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Everything posted by egg

  1. egg

    Youtube moments

    our very own @Skizzer
  2. £3k https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1071095123950577/
  3. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/785446233124130/
  4. That's such a great survivor, but wonder who pays £8k for one?
  5. https://www.lesanciennes.com/annonce/dodge-lancer-3500-1961-a678609 Wow.
  6. That was what I thought being grown up would be like 😆
  7. 'I wanted a Sierra, but I've got one of these terrible new Escorts'
  8. The high rollers have moved in now. I'm oot.
  9. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/381190388220009/
  10. This post is lawful because it has an @eddyramrodtag. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/772172254858331/
  11. It was sitting at £4.40, so I went on a crazy bidding spree up to £14.50.
  12. Maybe ask Steph to take it down? It's probably not doing big numbers for her now....
  13. oh, sorry for re-surfacing it then, had no idea!
  14. I really like 'people being proud their 70's car didn't overheat on holiday' photos.
  15. egg

    More tax

    £325 (now £345?) for the Mondeo stings a little when I have only 1,597cc (48cc more than the cheap rate)
  16. Thread of the year so far? I mean lots of ongoing threads have been great, but as for guiding us through the Winter with this recommissioning project with a happy ending - bravo.
  17. As expected being sold by Graham Walker of Microcar World - full link... https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/3381951142103263/
  18. ah yours was the one Steph drove?
  19. 3 reasons I love this. 1. It's done 1,200 miles (last MOT 2007) 2. It's only* £1200 for a basically new car* 3. You can see the no doubt elderly owners previous steed behind it. https://www.facebook.com/commerce/listing/1365086924152197/
  20. Umm, I'd be tempted to get a new one, but yeah, I see they ain't cheap. But then again, what price not losing your engines cooling? https://www.allisport.com/shop/performance-products/tanks-and-reservoirs/header-tanks/lotus-excel-se-replacement-alloy-header-tank/
  21. Just posted that my parents had those tiles, but it must have been another house. However, the last time my childhood home was sold last year it still had the original tiles from 1980...
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