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WANTED pug 106 1.5D or Citroen AX 1.5D


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Due to the recent visit of a bunch of c***s to my Pug 106 1.5D  (a fine purchase from Rusty_Rocket of this parish)  resulting in a well bent passenger door, broken locks, wrecked dashboard, destroyed wiring harness etc the car has had to been consigned to the scrappy.


So now I am need of a replacement which can traverse the length of Frogland on less than a tank of  fuel there so that'll be another Pug 106 1.5D or it's plastic sister an AX 1.5D.  So any CHEAP but mobile 106 1.5D  and am willing to travel a bit. 


Here is nicer times at my sun-drenched Iberian country derelict shed. 



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A ZX or 306 1.9 non-turbo D will achieve almost the same economy as the 106/ax/spaxo 1.5D and is a lot more comfortable to drive longer distances.  Worth considering?  ZX 1.9D's come up for peanuts fairly regularly.

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Grate Mynds .........................


Here is a picture of my ZX 1.9D in the same Iberian derelict shed parking spot but it definitely used more fuel to get there and back and there and back and there and back etc.



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Grate Mynds numero deux.................... 



But I have a similar 1.9D renner - with the Sigmund Fraud veg option - which is illegals in Iberia so is used here when not suffering from random FTP devil electrical spaghetti connector fires.  The PUG would need to spend time parked in the backstreets of Lisbon which are walking distance to the Airport, like the previous Pug, for the odd month or two with only a small dashboard solar panel for company. Never gets broken into or damaged.



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Can't help with a replacement car I'm afraid, but can confirm that 106 diesels are ludicrously good on fuel. I've just done a 420 mile round trip to Yorkshire and back in mine on 6 gallons...and the (albeit very vague) fuel gauge seems to be claiming that it's got a smidge more in than before I put the 6 gallons in!

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I drove it 1000 miles in a day to the Czech Republic last year. I mean don’t get me wrong, I wanted to top myself after that, but the car, sorry, sports van did fine.



It also does approx one million miles to the gallon, and all the parts are cheap.


Zero pictures but I'' think you'll agree the advert paints a thousand pictures. 



Taking a look and 106 diesels seem to be getting thin on the ground and fetching a decent price, last time I looked 6 months ago you could pick one up for £250-300 

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