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LightBulbFun's Invacar & general ramble thread, index on page 1, survivors lists on Pages 24/134 & AdgeCutler's Invacar Mk12 Restoration from Page 186 onwards, still harping on...


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Perfectly legal as the size of a number plate is defined by the size of the characters and the space around them.


(One day I might get* a short mark and might make a short plate of it or maybe a massive one, I haven't decided.)


Something in the back of my mind tells me with the old wide font (and seven wide characters), standard backings weren't quite wide enough but nobody bats an eyelid.


Yeah I was not commenting on its legality I just think it looks naff on an invacar (esp given all the now unused raised section) :)



See if you can locate that SE28 one LBF. I'm sure there's some shiters around who could leave a note on it if we can find it.


why does it have to involve facebook Bah!


is it "ok" to Randomly message people on facebook? I dont particularly feel like sending out friend requests but im not sure if the guy will get my message if I dont send one?

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Yup, I message people about car stuff and general junk all the time. Will be fine! I'm just very polite, and if turns out we can't do a deal or whatever, I apologise for wasting their time etc.


With apologies to any Thamesmead residents, I have to say it's not the finest part of London!

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result kind of?


the guy very kindly got back to me with some info where I Think i was able to track down what he was talking about 




sadly thats clearly not an AC Invacar model 70, it looks like a 1960s Reliant regal to me


at least it shows people are willing to help out random strangers :)

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that was a very interesting watch, thank you for sharing it :)


I wonder how many people there would of thought there would still be a couple hundred Model 70s still running around in service into the millennium :)


its interesting to see what Looks like an AC Model 57 on a J plate there, I wonder what thats about?

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very interesting :)


its cool to see a Model 67 in action too, im curious why did they keep making Model 57s until 1970/1971 if the Model 67 was already on the scene?


I also think once again the Model 70 gets a bit unfairly tarred with the same brush, for example the guy mentions how his invalid carriage fell over when avoiding a pot hole but he mentions "it fell over onto the only door it has" which does not sound like a Model 70 to me.


as for safety was the Model 70 really that much unsafer then contemporary cars of the time? and I also do have to wonder how many of the accidents where just down the fact invalid carriage drivers never got proper driving lessons and a test compared to regular car drivers.


ah well, at least I got to see some more invacars in motion :)

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ill have you know I wear DHSS blue tinted glasses! *humph*  :mrgreen: 


I am well aware they are not safe in the slightest, but im just wondering because most cars from that time are also not very safe, so I wonder how they compared especially to other micro/small cars at the time (from what I read model 70s actually has a better suspension setup then what Reliants had for example)

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interesting I did not know the invalid carriage class had a weight limit :)


if my googling is correct 5CWT is 254Kg but a Model 70 weighs 417Kg, where the regulations relaxed for the Model 70? (I wonder how much a Model 67 weighs, as I cant imagine the Flat twin engine in the model 70 added all that much weight?)


(also from looking at the service manual and pictures, the Model 70 seems to have a fairly substantial steel chassis as thats where all the body work etc all bolt down to AFAIK?)

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very interesting :)


id love to have a scan of that master catalogue for some more light* reading  :mrgreen:



Tis a shame, but I guess now try that breakers in Norwich?


quick google shows they have a website with a contact us page :)




so ill think about firing off an email or something (I did try and see if I could spot anything from google earth but could not see anything)

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did some more sleuthing and it looks like Q202LDV ended up in Sweden with i think the same guy who owns TLX322, which I think was the one for sale last year (maybe still is for sale?)







edit: yep they ended up together :)





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Welp I finally sent the guy an email seeing as he had one advertised for sale here https://www.instagram.com/p/BWabaETF7bd/


it was only after I sent the email did I realise he was asking €11K! not €1.1K as I thought I saw...


Wank  :mellow:


oh well, it will be interesting to see if he gets back to me regardless, this is what I sent :)



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Looking at that Google Maps link in Thamesmead, quite interesting to go back in time and see what used to be there - 


In 2014 a late Reliant Robin:




By 2015, it's been interestingly modded with a vented matt black bonnet and Rostyle rear wheels!:



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very interesting I was not aware of the Model 67 thank you for the information :) looking at it again i also see the roof lacks the Ford Anglia/Citroen Ami swept backness to it that the model 70 has. (edit: now im (over) analysing it some more im not sure now if the model 67 has the swept back roof or not, as i noticed from similar angles the Model 70 hides its swept back roof too so the model 67 could also have one)


speaking of anglia tho I do notice that the model 70  from the 2015 Anglia auction Link I posted above, has the same mould lines down the indicators that the Model 67 has, I have not seen those mould lines on a Model 70 before, do they mean anything? (ie is the Model 70 in the Anglia link an early one?)


heres said Model 70


attachicon.gifimage (11).png


sadly no reg plate so i cant look up its info


did some more sleuthing and figured out which "Invacar" this one is 


its not a Model 70, its a Model 67 :)




I could not quite make out the rear arch profile in the original picture I had, so I was not sure if it was a 67 or a 70, I was wondering if it was a 67 rather then a 70 due to the mould lines down the front of each head light/indicator section (because that seems to be a 67 specific feature thats not there on Model 70s)


I wonder how many Model 67s survive?


any who, getting back to Model 70s and an excuse to post more pictures  :mrgreen:


I noticed WOO848S and TTW 991R both got 1 MOT and then nothing afterwords I wonder what that was about or what happened to them...


theres a picture of WOO848S 




and heres a Picture of TTW991R




I just find it peculiar how they both got 1 MOT in the early 2010s and then nothing not even SORN... 

