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Project P38 EAS With Shenanigans

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Good news mate! ;)


nice to have  a car that fixes itself!! ? 


My EAS however decided to play up yesterday, I broke lockdown and had to get some food in, went to the small farmers market near home, and it drove beautifully there, and sat level while I shopped.. 

1/2 mile from home i get the "beep" and "EAS FAULT" and it drops on its arse!! ;) 




I got it home, with all my fillings surprisingly intact and set about doing some diagnosis.. :) 


First thing to do was to find out how much pressure the EAS compressor was producing, in many instances if the EAS ECU doen't sense a change in pressure when adjusting heights it'll throw a fault, and i've noted she is lazy to rise.. 

It is common for the Piston O ring to fail and the Barrel seal to perish which will cause a significant drop in output pressure, the reed valve O ring can fail too.. 


I removed my compressor. 


And fed a direct 12v feed to it to ascertain 2 things (1) was the compressor actually working? and (2) How much pressure is it producing? :) 

For its size this compressor really is a little box of wonders, ;) 

It is also all about pressure not volume, so with it fired up I attempted to see if i could block off the outflow line with my finger, at full chat it was very easy to block off the pressure, so the O rings are Kapput.. 


I took it apart and found this.. 


The Piston ring is also very brittle and there is quite an air gap "ha" between the barrel and piston, it is hard to see but there is a fair bit of movement!!


Barrel appears scored, however there is no physical damage i can feel.. 



My Rebuild Kit is coming tomorra along with my RSW solutions EAS diag software and cable


Hopefully, and i'll throw it back together!! 



Just to cap off this update, it turns out every cloud has a silver lining!! 


Literally!! ;)



Some stick on chrome foil to recover a piece of my trim, the Vogues have a chrome "coachline" which is part of the side rubbing strips.. 

Mine had peeled off and turned silvery grey not chrome!! 



After some cutting and swearing we have this!!




They match!!


Oh and thanks to my EAS issues she is stanced YO!!





More tomorra!! ;)










  • Like 5

I rebuilt my compressor a month or so ago. Not too bsd but all the bolts were tight. Took about an hour in the end. I like the chrome strip. Mines an se/hse (not sure) so no chrome. Msy get some soon! 




I got her rebuilt compressor fitted and deleted the codes stored, and now it rises, however i think there is a pressure leak from the tanks NRV in the valvebody. 


And the compressor isn't in the best of health, so it looks like it will go in the bin and a new one + rebuilt valvebody will go in.. :) 


No longer does she look depressed!!




Which i'm happy with £15 worth of seals!! ;) 


Who said these are bank breaking!! ;) 


Saying that i could overhaul the entire EAS system for around £300 which isn't bad when you consider a coil conversion is £330.. 


Gave her insides a wipe over with DR leather to make it smell nice... 



And also fitted some "pets" ;) 



Makes it less Lonely on journeys ;)


  • Like 2
  • Haha 1

Next up is a little detail that has annoyed me for a while, i've never really liked the Green/Gold of the Land Rover badge against the blue and to be fair they're mank!!laughing.gif




The front one, which is pretty mank.. ;) 


I bought Some new BLACK ones they're are easy to source and to fit..

Pull the old one off..


and stick the new one on the result i'm very happy with! ;) 





I'm most happy with the front one, it has made a nice change.. 




Really is the little things that make all the difference! ?

  • Like 4

Hopefully to eliminate any possibility of any water leakage, in the next week of persistant rain i have been busy with the black silicone! ;) 

Removing the top roof trim revealed a small garden!


I cleaned this out and sealed the edge where it goes below the windscreen trim.. 


This should prevent water wicking itself down into places it shouldn't go,.. 

Did here too!


did that both sides, and sealed all screws that lead into the car... 


Like a marathon this!! ;)




Thanks for showing that roof guttering thing. I wondered why once in a blue moon there is some moisture trickling down the A-pillar post trim inside. Water must get in there!

A little present came for the P38 while i was wandering around..

Came in a nice logo'd box wink.gif thumb.gif


Went at it with my Stanley knife and..... car.gif

Not the best packaging for an expensive part!!


