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My spottings, old and new - woodie

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Back street garages and tyre places are a treasure trove for old shite.


Behold 1978 Honda Accord!1078e9188bc97549aab9e352f9be720a.jpg


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Back street garages and tyre places are a treasure trove for old shite.

Behold 1978 Honda Accord!1078e9188bc97549aab9e352f9be720a.jpg....

Isn't that the same one which was on eBay some months ago? Real timewarp car.


I've seen that white Granada round Chelmsford a few times but never managed to get a picture of it

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This is the bollocks and I want it. Not often I say that about a Merc.


46117966715_7942ae16f6_k.jpg20190206_142636 by RS, on Flickr


Admire the length


46117965355_8c5a13b51d_k.jpg20190206_142645 by RS, on Flickr


47031720791_a62633d574_k.jpg20190206_142656 by RS, on Flickr


Shiny but I suspect not an original 23 window


32089357577_1f2bf8e841_k.jpg20190206_142328 by RS, on Flickr


46978833072_22d1eb346c_k.jpg20190206_142317 by RS, on Flickr


2.1 Diesel bogger spec Granny, lovely!


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46933083252_9bfc00f7b0_k.jpg20190204_182020 by RS, on Flickr


46016737895_413cf102e4_k.jpg20190130_170605 by RS, on Flickr

  • Like 1
  • 5 months later...

I haven't posted on this thread in a while but I've seen some interesting stuff lately - might be the odd crossover with the dumped car thread to follow;


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Minty Land Cruiser


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My boss spotted this on the continent somewhere


48310563726_72195dd723_b.jpgIMG-20190715-WA0003 by RS, on Flickr

48310675657_7ccf9e5329_b.jpgIMG-20190715-WA0002 by RS, on Flickr


En route to European Bug In I think


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I keep trying to get my mrs to sniff the vents on this, as air cooled engines smell so good. She thinks I'm mad


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This Monaco is really nice!


47689233792_4c706f3ed6_k.jpg20190430_095537 by RS, on Flickr

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Young pretender


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Park it like ya stole it


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Space now occupied by the green Avenger up there somewhere ^^^


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Thing that brings us up to date

  • Like 5

Some great spots there.  I recognise a few of the locals. 


Nice one.  Where is the SD1?  Not the road or address obviously, Just mean what area like...


It's in Runwell - personally I'd say Wickford but I've been corrected!


And there's one similar looking in Chelmsford.. The guy with the 101 Victor also had an F-type but that might have gone 


I don't like Mercs as a rule. But I definately would! 


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