, Split_Pin said: Aye from memory of a similar war with an old Cavalier last year, 1 is Lambda. There was an Eastern Bloc car meet at the Riverside Museum in Glasgow today, sad I missed it. Lots of Trabants and Wartburgs I believe! Expand Have often meant to come down for that one, tend to enjoy the smaller car meets more than the big shows now though. DB's/Foad's is on my list at the moment, looks a great selection/turnout. Split_Pin 1
Split_Pin Posted April 24, 2022 Posted April 24, 2022 Aye I'm planning to come to the next one too. I don't like bigger car shows or meets, I'd rather go to small informal ones where I can talk to folk. TrabbieRonnie 1
Bear Posted April 24, 2022 Posted April 24, 2022 On 24/04/2022 at 18:35, TrabbieRonnie said: Phew! Was losing my car mojo a wee bit, but remembered I have a Trabant... https://youtube.com/shorts/THlPkBWjKG4?feature=share Feel better now 👍 Expand Deja vu, we're hanging out in the same spaces it seems! TrabbieRonnie 1
TrabbieRonnie Posted April 27, 2022 Author Posted April 27, 2022 MUCH EXCITE! Hi all, I am taking a lunch break from the cars, on this beautiful Speyside day. I have had the day off work, as all my car parts have come in, and I'd much rather do that than work. Rosie the Trabbi... Running well as previously reported, but front nearside brake was not happy. On (and smoking) or off altogether were the options available. To access the offending cylinder requires hub removal, which is a massive pita without the proper puller. I had slightly loosened the hubnut, and spent some time battering her up and down a local rutted track, trying in vain to crack the hub off a bit, or work the cylinder back into life. No success, but great fun trying! https://youtu.be/THlPkBWjKG4 Anyway, bled the brake thoroughly today and mashed the pedal repeatedly in frustration, and hey presto!!!! Even stoppage capability is once again restored. Mazda 323... Why not start with the money shot...! received_396966095637704.mp4Fetching info... Tickman, AnnoyingPentium, Split_Pin and 1 other 4
TrabbieRonnie Posted April 27, 2022 Author Posted April 27, 2022 Managed to replace the original mullered locating pin for the cam pulley, by drilling and tapping the shaft, and using a cut-down 6mm bolt as a stud. All at 180 degrees from the original position... In pictures... Running spot on, just to put the cooling system back together and watch like a hawk for a wee while! Big relief here at Trabi Towers 👍 Split_Pin, Dyslexic Viking, Tickman and 7 others 10
tom13 Posted April 27, 2022 Posted April 27, 2022 Love the Trabant and that Fantic. Is it a 200? TrabbieRonnie 1
Split_Pin Posted April 27, 2022 Posted April 27, 2022 Nice work on the cam pulley man! TrabbieRonnie 1
TrabbieRonnie Posted April 27, 2022 Author Posted April 27, 2022 On 27/04/2022 at 14:59, tom13 said: Love the Trabant and that Fantic. Is it a 200? Expand I think it's a F430? Which somehow denotes it's 80cc's... It's great fun wringing it's neck through the woods!