Anyway I did remove it and all seemed well, the filter was taped to the top.

I tried to screw it in and it wouldn't! redface.gif wall.gif

Turns out the treads in the compressor were mullered, and i didn't have a tap to clean them up...



I pulled mine apart and made 1 good one from the two!! driver.gif

After this fiasco..

She was fitted and wired up! devilflame.gif


EAS works!! thumb.gif

Today was also one of those days where i had to get food and some Asthma drugs for me.. redface.gif

As some of ya'll know the weather was terrible and i was cruising down the A49 when the front wiper came off the spindle and tangled up with the other!! laughing.gif

car is cursed!!!

Anyway i pulled over and managed to fix the issue, only after driving blind for 2 miles tongue.gif

Not gonna mention the rain STOPPED IMMEDIATELY after the wiper was fixed! laughing.gif

weird luck i have..

Anyway made it to the shops in one piece..

Only now to i realise how large the P38 is.. shocked.gif laughing.gif

Can't really fit in normal parking spaces.. thumb.gif


Interesting day!! driver.gif
Henry_b is online now Report Post  

Being the curious Ape I am, the obvious thing to do with an old pump is to pull it apart.. ? 

Upon opening it up quite a bit of carbon dust fell out from the bushes.. :) 




The brushes were also quite worn, which explains the poor performance, the commutator on the motor was also worn and grooved to hell ?

I'm tempted to clean it up and fit some new brushes,, 


But the new One has a 2 year warranty.. 

So eh!!


I remember when Wheeler Dealers did a P38 Edd rebuilt the failed air suspension compressor, amongst the other common P38 issues.


Done the usual rot check on the 19yr old P38 ;) 







As usual, no rust detected ;) 


A side on shot, which shows the EAS is actually working and levelling proper now ;) 




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A good comparison.







need to get a better later pic ;) 

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I did do a few updates regarding my TD5 D2.. 


However the past few weeks have escalated and the TD5 is no more!!! 




She isn't happy!! 


Got in mine today and was met with a damp drivers footwell. The way it is always parked drivers side frint is the lowest point. No idea where the water is coming in. I put an airline down the sunroof drain holes so I don't think it's that. Do the roof trims unclip or is there some hidden screws? I know it's a case of TADTS but I don't want the bxstard rotting from the inside out! 

1 hour ago, burraston2006 said:

Got in mine today and was met with a damp drivers footwell. The way it is always parked drivers side frint is the lowest point. No idea where the water is coming in. I put an airline down the sunroof drain holes so I don't think it's that. Do the roof trims unclip or is there some hidden screws? I know it's a case of TADTS but I don't want the bxstard rotting from the inside out! 

The pollen filter covers usually cause the leakage. 


take them of and seal them., 


Put a dab of sealant on all the screws along the scuttle ;) 


That can stop it.. 


The trims on the roof just pull off. 



  • Thanks 1

Update time!!

Being a LR it has water ingress, which i have tried fruitlessly to cure for 3 years, the issue is the water will either rot the floor out and/or destroy the electronics..
usually turning the connectors in the footwell a nice GREEN colour!! shocked.gif laughing.gif

Anyway, getting fed up with it i doused the car with a hose, and this happened!!



At this point i had covered the entire car in water, so it could of been coming in from various locations, I had to narrow the possibilities so.....

Coloured water was used!! thumb.gif


It seemed the right thing to do, the idea was i'd cover sections of the car with different coloured water and if the ingress was "coloured" i'd know what area it was leaking in from the colour! Detailer.gif

In this case the pollen filters were covered with Milky water redface.gif

and the water inside went from this..


to this thumb.gif


leak area found Huzzah!! wink.gif

I removed the "sealed" pollen filter covers and found this, the covers i seal a few months ago mind you!! devilflame.gif


That is the blower motor! you can see!!!! shocked.gif


cleaning the housings and covers is key, in my case the cover had a warp in it, and the sealant wasn't working!! confused.gif
Some love from my heat gun sorted it.. thumb.gif


all sealed up "I HOPE" thumb.gif tumbleweed.gif

Anyway. the carpet was sodden as was the foam..

