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Taxi Paul's Peugeot 206 Coupe Convertible: Voiture de crimpeur.

Guest Breadvan72

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Guest Breadvan72

42 is a freebie ticket for pompei junior.  


pompei, your kid now owns a clapped out French foof-mobile.  I bet that will make him/her number one popular kid at school.


You will have to arrange for your own social welfare counselling services, sorry.


Anyway, the car is well illegal to drive, so no harm in having it collected and driven off down the motorway by someone too young to have a driving licence.  Easter hols next week? 


Or, if your beloved child was just kidding and now wants to kill you for winning this car, give it to Wilson.

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I have just told Mrs P about this.  "We never win anything!" was her retort. "So why this?"  


"Ask him if there is a cash alternative...."


The youngster is asleep at the minute.  I did plan on waking him with the good news but was warned off.

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Guest Breadvan72

I have just told Mrs P about this.  "We never win anything!" was her retort. "So why this?"  


"Ask him if there is a cash alternative...."


The youngster is asleep at the minute.  I did plan on waking him with the good news but was warned off.


1.  A fair question.


2.  Cash alternative is you pay me a million quid, otherwise I have the car HIABed to your place tomorrow morning.


3.  Good parenting.

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2. Cash alternative is you pay me a million quid, otherwise I have the car HIABed to your place tomorrow morning.


If I knew there was free transport in moving it, I'd bought more tickets. :P

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Guest Breadvan72

The DEC website was on the blink so I have just sent £360 to Unicef.  With Gift Aid, this will be £504, so well done you lot.




Thank you for your generous donation of £ 360.00 to UNICEF's work for children.

If you’d like to help even more, we’d love for you to fill in this short 2-3 minute survey, about how we can improve our website.

Your kind gift will help Unicef's work for children and families affected by the East Africa famine.

Unicef is the world’s leading children's organisation, working in more than 190 countries. We receive no funding from the United Nations budget and rely entirely on voluntary donations from valued supporters like you.

On behalf of everyone at Unicef UK and all those who will benefit from your gift, thank you.

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Guest Breadvan72

PS: winner of the best message accompanying payment was puplebargeken, viz:



here's the final payment for the 12 month sub to Bald Badgers Magazine. I must say it's been worth every penny. Those bald badgers need all the fur they can get. Hugs PBK.

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The DEC website was on the blink so I have just sent £360 to Unicef.  With Gift Aid, this will be £504, so well done you lot.

I wish I could like this twice. Brilliant thing you have done here mate.

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Guest Breadvan72

One punter has still to pay for his ticket.  He knows who he is, I assume.  I do, but I ain't sayin'.


Dude, pay up, or I will summon the Autoshite Fairies to cast a spell and turn all your cars into rusty shitheaps.  Oh, hang on ...


EDIT: actually two non payers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have an undamaged front wing for this, free to anyone who can collect. 

Having been unable to log in for over two weeks and nothing in my pm box, does the new owner want the wings?


If not I have been contacted by another Autoshiter asking if they can have them, so please let me know asap. thanks.

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Did the second-chance collection get arranged for this or not?

(We've lost a few posts on the matter.) I'm still up for saving it if it hasn't gone yet. :)

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Guest Breadvan72

To reiterate a point that I made earlier (the post was lost in the wash last week), as the roffle ended up not working out as planned, if anyone who bought a ticket wants his or her money back, please say so.  I donated the proceeds to Unicef, but let me know.    The two honest but forgetful types who forgot* to pay for their tickets remain welcome to pay, or not, as they wish.  I am betting on not.

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Have you PMed them? They may have genuinely forgot, if not then I think a name and shame is fair - if only for the protection of other Rofflers.

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Guest Breadvan72

Back when the roffle happened (some time a year or two ago), I went very carefully through the list and made sure that I had not failed to notice some payments.  There were deffo two non payers.  I did not keep a careful note and now cannot be sure which two they were, and I am not minded in any event to do any slagging off.


Yes, they may just have forgotten that they had entered a raffle for a crap old car on the internet, because most of us do that about twenty times a day, and might easily forget doing so in the hurly burly of our modern lives. Or, they decided to see if they had won before paying, or (more* charitably) forgot to pay until after the draw, and then, not having won, thought "screw that".  My bad for going to the draw before collecting every last penny.


I have a theory as to which of the possible events occurred, but it is only a theory. Anyway, life is too short to care about such tiny things.


In other news, a reputable and upstanding member of the Autoshiter World has not long ago driven off in the Peugeot. One of the best things about this place is that it helps you to meet people whom you almost invariably like a great deal from the instant you first speak.   OK, so today I met one of the cunts, but you can't win them all.


Sorry, bloke, just kidding!  Enjoy the drive.  Also the biscuits.

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Guest Breadvan72

PS: Photographage has been achieved, but the pics will be emailed by me to the collectioneer, and he can judge whether to uncloak himself and whether to share the pics with you lot.


At present, the Pug is believed to be somewhere on the M40 heading towards the M42 and points beyond.  Pez has been purchased.  The top is down.  Shades and a comedy hat are being worn. The CD player appears to be borked, but some massive cherhoonze are emitting from the radio.  

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That ^ is good news, glad it worked out in the end.


I also have a theory (which could probably be wrong) as to how someone forgot to pay... usually in previous roffles, a group PM is sent out to those on the list with payment info, this reminds folk what they've let themselves in for. However iirc, the p.pal address was posted publicly in this thread, and it could have been missed easily enough.

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Guest Breadvan72

Back on thread:  the Pug has arrived in a City that may or may not be regarded as Northern.  Its new owner is alleged to be tired but happy, after an afternoon spent connecting with his inner manicurist via the wonders of early noughties French automotive technology.  Also, biscuits.

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 I am very, very stupid, but not quite as stupid as some of you appear to think. 


I know for a fact you are a very, very intelligent person, contradicting what you think I think. If that's what you were thinking.

I think I have stupidly confused myself by overthinking this. Therefore I think I am more stupid than you. So I think I'm right. :)

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Guest Breadvan72

Awaiting the arrival of the collectioneer - one classical structure outside another, AKA one old heap outside another old heap.  One of these is a museum.  The other should be in one.









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Guest Breadvan72

PS - smoll car is smoll.  


206 CCs really are dinky.  I don't care who knows it:  I think they are ace cars.  Mrs BV and I shall miss having that old wreck at our place.  Also the blue Peugeot.

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