TrabbieRonnie Posted April 27, 2022 Author Posted April 27, 2022 Oh well... Joy was pretty short lived with the Mazda. With the coolant in I was able to run her longer, and as soon as she started to warm up the smoke was back, big time. Let her run for 10 minutes, but can't really keep doing that as it's filling the street. White, acrid oily smoke, nothing in the coolant now, so believe the head gasket is holding. Can only imagine something's cracked that opens up when warm? I had the pistons in my hands and didn't notice anything, but I suppose there could be something? I definitely put the rings in right way up, and placed the gaps as per the Haynes manual. Towards the end of the run, she started to cough a little, and there is oil on the spark plug insulators. I oiled everything up pretty good on assembly, I'm wondering if that's the wrong thing to do, seemed natural to lube it all as much as possible. Could it just be that and oil out the exhaust from it burning so much before? Will do a compression test when I've got a tester, but not looking good... Tickman and Dyslexic Viking 2
TrabbieRonnie Posted May 1, 2022 Author Posted May 1, 2022 Hi all, Audi Coupe emissions appear to be greatly improved! No smell of fuel from exhaust! Can it be? Spent my day welding in a centre box/resonator to my stainless straight-through home brew zorst... I had read that too little back pressure can lead to rich running, and it certainly appears that was the case here. The MOT will tell for sure, but I'm pretty confident now (famous last words, but this run of luck has to change soon?!) Pics of install... Do not zoom in on welding, I am on emergency nightshift cover due to COVID absences at work, so finesse was not on the cards today! T'was bought on eBay from MIJ exhausts in the Midlands, great price and delivery again. I'd bought the wrong size pipe diameter (70mm instead of the required 60), but it fettled in ok. Rosie the Trabbi has been scrubbed, she needs some bodywork TLC, but nothing drastic. Just need to spray up the new bumpers, fit 'em, and she can follow the Coupe to the MOT man. Pic showing test paint of bumpers, using that chrome spray that never comes out very 'chromey', perfect methinks... Plan on compression testing the Maz tomorrow, still formulating a plan of attack there. If it does need a new head, I have deduced that the 1.3 Demio uses the same single cam lump, and will maybe be after a spares or repairs one of them... Anyway, onwards! Dyslexic Viking, Coprolalia and Split_Pin 3
TrabbieRonnie Posted May 7, 2022 Author Posted May 7, 2022 Audi still refusing to play the game... emissions good in three of the four categories, but lambda still out by miles. I have her booked in with MOT man for a new cat on Tuesday, and I'm hoping he'll just pass it after that. This was the view as I pulled up for the test this morning... He was pulling out the beemer after it's test, and the Hillman(?) was in for a front wing rust repair. Rosie, at least is progressing nicely... bumpers on and reverse and fog mounted, means that although scruffy, at least she's complete. Doggo approved... Cheers all. captain_70s, Saabnut, Dyslexic Viking and 3 others 6
Crackers Posted May 8, 2022 Posted May 8, 2022 On 20/02/2022 at 21:40, TrabbieRonnie said: My work project this week. It's a Dorman V12 28 litre, twin turbo diesel Expand That definitely tickles my industrial equipment pickle. Sounds good enough in the video, but like all these old things, I bet it makes a noise that would raise hell when you start letting some amps through it. TrabbieRonnie 1
Split_Pin Posted May 8, 2022 Posted May 8, 2022 Shame the Audi is being a bugger, emissions can be a right old head scratcher. Progress on 3 out of 4 categories being OK though! TrabbieRonnie 1
TrabbieRonnie Posted May 8, 2022 Author Posted May 8, 2022 On 08/05/2022 at 13:32, Crackers said: That definitely tickles my industrial equipment pickle. Sounds good enough in the video, but like all these old things, I bet it makes a noise that would raise hell when you start letting some amps through it. Expand Yes it does! Hasn't been used in anger for years and years though... I'm always desperate to do so, but the power always comes back on too fast! 😅 Crackers 1
TrabbieRonnie Posted May 9, 2022 Author Posted May 9, 2022 Right, a plan has been formulated, the wee Maz will hit the highway again one way or the other! It's desire to burn oil despite the cylinder head and rings having been done, leads me to believe something must be cracked. Sad times. However, I have sourced an engine using the power of eBay, and it will be delivered to our northern outpost by the end of the week potentially. It's previous home was under the bonnet of a 2000 Mazda Demio, which used the old 1.3 SOHC lump after the 323 had moved on to bigger and better things. This is what I hope anyway, I have done much internet research, it is definitely the same basic lump, but no doubt there will be myriad small differences to get my head around. I don't know for example, if the Demio always used a rotor cap n' dizzy? All the pics I've seen say yes... The inlet/injection manifold looks totally different, I'm just hoping it mounts up the same! Time will tell of course, but hopefully I'll be able to make a good unit out of the two I'll have. In it's favour, it has 62,000 miles on it, was driven by the owner of the breakers yard (who assures me it ran fine🤞), and is mine for £300 delivered. I have to tell you guys about it cos everyone else thinks I'm mad! Old cars eh? Dyslexic Viking, JMotor, Coprolalia and 2 others 5
Split_Pin Posted May 9, 2022 Posted May 9, 2022 Fingers crossed the short engine will be the same and you can just fire all the ancillaries in! TrabbieRonnie 1
TrabbieRonnie Posted May 12, 2022 Author Posted May 12, 2022 Replacement Mazda lump arrived today, very quick despatch! Yeah, need to get the jeep fixed really... Plenty of room though! Looks right, will get a better inspection of it on Saturday. Onwards! Dyslexic Viking, RayMK, Split_Pin and 1 other 4
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