I had to get a bit brutish and cut the old foam out, as it holds gallons.. censored.gif

It weighed quite a bit and was dripping!!

Suggestions were had, my Gran came out and said " why don't you run it over might get all the water out" she was joking.. laughing.gif

I however thought "great idea" so i did.. shocked.gif car.gif



It worked a treat, and with some love from the heatgun, which might of set it on fire, no big deal wink.gif

the foam was dry and so much lighter.. thumb.gif

stuffed it back in and took this pic..


and because she is sitting perfectly level and the sun was out...

I took these too!! thumb.gif



she is dirty, wall.gif

but she does work for a living, like a P38 should thumb.gif

Clean ones to come!! thumb.gif



No rain yet.. 


However i noticed i didn't do an "after" for the pollen filter covers ? 




Not the prettiest thing in the world, but even ugly girls etc etc ;) :) 

I've never in my life wished for rain, but I am now i do hope the rain doesn't enter the car, every orrifice and seam has been sealed with copious amounts of sealant!! 

I'll be gobsmacked if it still leaks!! 


Next up is some waxoyling, having done the chassis and crossmembers today seemed  right to do the sills

P38's don't rot, and that is true in my case, however i want to preserve this car and some waxoyl seems the best way of doing that.. ! ;) 



I also popped the sill bungs out and poured some waxoyl into the sills ;) 


Environmentalists would be shitting themselves, I spilt some!!!!



And finally!! 


The EAS heights have been dialled in, the EAS in wade mode looks stellar hasn't been sat at the proper height for a while! ?




Rather mundane update!!


Rear shock absorbers next week!! ;) 




  • Like 5

Good work on the rust prevention measures. I still need to do the same on mine. Fortunately it's rock solid, but there is light surface corrosion that might as well be stopped now. Most P38s are very rust resistant. The complete opposite of the Discovery in that respect, but some neglected examples tend to rot out on the inner sills and wheel arches. The chassis itself seems to be a very thick steel.

2 minutes ago, Broadsword said:

Good work on the rust prevention measures. I still need to do the same on mine. Fortunately it's rock solid, but there is light surface corrosion that might as well be stopped now. Most P38s are very rust resistant. The complete opposite of the Discovery in that respect, but some neglected examples tend to rot out on the inner sills and wheel arches. The chassis itself seems to be a very thick steel.

The Chassis is very well made, and very thick.. ;) 

They can rot in the arches if neglected! 


Nice to have a LR that doesn't rot, my D2 is quite crispy!! ;)

  • 2 weeks later...

A little present arrived today for the old girl.  ?


The box contained a nice pair of rear shockers, as i might of mentioned when i did the fronts, there are quite a few opinions on what shockers work.. 

Boge is OEM and Bilstein is the recommended!! ? 


I like to go against the grain and use Terrafirma! ;) 

Look at these beauties!




Nice eh!! 


Removal of the old ones is very easy on the P38, you'd don't need to remove wheels or anything, just put her up into "wade mode" assuming you have EAS ;) 

And start the job! 

I'd wholeheartedly recommend soaking all threads in lubericunt.. 

Nut on the bottom seized on solid, however lubing them can make life easier.. 


The upper bolt can be accessed by a socket through the wheel arch, or a bent spanner!


In my case I used a socket with a few extensions! ;)




Some wankspangle layed the LPG pipes onto the chassis rail and caused bolt access to be impeded a tad, thank you you tosser etc etc ☹️ 

The bolt came out quite easily.  :) 


The bottom one needs help, if the nut is seized the shocker body will twist and you con't undo it.... ;)

So a pair of oil filter pliers will help stop it, clamp it tight!!


Once removed you can remove the shock..

I was getting into postion and went all hercules on it expecting to have to exert a good load of force onto it, nope!

I slipped and punched the chassis, might of broken my knuckles the shocker shot up with no effort!



One thing to note is the BOGE shocks fitted to the P38 are Gas/Oil filled so they should return to stock when compressed. 

These stayed compressed!! 

