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NORTHERN POWERHOUSE Classic - 7ish PM TONIGHT Tuesday 4th July @ Glossop


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Municipal Buildings car park

Victoria Street


SK13 8HZ (approximately)


It's the market car park across the road from Wetherspoons / M&S food near the middle of Glossop.


The car park is free after 6 and there is normally enough space for us to all park together.


Approx 7pm on a Tuesday, itinerary as follows:


7-8 ish chat shit in car park

8ish onwards retire to Wetherspoons, eat slab of meat (Tuesday is steak night), chat further shit

(Optional) approx 11pm, wait for AA as you've broken your Citroen


Right I've just streetviewed this, I know where ya mean now. I should be there tomorrow, I'll aim for 7ish as that works out for finishing work at the normal time.

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I have to miss tonight's thrilling episode. The locals are still finding money in their sofas (despite said sofas being in their front gardens) to spend on post-nov-5th bargin explosives, and that makes for one very traumatised dog at Chez Chod. Chodspeed all.


Sent from my BV6000 using Tapatalk

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I've just pulled up in the car park. Tried to park my manky silver Saab in the quieter end so we end up together. Traffic wasn't to bad over Woodham just some old git who was scared on oncoming cars on the small road down into Glossop.


Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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Them volvos arent thr most economical are they ?!

Getting stuck in all the traffic in Stockport that evening didn't help. See Conelrad's post earlier. I believe there was an accident blocking a major road but the alternative route I tried was closed due to road works. Took me 30 mins to effectively get about 2.5 miles.

The Volvo does between 18 stop start around town, to over twice that (38-39) cruising on motorways.

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