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Tickety Boo - MOT through - Ohdearme’s turn of the century emporium


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Not touched the Mondy, a bunch of stuff arrived for the Galaxy so I contented myself tinkering on that.


First thing, trying to fix the heater.


Melty fuse may give a clue...



Swapped in a new 25A but no joy so I room to replacing the heater unit with one I’d got off eBay.


Was from an Alhambra so a bit of fiddling to switch backlighting frame from red to green and then suck it in and tried it out.




Not working :( but at least the fuse hasn’t melted so next step is the hedgehog.


Pbk has left a ton of bits in the car so I fitted the replacement cup holder he’d got in the glove box.


Centre console has to be lifted out as the unit slots in underneath but it’s only 4 screws.




Ta da!



I noticed the coin trays were grotted up so forced a baby wipe through to clean em out. God knows what they put in them but they can clean anything.






Buddy seems to like it, this is the face I was given when e was told to come out...




It’s doing it’s first proper task tomorrow, getting a load of firewood from the garden centre so last job as putting it into Murder Van configuration.



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Looking forward to this being raffled off shortly.

Lol, I’ve got building work and a ton of winter jobs to do so this will be staying at least over Xmas...


I’m probably going to punt the Mondy on at about £5.50 a pop once some of the other roffles have gone, not fair just undercutting peeps that have cars to shift and mid roffle.

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If the locking wheel bolts have the spinning collar get a BIG hammer and a Big cold chisel and smash the bolt on the edge so that the collar breaks,

Then a socket hammered on what left,

Had to do my Sons Corsa when the key brokepost-17569-0-26445300-1542187894_thumb.jpgpost-17569-0-07090800-1542187924_thumb.jpgpost-17569-0-75780800-1542187946_thumb.jpg

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Finding the load space most palletable*


Seats out and collecting free firewood.



The whisky tour is off owing to illness in my mates immediate family but I’m still taking the Red Baron north to Grangemouth so started on some of the bits.




Swapped the air filter out and couldn’t decide if this was 20 yers of dirt or a disintegrated sponge filter at the base of the oil breather pipe that feeds into the box.




I’d imagine there should be something there due to the moulding in the box. Should I find a new sponge for this or leave it open?


Answers on a postcard please!


As airbox was off, I took the rest of the air feed off to get at the brake fluid reservoir. Actually a doddle.

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The brake fluid light was on at collection and now I could see the reservior, it was a little* low but at least ok fluid.




It was more of a faff trying to get just enough fluid in a small enough bottle I could manoeuvre under the bonnet to pour it in without getting it everywhere.


Used a can of carb cleaner on the greasy rocker gasket yesterday, hasn’t wept much today so I’ll do that after the big run up north. Ifnts not broken, don’t fix it is my view.


Topping up the reservoir fixed the warning so that’s another thing fixerated and a £23 refund on insurance over the saab.

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Glad it turned out easier than it looked. I didn't get round to doing much with the removable seats. The locking recesses were bugging me re: cleaning out. 


There is some space in these beasts isn't there.

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Ideally wants a bit of sponge fitting in the corner of the air box, something to do with the crankcase breather.

Suspected as much so I’ve peeled the foam layer off the old air filter and stuck a bit of that in front of the breather hole in the box. Can’t imagine it will restrict air any more than the crumbled wodge of detritus that was there before.

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Did you get the front cig lighter thingy working yet?

I’ve not yet tested the cig lighter but will put something in to test it shortly. I got some new heater controls and swapped over the fan switchgear (before realising you had one in the glovebox and must have tried this already!) with no joy, it’s like there’s no power to the fan.


I was sat following the wiring diagrams in the back of the HBOL to see what’s what to sort the blower and the cig lighter but will do a proper job of checking after the weekend is over and done with.

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I wonder how many cars still do this? I discovered that if you quarter turn the key when unlocking the car, much like my old MK3 Cavalier used to, the electric windows all open.


I was not as pleased at this revelation as you might think, since I discovered this when the lock went stiff and the key got stuck in the drivers door during the school run.


A little bit of WD40 may be in order.


I reckon the wife and kids will get attached to the big red bus "It's so high up daddy, I can see lots of things!" but in the event I come to sell it some time in the new year, you can have first refusal.


I'll even clean out the grot from the seat lugs.

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The whisky tour is off owing to illness in my mates immediate family but I’m still taking the Red Baron north to Grangemouth

Such a pretty town, why on earth are you coming here ?



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Such a pretty town, why on earth are you coming here ?



Wife has friends that live there so I’ve no choice as the designated driver. I was all for dropping them off and heading north but at least I’ve a day to myself tomorrow up there so open to suggestions on what to do (taking a train east or west ir the galaxy north for an explore is the obvious answer).


Anything worth seeing up there besides the Kelpies?

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In the local area, we have


Linlithgow palace

Boness steam railway and museum

The Falkirk wheel

The Dunmore Pineapple

The Kelpies

all of which you could fit into one day


There's tons of stuff to do in Edinburgh or Glasgow, both less than an hour away. if the weather is pish, Glasgows Riverside transport museum or the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh are excellent options.


Knockhill is only thirty miles away, not sure if there'll be anything on tomorrow though


I'll be stuck at work all day :(

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Destination achieved.


Stuffed a tank of vpower in on the off chance it would cure a bit of low revs stuttering. No dice.


It did however make my blue high beam indicator start working on the dash?


Otherwise uneventful except for the episode where the pish started to come down in Scotland in sufficient quantity to warrant wipers but, as I discovered with some alarm, just below the threshold required to lubricate the wipers across the screen without them dragging and twatting into each other with a god almighty crunch.


Thankfully nothing was lost off the vehicle and FTP was avoided but I did spend the next 5 miles gingerly tapping the down wiper to clear the screen when I thought it wet enough.



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Stuffed a tank of vpower in on the off chance it would cure a bit of low revs stuttering. No dice. Bit of crap in the tank? Maybe new filter needed? Did you do a plug change?

It did however make my blue high beam indicator start working on the dash? It wasn't before? Hmm.

Otherwise uneventful except for the episode where the pish started to come down in Scotland in sufficient quantity to warrant wipers but, as I discovered with some alarm, just below the threshold required to lubricate the wipers across the screen without them dragging and twatting into each other with a god almighty crunch. Eeeek, didn't Furd have to do a change to the wiper set up on these?

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Wouldn't be down to any of that crumbly foam-shite would it? That looked horrible :(

It’s fine a full chat, just a bit lumpy. I reckon the breather pipe could do with replacing or a squirt through with petrol, at 20 years it’s probably chock full of crap.


Have new plugs but didn’t pop them in as didn’t get chance before having to set off.


Will be Sunday nights job.

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Stuffed a tank of vpower in on the off chance it would cure a bit of low revs stuttering. No dice. Bit of crap in the tank?



I don't see how shitting in the tank is going to help here.


Do these have a MAF sensor? Perhaps that could do with a spray with some contact cleaner or similar.


I've found some Fords to be quite sensitive to spark plug age/condition/type so fingers crossed the new plugs will sort it.

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Got as far as Aviemore, pottered around and came back for tea with the missus and kids.


Not bad than A9 road now. Average speed camera everywhere but hardly a factor in this thing.


Some rain and hills



Some sun and hills



A smoll distillery





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