No effort was needed to crush them either! ;) 

Refitment is the reversal etc etc look at the sexiness!



Job Done!! ;) 


Now for a bit of talk on P38 suspension and why it is nice to have Air. ;)


When driving this thing around I noted the ride was horrible you felt every lump, even running over a nats dick you felt through the entire car!! 

Perfectly smooth roads felt like you were driving over a ploughed field :( 

She's always felt like this and i thought it to be normal. 

However Journalists used to say "rides like no other" erm "don't feel the bumps" etc etc I felt like they were spouting shit!! 

But after taking her out today with the new shocks I couldn't believe the difference ?

The ride was incredibly soft and supple - originally it was very jarring! 

It no longer bangs over bumps the ride is constant. 

Taking it over a piece of road i knew to be smooth, it felt like i was floating on "air" he he he! 

Across a terrible road it felt incredibly composed and you couldn't feel any of the potholes, :)


Now here is the EAS vs Coil argument and why you should keep EAS. 

If you've ever seen a RRC or a Disco with ruined shocks the ride becomes very bouncy and quite dangerous, in some case the you can smack the bumpstops ? 

This is dangerous for obvious reasons. 

The upside with EAS is the "air element" if the shockers fail the EAS instead of allowing the car to bounce, it will compensate by adding more air to the bags and making the ride stiffer to counter the bounce. ?

Thus making it safer! nice eh!!!  Downside is the ride becomes Hard!

But safe. 

Compare an EAS vs a Coil system and you'll see what i mean! 

The downside is if you buy a P38 unknowingly and the shockers are dead, you'll either get used to the harder ride or become annoyed!! :) 

Most do the latter!! 

With proper shockers the EAS adjusts and the ride becomes so much softer and more supple!  

With EaS the P38 not only handles beautifully but the ride is constant and very supple, around corners it doesn't roll to any great degree and it is always making allowances for load changes or road undulations.. 


The more shit you pile into a coil sprung car, it usually starts to sag, with EAS it'll sit level with an engine in the boot + a loaded trailer. ;) 

System is very easy to maintain and you'd love it ;)


The ride is on par with a if not better than a DS Citroen or a Old Jag definitely better than the RRC as you get the lovely ride without the roll! :)   



Of course I also did some work to the body! ;)

A machine polish with Menzerma heavy and fine cut + a coat of Autofinesse radiance. :) 









Metal flake shot! ;)



I'm very happy with the finish!

one happy P38 ;) 










Anyone else had one of them moments when they thought... 


fuck me it's slow as shit.. ?

In my case the old bus is fitted with a a 218hp and 407nm 4.6 v8 admittedly it won't be a rocket ship but it should pull up its skirt and go when you want it to! ?

However in this case you needed a run up to overtake pretty much anything..  


So i logged onto Rimmer Bros and ordered a new Cam and tappets, the Rover V8 is well known to eat its cam especially if the incorrect Oil is used, and in my case the car had 10w40 for the majority of it's life which lacks ZDDP and to be fair is a tad too thin for these units.. 


I've posted a few times about pulling this engine apart! 

A pretty condensed version this.. 

In a nutsack. 

1) fan out 

2) rad out 

3) Intake gubbins removed. 

4) upper and lower intake manifold removed LPG kit left on 

5) Exhaust manifolds removed 

6) Rocker covers off 

7) Rocker pedistals and pushrods removed. 

8) Front cover removed. 

9) Timing chain and sprocket removed. 

10) Cam withdrawn from the engine.. 


Upon inspecting the cam lobes it was evident why it had very little power. 

Almost all of the intake lobes were completely flat!! ? Next to no lift or duration..


The tappets were also so badly dished you could serve soup in them! ;)



I'd also like to point out this took a day of work, thanks to the P38 being relatively simple!! 

Throwing it back together took a good few hours, i started at 7am and was finished at 11Pm!! 

Upon putting it together it had to be broken in. 

So with the Thor having a Non returnless fuel system it took a while to bleed the air out, once it did though, the engine fired up,, 

Revs straight up to 2500rpm and the break in had begun!! 

