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Forum Funding - Statement of account UPDATED 04/11/2021


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Funding update for November 2021. 

Thank you to all who donated last month, we raised a total of £95.32 after fees, costs were £50.31 for hosting and backups, with an expected additional charge of £41 for the renewal of the forum software for the next 6 months. This will come due on approx 22nd Nov, I aim to have handed over the reins by this point but will include it in the maths so there is a clean handover.

The net result of this is that the kitty is at -£0.72 at time of typing, and expected to be at -£41.72 before my handover is complete. 

What I'll do is cover this myself so there is a clean handover - there will be a new treasurer from next month, person currently to be decided but to be announced in due course.

Thanks all for your kind contributions over the last few years, not one single month have I been left holding the baby with costs related to running the site, I'm very appreciative of your help!


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Stanky has done an excellent job as treasurer, Thank you for all you have done to improve the transparency of the finances here and keep things running smoothly. 

If you have the skills and time to take this role on please see the Autoshite staff vacancies post pinned to the top of the forum, as we do need someone to continue this work.

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