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Shite wanted, Tell me about BMW E39s please.

Spiny Norman

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E39's are decemt old buses and the E34, as great as they were are just a bit too old. 530i's involve electronic throttle bodies DSC and crap like that so a 528i makes a better shitter. They're all old cars now and a £600 example is much the same as a £2000 one. Rusty bootlids, wobbly headlights and dead ABS ECU's are the common issues and the early cars (P, R and early S plate) are the most robust.

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Cheers guys, all good stuff. I've driven a couple of E39s, a 520 and a 528 and while the bigger engine was undoubtedly faster I was surprised at how nippy and light on their feet they felt for such big buses. All I need to do now is find a decent one locally and things will be good.

How are they as manuals by the way?



These Scoobies aren't for me I've decided. What research I've done suggests they're an absolute nightmare when they go, and most bits are dealer only. The guy selling the one I was interested in has emailed me back saying the clutch is slipping so that's a no for that one, and he one in the ad above just seems terrifyingly complicated for what is basically an ugly big Jap estate car.

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The manuals are good. Quite a long throw but BMW do a good manual box.

How about a 728i? They're great cars and not too bad on fuel given the size.

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Like I said earlier, I could quite go an X type and they're dirt cheap, but too many people have warned me off them.


Nearly bought an E38 728i a couple of years ago before I got the Merc but we couldn't agree a price.

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...and now after half an hour's digging about on various forums I find out that a bit of clutch slip and juddering when cold (which is what the bloke described the problem as) is quite common in Scooby Foresters, as in 'They all do that sir' and if the worst comes to the worst it's not as hideous a job as I first thought for a clutch change and a skimmed flywheel.
And it IS cheap, and and it IS literally within walking distance and it will be handy for when the OMGSNOKAOS comes....Hmmm, I'll sleep on it. ;)

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...and now after half an hour's digging about on various forums I find out that a bit of clutch slip and juddering when cold (which is what the bloke described the problem as) is quite common in Scooby Foresters, as in 'They all do that sir' and if the worst comes to the worst it's not as hideous a job as I first thought for a clutch change and a skimmed flywheel.

And it IS cheap, and and it IS literally within walking distance and it will be handy for when the OMGSNOKAOS comes....Hmmm, I'll sleep on it. ;)


Subbies are made to be worked on, son and me did the clutch on his Imprezza (Forester in a short skirt), very straightforward but the box cos its a transfer box as well is fookin heavy, a job for 2 strong blokes.


Parts situation is good on them, good aftermarket in quality stuff, if you need the main dealer parts dept we've found them to be old fashioned and enthusiastic types who try to find the cheapest option for you.

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