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How to shift a car to scrapyard


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All you need is them to complete the trade section of the V5 and you send it off - never give anyone a full V5


A certificate of destruction isn't mandatory.

Although if your car turns up burned out in a lay-by, you need to be able to prove you disposed of it properly.

The environment agency can fine YOU if you can't prove that you checked the credentials of whoever you transferred your waste to. It's like if a man offers to get rid of a load of your rubbish, and they trace some binbags found in the canal back to your address, it's on your head unless you can produce documentation.


Anyone can pre date a V5 and write scrapped across it, and everyone knows they take ages to process them

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Cannot understand why people put adverts on Gumtree without a phone number. Am I the last person in the UK who is still capable of using the spoken word as a means of communicating?

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Maybe I'm old fashioned. I like to ring up, speak, meet make a deal and I'm as good as my word. I can see why though, you must get bombarded with texts if you put a number.


In a roundabout way I'd have thought putting a phone number would encourage serious people to call up. The 'txt u' folks wouldn't have the bollocks to actually make a phone call, it's all done behind the semaphore of 'txt'.

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Would a 1.6 5 door zetec with expired MOT be of any interest at around the 60 quid mark? Runs fine but body work damage to front wing/bumper and rear quarter. Cars location Near Junction 25 of M1 Beeston. I will try to find some ebay quality photos.

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It sounded ok when I last heard it run. Its my Mrs workmates car I was offered it for the above as she now has a new Focus and I am known for dicking about with old cars!

Other than the damage from my brief inspection it looked ok no obvious corrosion the interior looked a bit ditched kids stuff etc. I believe cartakeback offered 40 quid, I was considering getting it and maybe fixing it up myself but they are not really worth a great deal and I have enough on. Then I saw your post and that seems a better alternative to it being fragged.

Day insurance and pre booked mot would have been my method of transport.

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Cannot understand why people put adverts on Gumtree without a phone number. Am I the last person in the UK who is still capable of using the spoken word as a means of communicating?

I have never put my phone number on either, it is the possibility of phonecalls at stupid times of the night that always deters me. If someone is serious about buying something then a reasonably worded email is a small sacrifice. 

All 200 2nite emails get the standard response of 'you haven't even seen it so you don't even know if it actually exists' 

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I've had a think, sorting out the insurance etc would be a faff so I'll leave it for meantime. Ive contacted the one local for sale and they've had an offer of £120 on it. Told them if it falls through or they get fucked about (believe it or not) to give us a bell and I'll take it away Friday night.

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Costs to add to policy, potential aggro of taking an untaxed unroadworthy vehicle through 35 miles worth of cameras rules it out I'm afraid. The one I'd looked at is taxed, tested and insured and 5 miles away - less potential to upset the constabulary...

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You paid £100 for that?! Are these cars really worth that little?


Youre probably going to keep it for yourself, but I'd have the alternator from you if you were prepared to sell it.

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It galls me in a way to break it, it's genuinely been a loved family car, new clutch fitted in November, £350 spent on repairing the air con back in 2014. That paint is a bit tatty but it's all solid. 90k on the clock. Tested until end of May. Very comfortable velour seats! The folks that sold it were sad to see it go having had it for so long.


I've no doubt I could punt it on for £350 all day long but I'd still need the parts and I've not got the patience these days for selling cars on Gumtree.


However it's worth what I've paid for the new manifold on it and various bits and bobs. I'll see about the alternator, I'd envisaged it to go in my store of parts for the black one.

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Sounds like you'd be better with a mechanically sound but rotten one to break? Does look a bit too good!


No worries re the alternator. I've got a refurb one on the car at the mo but it has started whining. Its under warranty to I'll just get a cheapo ebay one while it goes off to (hopefully) be fixed or repaired.

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If I sold it it's likely get run into ground anyhow though! I'll have a proper look round it tomorrow. Due a timing belt as well. But at that money it's roulette!


I'll regret it in 15 year when they're £15,000.😀

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Maybe were missing a trick with the V5s, don't send them off as scrapped, keep them in a drawer and leave them to your children.


In 50 years time they'll be worth $$$$$ to people making Focus RS/ST replicas* from heritage* shells, innit.

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Commenced breaking the fucker up after work. Felt a bit less guilty after I spotted some grot on the end of the sill. From what I can see it would have wanted a tyre and a smidgen of welding on the sill doing, but there's hundred quid there potentially before you factor in the cost of the test.


First job was to retrieve the heater blower controls that somebody cack handedly broke whilst borrowing the black one. Cost at the breakers I'm guessing £10-15...


Next on the list tomorrow is taking off the new manifold, these at ECP are a good £50. Looks also to have had new O2 Sensor. So Ive got £60-65 back already.


Boot struts - there's a tenner on EBay so £75...


Half a tank of Petrol in it, I'll have that thanks so there's £30 or so taking it to £100.


Electric window switch works... mine doesn't do another £5 saved from paying at the scrappers.


This is before I've weighed it in and took the ancillaries off...

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