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Rover 75 Progress-water pump troubles.

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Another hour just to get the thermostat housing in the correct place. Blood as well today. Have another go bolting in the pump Monday.

Last water pump on a 2.8 Granny was a little easier.





All back together. 

Pain of a job. 

Few issues on the way. Problems getting the solid metal heater pipe to seat correctly with the O ring-pipe is solid and getting it to line up a bit difficult-first time I filled it-had a leak. No belt or mountings on yet. Luckily I had "modified" the thermostat housing by removing the thermostat and cutting it's retaining tabs off which makes removing it from the pump a doddle compared to everything else.  I have the Renault 5 mod in the top pipe. Re-seated it and seemed ok.

Next problem was the drivebelt tensioner-cut down my 24mm but someone had been here before as the nut was a bit of a mess and the old drive belt newish. Had to finally grind down my 22mm spanner.

As @wuvvum said earlier-the drivebelt is a right bastard on these-even just to get in the correct position.

All together had to take my top thermostat out to bleed it-another pain!!

took it for a drive this morning-all well.

If I'm being really critical there is a very, very, very slight trace of water near the metal heater pipe where it enters the thermostat housing-not bothered with it for now-if it gets a lot worse will put a new O ring in-reckon an hour or 2 at the most with the modified housing.

Would I do it again-Yes-now I know a few shortcuts-drilling the chassis for access, modifying the housing-I reckon 4 or 5 hours-less if 2 of you.


  • Like 2

Well done man, more chance of me sticking sandpaper on my bannister and sliding down astride it stark naked than attempting that job myself though😂

  • Haha 2

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