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TTW is the one I drove,I know where it is :-)


very cool :) (its not for sale is it?  :mrgreen: )


always good to know that an invacars details is known, its part of the reason I post these pictures, if i happen to come across an invacar that shows up on the DVLA with recent-ish (ie post 2003) activity or is in a post 2003 picture, ill generally post it here incase anyone knows any details about it, (especially if where the picture comes from contains no information)


theres no ians bus stop website style for invacars sadly so im sorta trying to do that here :) (im not making a website, but I am trying to gather the details into this thread if that makes sense)

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one for Conan :)


did a bit of sleuthing and it looks like they repaired the headlight on the Thailand Invacar but gave it a split lip in the meantime!






this photo of it with a "black eye" shows it without a crack in the bumper so I think the above picture is later (unless they did a good job repairing the split then broke the headlight LOL)




(I wonder if someone tried to drag it along by the front?)


whats the hot line for reporting abusive owners again?  :mrgreen:

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not sure, I guess Conan could pop round and tell us? :)


I think there are a couple more shots of that invacar floating on the web, ill try and hunt em down.


in the meantime I found a picture of it from the rear where it looks a lot shinier...



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Grr the first picture/link is broken already LOL from now on ill make sure to upload all pictures i find to autoshite directly instead of embedding them


(Sorry admins if you find the server hard drive full of invacar pictures!  :mrgreen: )


did some sluething and found this picture from Conans one shite in Bangkok thread




sadly he does not say when he took the picture, but I belive its a more recent picture


speaking of I was looking at the rear end picture closely and I think the Exhaust pipe has blue overspray on it


maybe they treated it to a spruce up a few years ago (respraying it and fixing the split lip) and then since then its deteriorated a bit?

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one for the for the Scottish people here :)






something about this Model 70 looks odd to me, like its too clean/almost like its still in primer? (its a shame whoever took the picture looks to have used some sort of wanky instagram "vintage film" type filter...)


wonder if its still there?

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Probably; getting rid of stuff on the islands is problematic and expensive, people tend to just park things up and let them return to the soil.

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Just spent a buttload of time going over a chest full of paper work from 20 odd years ago among those was some parking violations with my mums Volvo Reg on them


which i was able to pull up on the DVLA just now  :) (mum had given me the reg before but she got a digit wrong)


it was very cool to pull it up finally, as per what my mum said the car looks to have "died" in late 2001 (she said she let the council take it for scrap, when it finally died with over 300K on the clock!)


I remember the car from my very early childhood and its very cool to see what it was exactly, a Volvo 244  :) (I would have been 2 and 21 days old when the cars VED expired so who knows how old I was when I remember it in use)




I wonder if its still out there somewhere   :mrgreen:


also came across the exact spec/build sheet for the first computer i ever used, and the computer I discovered the internet on  :) (although at that point it was running windows 2000)


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Oh goody it looks like the split lip picture is working again, so I downloaded it while it was and uploaded it here proper so now it cant go walkies :)


and speaking of slightly scruffy invacars found a couple pictures of another one abandoned? by a load of a graffiti...






I found the pictures here https://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&f=226&t=137539&i=40


its interesting to note, while I dont think its the same invacar from my first few posts in this thread, they both look to have had their number plates removed...


I wonder what the story behind this one is, or if anyone knows the location?

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just went through this entire thread and downloaded all the embedded pictures and reuploaded them directly to the autoshite servers, now none of them cant go walkies :) (and I now also have back ups on my computer)


I also realised some of my earlier postings dont include any images at all just links to where there are images


so ill stick those images here :)


first up is the picture that spawned this post :) sadly never found this one




up next is the fist ringed invacar i came across (one for zel, I noticed looking at the other pictures of it on the website I found the picture on, that it has a later large speedo, but also has the same fuel gage as TWC so I think your right in assuming that type of gauge is a later fitment/type) it currently shows up as SORN, I think it was used on TV fairly recently?




and finally RRE20L from the 3 gumtree adverts, I really wonder what happened to this one, it shows up on the DVLA site as untaxed since 1981 so its been off the road for a while! if only it was still for sale at £550, i could actually afford that  :mrgreen: (never mind the fact that the gumtree advert says the chassis is borked and the engine does not turn...)



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Holy shit looking closely at the pictures of the 2 up against a graffiti wall


I think it is the same invacar!


they both right up against a corner pillar and you can see the red paint too!




it looks like the alamy stock photos are from a later date (going by how the invacar is covered in graffiti and theres more graffiti over the red wall)


how I wish I could find it...

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