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Should I buy a Bentley?


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If you fill that with dog blankets and little wet nose prints you will definitely pass for a 100% authentic old money nutter. Brilliant.



So utterly true. Even better if you fill the boot up with horsefeed.

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Currently taking advice from someone a bit more educated on all things Bentley than me (so that woud be... anyone!) about the blue car. Also sent a message about a one owner late ('R' reg) Turbo RT, yes, the 402 hp 750 ft/lb jobbie. That one looks fookin' EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I know it's not in the spirit of Autoshite to talk about dollops like this, but it is a lifelong dream for me to have one to keep. It will have blankets all over the back and the inevitable nose prints everywhere, so whatever I get, I'd better like it 'cos no bugger will ever buy it after my two stinkhounds have been in it, thrown up on the seats, had a poop on the carpet, chewed the woodwork and al the wheels are discoloured after Chester has 'Christened' them repeatedly!

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Just received an answer to my queries re the blue Bentley I posted earlier. Here it is quoted...




Walk away. This guy is so full of shit it isn't worth considering.

He has some knowledge but not enough to trust anything he describes.




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Forgive me if I'm wrong ( speaking like an expert from the point of having no experience what so ever! ) but didn't the RR Silver Dawn from the mid to late 1990's have active ride and the turbo charged engine? I should check this up but that would not be in true Autoshite style!

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Forgive me if I'm wrong ( speaking like an expert from the point of having no experience what so ever! ) but didn't the RR Silver Dawn from the mid to late 1990's have active ride and the turbo charged engine? I should check this up but that would not be in true Autoshite style!

All the RRs had active ride and turbos from late 96... so did the Bentleys. Active ride came in on all models in 89 and was refined through the various incarnations. What the RRs didn't have was the stiffer (100% increase!) suspension of the Bentley versions and so is a bit of a wollowy old Hecter.  Also, RRs fetch a lot more money I think because they were outsold by the Bentley by about 4-1 (guesstimate!).

I'd like a RR, I still think they look 'classier' but the increased prices and rarity makes it .... unlikely.


So far, all the dealers and private vendors I've sent enquiries to have declined to answer, with the obvious exceptions of the cheap shite ones who are desperate to sell 'cos the MOT expires in twenty minutes and the car is about to expire in a cloud of (expensive) smoke.



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I stand corrected sir! With your knowledge I'm sure a real peach will turn up for you at some point. Just bide your time and you'll get the colour and spec that you want.

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Funnily enough, while the subject is being discussed in this thread, a friend of mine has bought 3 (three) Bentleys, the latest acquisition was made today (he also snatched an Alvis DHC while he was at it). All this was done in line with the ancient Autoshiter tradition of announcing to reduce one's car collection, before the shopping spree commences.


If said friend of mine continues to reduce* his collection by adding old Bentleys to it at this pace, the OP should start to hurry up.

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Your mention of contacting dealers and specialists has prompted me to warn you of one so-called reputable dealer .I won't name him, but he's a cunt.

In 2000 I bought and five years later sold back to him a 1989 Turbo R which he convinced me needed a diff and gearbox replacement, I urgently needed cash so let him kick me in the balls price wise, that's not the problem,I'm a big boy and business is business.

Six months later I got a call from the new owner,a lovely old boy who had paid the best part of £20k for this FSH Turbo R , during my long conversation with him he read out the reams of work that I'd had done at different RR specialists complete with invoices in my name- needless to say this was all bollocks. All I'd done in 5 years was replace a heater matrix and control/fuse box,that and a bit of wob and paint occasionally.

The old boy went to trading standards, but before anything could be done he passed away and his widow just wanted rid of the car . I think she may even have sold it back to Mr Reputable !

PM me if you want his name, don't want to give Breadvan any work by posting it on here!

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Really don't know what to think at the mo'. No one seems to want to give a straight answer to questions, simple questions like: what's the mileage? I'm still waiting for a reply from the one owner RT, I have high hopes.....

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No one seems to want to give a straight answer to questions, simple questions like: what's the mileage?

Don't they want to sell? What's so difficult?


#surrounded by imbeciles!

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Seems that way Mr Ramrod Sir. This is a crazy dream for me, I know I should be buying somewhere decent to live rather than this pokey little shithole I pay £500 a month for, but, fuck it!


My mate Phil up the roads predicament has sort of strengthened my resolve to just blow a wedge on impractical shite that will bankrupt me in short order and I will then auction off on here for £30 a ticket (posh see, none of this £15 lark for me!). Just can't seem to find anything decent.

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16 and 59 for me, let me know when... My mother's maiden name was Bentley and this is probably the only way I'll ever have one!

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Really don't know what to think at the mo'. No one seems to want to give a straight answer to questions, simple questions like: what's the mileage? I'm still waiting for a reply from the one owner RT, I have high hopes.....


I notice that increasingly, too! Weird, isn't it? Another facet of this is that fewer and fewer people seem to be able to state a problem, I mean, just to say what the bloody hell is wrong. Oh, yes, it has some rust here and there, as you would expect from my stepmother's lesbian lover's cousin, and something is wrong in the engine bay, that I'll fix next week, and jada, jada, rhubarb.

Why can't they just say that there is rust along the sills, a rot hole the size of a beer mat in the lower rear wing, the distributor cap broke yesterday, and a new one has been ordered and is on its way by post.

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Finally got hold of the guy with the one owner Turbo RT that someone posted earlier on. Oh, dear.... I may have been VERY silly!  Service history is not as good as it could have been, ;ast serviced at 72000 miles in 2012, few bubbles on the tops of the doors by the windows, but it's an RT! He will tax and mot it for 13 grand.

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A browse on the bay will show you there's two Arnage's running on LPG up for sale at the mo, one in particular is fookin lovely.



Aside, i know its not a Bentley, but arguably the Japanese version of, might be food for thought,  we were having a quiet drink and bite to eat one evening a few years ago, really nice place overlooking a Hertfordhsire village evening cricket match.


I'd never seen one till then and never knew they existed, but a Toyota Century glided to a halt in the road outside, complete with standard fitment lace curtains across all rear windows,  the driver got out, came round and let the rear passenger out, driver then got back in and glided off again.

Gawd knows who the passenger was, but you wouldn't want to upset the built like a brick shit house driver by asking.


Just wondered if one of those might scratch that itch for you, they do something for me in that they've never really changed apart from moving the mirrors from wing to door in decades.

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