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1986 635 Cs i - SinBin since 2020...

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Shit oversized Alpenis replica wheels and a rotten wing.


That'll be an E24 then. 

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I'd rather see that with its wing corrosion being used all weathers than an overpolished perfect trophy at a show

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....an overpolished perfect trophy at a show


Unfortunately that's what many of them will become now that values have climbed ever upwards.


The days of the decent four-grand E24 are gone now, and we're entering territory occupied by flippers.

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Looks like you're in a race, smart! That motor has no advisories or fails for being rotten, bar some of the bushes, it's all silly stuff. Good spot tho.


Yes, 4 large gets you a pile dragged kicking and screaming from a shed it would seem these days. Mine was fairly priced when I got it (just take this liability anchor m9... Please!) and the guy needed monies but it was fucked in many places and has cost me way more than it's worth in cash, blood, sweat and many, many tears.

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  • 1 month later...

Completed a 120 mile round trip in it today. It was a now or never decision really. Confidence in it was low but I thought that I either use it or loose it as it was covering about 5 miles a month!


I was somewhat confident 'behind the scenes' as it's all been checked over, all works* and there's nothing really that could fail other than a massive ftp from an unknown source. I even took no tools or fluids to prove to myself that 'it'll be fine'. The only thing I do take on long journeys is the Tyre inflator- just in case...


It made the largely motorway trip ok, but was a bit boaty on the arse end. A pressure check on the tyres at my destination showed the rears to be well down. Air in and away we went. Got a toot from a chap in a modern 6 series on the M25, pleased to see this old shark rolling in the right direction.


I'm going to do the same run again tomorrow if it remains dry out and make a list of things to do on it to achieve in 2019.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 11 months later...

Ooophf... I can't believe how much time has flown past! I think that Dec 2018 was the last time I actually drove this car anywhere significant. I never got around to finding out what the clicking noise from the back is but I imagine that it's not good! ...Then the impromptu Jag purchase got in the way. Now that is up to an acceptable standard, I guess I should be looking at this BM again. So, yesterday I dragged it out of its garage and with a charged battery hooked up, started it up. 

All is good. Except for the mind baffling situation where it's lobbed all its brake fluid up and over the floor. It has still got good brakes so I've cleaned the whole car in and out, refilled the reservoir and will keep tabs on it. Whilst cleaning, the age old dilemma came up once more... does it need to be painted again? I dunno, I was talking to a neighbour who was pleased to see it's return and we discussed this point. The thing is, it has a fair few marks, poor paint, faded paint and lacquer peel that if I was to repaint it, all this character* would be lost and it would just be another trailer queen. I've had a trailer Queen before and I spent way too much of my life, curtain twitching to see if anything was within a meter from it with the potential to cause a mark. I hate that and I'm already a bit like that with the Jag. So for now at least, I want to keep the tired look about it. Someone else can dream of painting it. 

One thing that bugs me is that just like the Jag, the front badge looks utter shit. It's all faded and worn and is just shiny Chrome. So, a good place to start I guess!

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So, luckily the graphic part of the badge was easily removed because it basically fell away leaving the chrome surround in situ. I then ventured into my shed of possibilities and promise.

Like the Jag badge, I thought that I could do a nice, clean and tidy remake. All I'd need is to go buy some blue paint. Then I thought about the after market Chinese badges, red, black, yellow, carbon fibre* etc... No, the jags badge was unique and so this will be.

Going with the shonky direction of the car, I thought I'd let creativity* and trial and error take precedence and see where it would take us.

It's taken me here:


Hand crafted by a five year old it would seem, nature has blended* the finest chemicals to produce something that could have well been dug up from a Victorian drain. Perfect.

  • Like 4
  • 1 month later...

Another thread read during shut down.

I think msyelf lucky with my e28, a bit battered but very little rust as it came fron Alicante by an ebay purchase;  no mucking about with papers as I just paid the English  ebay seller and it was delivered to the door.

Luckily I bought it a long time ago and had the timing chain and guides replaced before the parts went NLA and the cost went astronomical.

I feel quite proud that my limited spannering skills were enough to get the starter motor out and back in again after reconditioning by the local Bosch agent.  The view on the mye28.com forum is that it is rated a bastard job;  I found the bastardity was mainly the helpful* design features:

The only spanner that is the right shape to get in to fit the starter bolts is that in the tool kit, and then it only just catches on - tough if the tool kit has gone missing.  Fortunately a neighbour knew how to get the required leverage  - a long 32mm ring spanner over the end of the one on the bolt - and then the movement arc was not a lot;  A couple of taps with the hammer and they let go with a loud band and then undid by hand.

And then there are the multitude of 8mm dome headed nuts on the inlet;  why oh why is the casting such that very few had clearance to get  a spanner or socket on properly;  getting them off was easier than getting them back on again;  I bought a couple of dozen stainless steel nuts and washers as some had already disappeared into the depths in dismantling.

Then on last year's trip to the Powderham Castle car show the brakes got tighter and tighter in the long queue -red hot brakes all round and thank god the grass had been cut short.  2 hours later free brakes but a very hot engine rough running engine - AA truck home to arrive with a cool engine and a car with no brake or engine problems.

New brake clinder - none came up on searching Europe;   seller in 'Merica - website takes me all the way to postage and taxes then fails, bugger.  Contacted firm - "we don't sell to UK because of GDPR"!!  Fortunately another did sell to UK

Engine was most likely a temperature sensor failing and the ECU being told the engine was still cold so fueling for that.  Hopefully having replaced it that is that problem sorted - I'm nervous about doing a good run as the brakes locking could be the brake booster cylinder and the hot running something else.


For anyone who has a e12, e23, e28 I can thoroghly recommend looking at mye28.com;  basically an American forum but what they don't know about the cars probably ain't worth knowing.




