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Higham ferrers classic car show


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I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that , but...

What were the owners of that colour coded Corniche and bodykitted Capri thinking? Even as an ironic period modification, type way they look shit, The Corniche owner needs to bleach his headlamp wipers too.

on the other hand I really like that modded B GT and A30 ( 35?) , as I said its all in the eye of the beholder.

id like to take the White Super Snipe or Saluki 1600E home

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27 minutes ago, BorniteIdentity said:

I had no idea about this - or would probably have gone along! 

Nice pics, thanks for sharing! 

Its on the first sunday of august each year, pay a donation to the charity at the gate. Think i saw somewhere its £10 to show a car.

2 hours ago, Amishtat said:

Nice mix of stuff there, nice to see JVV33 still looking smart 

Thought i got another pic of it but obviously not.


58 minutes ago, NorfolkNWeigh said:

I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that , but...

What were the owners of that colour coded Corniche and bodykitted Capri thinking? Even as an ironic period modification, type way they look shit, The Corniche owner needs to bleach his headlamp wipers too.

on the other hand I really like that modded B GT and A30 ( 35?) , as I said its all in the eye of the beholder.

id like to take the White Super Snipe or Saluki 1600E home

I wasn't sure on the purple capri, but the owner seemed to be a hot blonde, so ill let her off.

I voted for the capri 280 as my car of the show, same as last year but it was between that, the sierra and the cortinas for me

2 hours ago, BL Bloke said:

Great photos. It looks like there was a good selection of cars there. ?

Thanks! Yeah and i didn't get all of them as there was a crowd in the way of some. 

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I've said it before and I'll say it again, Lotus Esprit S3's are the pinnacle of automotive design as far as I'm concerned. Thanks for the pics, looks like a good show!

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10 minutes ago, alf892 said:

It's only a fiver...........but does get booked up fast. 

always a good mix of cars though.

Even better, yeah we've been twice now and will defiantly go again

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