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Can girls know about shite?


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Marry me.

is that allowed, you bein a priest n all? :wink:
And Mrs Ted, bless her non shite appreciating cotton socks, would probably have a few words to say (and things to throw) on that score too. Welcome Lou.
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Can I please get £1000 for Mrs Maz against you?(and use some spurious environmental matter to justify it)*cough*, anyway....Don't confine yourself to 70s j-tat, there's plenty of 80s tat that everyone has erased from their memory - just ask Hirst.

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Long time lurker here, but fellow 2CVers have encouraged me to join in! (Hi Louise & Ian; 'tis I, of Captain Black fame....).


Thought Louise might like a pic I've unearthed of our family transport for most of the '70s, taken somewhere in Wales. Yes, it was just as brown inside! Hesitate to call it shite though, as it was a flippin' good car!




And here it is looking even more fab with a roof rack on holiday in 1976 (and I am the little oik on the grass in the blue cardigan).





(PS How do I get the image in the message rather than as a link?)

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