1 hour ago, kirton said:

.....I feel quite proud that my limited spannering skills were enough to get the starter motor out and back in again after reconditioning by the local Bosch agent.  The view on the mye28.com forum is that it is rated a bastard job;  I found the bastardity was mainly the helpful* design features....

Not sure which engine you have, but if it is the M30, quite a few E24 Six owners have managed to substitute the physically smaller, lighter starter motor from the E34 535i. It was something I was considering when I had mine. Might be an idea if you ever need to change the starter again. 


Yep, engine is the M88/3. I knew about the e34 starter (e28.com.FTW) but went for originality - investment value consideration don cha know.



Yeah, I won't be forgetting the starter swap job for a long time. Done it with conventional spanners but you're working totally blind. I managed to buy a reconditioned one and it came labelled up as 'rare unit'. I still have the old unit, need all the spares I can get for it.

The car is currently in the sin bin whilst it is throwing up it's brake fluid which I haven't even looked into yet. All I can think is that any stored pressure from the engine running is somehow letting into the reservoir slowly whilst it sits. Looks to happen over 3 days of sitting after running. Fully expecting it to be the only car on the planet that this has ever happened to though. Like when all the brakes slowly locked on in traffic and would only release by moving and cooling the engine bay. Trouble is, with locked on brakes, you don't move to far! New sphere sorted that out but then it caused the issue I have now.

28 minutes ago, The Mighty Quinn said:

That hydro servo set up is a pain in the rectum. WTF was wrong with a regular vacuum servo?

Lack of space.


No, it's all the brake fluid coming up out of the reservoir.

I had all the linkages apart and cleaned/ lubed it all up. It was all pretty good. Tried to rebuild the master cylinder but was a cnut to dismantle and left it, so I want a replacement to fit so I don't disable the car.

Brakes work fine* during normal operation.

Isn't there a swap with the 5 series gear?

4 minutes ago, The Mighty Quinn said:


And the 540i, and the E32 V8 and V12. I'm not sure what you're getting at there.

I meant that it was in those due to lack of space for a conventional servo.

4 hours ago, kirton said:

Yep, engine is the M88/3. I knew about the e34 starter (e28.com.FTW) but went for originality - investment value consideration don cha know.


Ah, so M635CSi, rather than standard cooking grade. Timing chain and tensioner every 100,000 miles must be fun.

Posted (edited)

E28 M5, a bit less common (fewer than)  than the fancy M635i.  It is lhd so doesn't suffer from the brake cross linkage that rhd cars do.  

I'd had dreams of one ever since a Car article on the ultimate q car and one day after my wife said I  could get a nice car after a local inbred wrote off my bx 4x4 one came up on ebay at a price I could afford. Since then she has drawn the line at me adding a rhd UK companion, women!

I'd read about the cam chain I'd be so had it done before the game of chance blew up on me. My current thoughts are that is the guides ageing and disintegrating; possibly a job now for 3d printing?


Edited by kirton
Predictive text bah

Mine gave about 305bhp on a rolling road, yee haa!  To be honest it is beyond my skill level and I do like a heavy right foot.

Something that puzzles me is that the non USA M5s are all rated at 286bhp whether they have the UK rhd log manifold or the lhd bunch of snakes that must flow a lot better

2 hours ago, kirton said:

Mine gave about 305bhp on a rolling road, yee haa!  To be honest it is beyond my skill level and I do like a heavy right foot.

Something that puzzles me is that the non USA M5s are all rated at 286bhp whether they have the UK rhd log manifold or the lhd bunch of snakes that must flow a lot better

Fritz's Bits has been producing "bunch of snake" manifolds for RHD cars for a good long while now

  • 10 months later...

Due to OMGRAIN/SNOKAOS, working outside on the Jaag had stopped. I decided yesterday to go see the BMW for the first time since the end of April 2020. Being fully prepared, I didn't take the keys so couldn't get in but I got in the garage. She looks way better than I remember, I think I've been a bit hard on it. She's nice, clean and dry though under the car cover. I thought that to reinforce my outlook on this car, today I'd take a battery and the keys and go start it. Technically, it should fire right up as I left it. I feel a cold start video coming on... Fingers crossed eh?


In my experience old BM's are pretty good at starting after a long lay up. Last time I fired up my e28 520 after a three year break the clutch had stuck to the flywheel, it came off eventually with plenty of abuse.

ETA, what I started out to say was, good luck!

  • Thanks 1
  • Crispian_J_Hotson changed the title to 1986 635 Cs i - SinBin since 2020...

Welp, that went well.

https://youtu.be/IlogLDHZM7s   (EDIT: Recorded in new* 'SidewaysVision'o'matic...)

Got some air in the tyres and it went just as I'd left it.

Now for something interesting...

You may or may not have read that I had changed my user name to that of the first keeper of this car. I done some research a few years ago but didn't really pursue anything. The subject came up on my Jaag thread and Rod/b was good enough to find a picture of the guy ( Here )   sealing a merger deal for Ryan international in 1987, and who is now my profile pic. The key to confirming this is the fella that decided to buy my car back in 1986 was sitting in the cars glovebox. Well today I retrieved it:


I love a bit of history. 

I am hitting a dead end though with the original dealer shown above, seems like it's vanished but someone out there must know!

I've almost completed all the jobs I want to do on the Jaag, then the Landrover needs some attention and this should take me into the summer when I can get this 635 out in the open and fix it. In the meantime, I have obtained a leather front headliner trim to go in as the existing one has lost it's strength but I also need to source a master cylinder, suspension and tyres. Cash is being flung elsewhere for now so it'll have to wait it's turn!

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Presumably he is no longer with us? What was your original username? (My mobile wont allow me to find out)



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