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Hi Guys,

Well I've sold the Fuego....Didn't expect things to happen this way.

I got a phone call,,he came,,he saw,,he liked he bought.

Quickest sale I ever made,,,,,but doesn't that cash in the hand feel good,especially when you make it for yourself and not somebody else.

Anyway, Looks like I've started what I've been putting off so.......

Also means of course that I am making space for that Renault 17 ,if I ever find one,,,or a Nice RED Fuego TURBO :wink:


Renault 18 for sale. ,and before ye all get carried away,its not a Turbo.


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Or a red Fuego turbo eh?


If you have more money than sense then you'll buy this...


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...which is on for £1005 MORE than this...


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..which is pure class.

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Lets just say that there doesn't seem to be a logical explanation for the price of that Fuego except that it got people talking---I spoke to the guy,and he either has no idea the value of his car,or he deliberatley priced it that way to get interest(or not I hope). I have to ring him back on FRIDAY.PC guides a Condition 1 car at £1500What is that one worth,,,especially when you bought in new in 1984!!!Of course you know what will happen if buy that Fuego-----------a bloomin 17 will turn up next week,which is what I really want. :cry: :(Ohh by the way,,I still have the 16 ,which I now realise I would be mad to sell,,,and I'm certainly keeping the 15 as I will have a set if I get the 17.

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It's a bloody lovely bit of kit, but £12K??? You could build your own out of bits for that surely?

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Hey Renomad, I spotted a 1983 Renault 9 automatic in the local (Cork) free ads paper yesterday. No price mentioned but NCT'd until August. Let me know if you're interested and I'll dig out the details

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Wow, Turbo estate. Didn’t realise they did such a thing.Similarly, makes me think a 21 Savannah with turbo running gear would be amusing.

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£12k for any Fuego is just madness. I can see it being maybe £5k if it was really good / virtually as new but not twelve thousand pounds :shock: 18 Turbo estate looks both very lovely and both very useful. Still, my R11 quest continues...

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So it's not a 17 and it's not red, but it's a Fuego Turbo - this ad has been on TradeIt for YONKS - I've posted it here a number of times. Probably lousy if it hasn't sold in all this time?

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Well I'm not going to give 12K for a Fuego,,or any other car for that matter.One LHD car is enough thanks very much,Think I'll just hang in there for a 17------One has to turn up eventually.If a 17000 mile Fuego Turbo turns up,pretty much anything will!!! :wink:

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