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Is there a specific name for this type of U bolt? (Trailer Q)


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I am upgrading the winch on my car transporter and the (I believe) OEM system fitted to my mates near identical model works great, so I am basically copying it.


I am having a 6-8mm winch mounting plate bent up, and have a pulley block on order http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/162344855359?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT but still need a suitable U bolt and I guess some round bar bent up and welded into a triangle, to attach the pulley block to the winch cable.


I have had a look around, and I am struggling to find a suitable U bolt. I also don't know the I.D. of the pulley, yet but it is a fair size. I reckon it will accommodate 10mm.










For the U bolt I was thinking of bending something up, and welding a plate to the back, but I would prefer a threaded item.

Same goes for the triangle, if I can buy one I probably will do.



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The U-bolt is nowt special, get them from a trailer place (be it car or truck, there will be something local), rounded or square.


The triangle bit you want, look up "delta ring".

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I think I need an early night. Or glasses. I read the title as this:



I'd imagine it has a couple of similar u bolts dotted around its frame. Not that it really helps. Sorry.

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