An assistant kept the coolant topped up.. 


And after 30 minutes i let her down to idle..  :) 

The engine sounds glorious!! 

A quick jaunt around the lanes shows she has much more get up and go than before, much more eager to rev and gets upto speed far quicker.. 

The Cam is a stock lift, no Torquemax.. 

Not yet atleast... :) ? 







Hijack Alert! 

@Cooper1 I need service bits for mine and a new exhaust (middle box and the 2x tail pipes). Found lrparts.net on tinterweb. Are they any good?

I don't have any spannering skills so my hat is well and truly doffed to the work you have done on yours 

12 hours ago, burraston2006 said:

Hijack Alert! 

@Cooper1 I need service bits for mine and a new exhaust (middle box and the 2x tail pipes). Found lrparts.net on tinterweb. Are they any good?

I don't have any spannering skills so my hat is well and truly doffed to the work you have done on yours 

Thanks! ;)

I've used them and they're quite good, the likes of Rimmer Bros and Paddock spares are also good LR dedicated part suppliers! 


Steering wheel shenanigans! smile.gif

Since buying this car i've been meaning to repair the steering wheel, however it always seems to get lower down the to do list.. shocked.gif

Today however i had a go at restoring it! laughing.gif

First and foremost was to clean the wheel to remove any oils etc etc thumb.gif


The wheel was very slippy and unpleasant, those are Baby wipes for anyone wondering, reasoning behind using them was if they are good enough for baby skin it should be good enough for tired old leather, and i didn't want to damage it! speechless.gif
it makes me feel i'll after cleaning it, god knows what was on the hands of the PO!!

Here it is after the cleansing! devilflame.gif


As you can see it looks mank! confused.gif

The greasy feeling has gone though, and it feels good..
It seems that the wheel has been repainted before! shocked.gif

This is the Kit i bought


It comes with a spong and the colour..


it has a rough side and a smooth side, the rough was rubbed over the wheel first to open the pores, the wheel was masked,, wave.gif

And a few coats applied!


It looks quite good if i say so myself, a light sand in between coats ensures smooth coverage, i'll leave it like it is now for 24hrs and apply the final coats tomorrow!

Just thought i'd share this now! thumb.gif

The wood of the rim will also have to be done, so i've ordered some Mahogany wood varnish, as it has a fair few chips in it!  


Jumped the gun a bit and added the last coat at around 8pm so a good few hours of drying time had been done..  ;) 


Here is the result/






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My Brushes are arriving today, however the varnish is delayed! 


Which is understandable in this current climate :) 

So just to see what it'll look like completed i unwrapped it.. ;)





Close one eye and squint!! ;)

It looks pretty good if i say so myself! 

  • Like 3

Looking good. Mine is black leather and wood. I think the PO cleaned the leather with a brillo pad. The leather at the 3 o'clock position has not finish on it and is as rough as a badgers arse. I've applied loads on leather cleaner and conditioner but I don't think I can save it. I'll have to put up with it! 

45 minutes ago, burraston2006 said:

Looking good. Mine is black leather and wood. I think the PO cleaned the leather with a brillo pad. The leather at the 3 o'clock position has not finish on it and is as rough as a badgers arse. I've applied loads on leather cleaner and conditioner but I don't think I can save it. I'll have to put up with it! 

If there is material missing, you could use a leather filler and re-dye it like i've done on mine ;)


Just doing a clearout of all my photos.. 


And found this one, which is a side view of her around a week after purchase.. 





Doesn't look all that different, but alot of cash has sunk into it in that time!! ;) 

The difference between how it was and how it is now is profound, the car drives so much better now... 




Given that a large portion of P38s are mostly broken now, it’s rather pleasing to see the story of one being brought back up to scratch. Great work!



It is a nice thing to own, not a showoff mobile like the modern ones, just floats around country villages ;)


I've only seen a handful of P38's since buying her!! 


Lots of old Discos running/snapped in half at the side of the road still (not kidding, I do see them on occasion on the side of the road, collapsed), but P38s few and far between. If only the electrics were more durable, then I reckon there would be many more in the wild!

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