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Top Gear USA


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Here are some links to watch TG USA online:


(the 'putlocker' and 'sockshare' ones work the best - there will be popups though)

A bit different from the UK version as most epsiodes are challenges.
Even more staged than the UK one too but quite entertaining none the less.

Be warned though, they have a thing for wrecking 60s/70s stuff...

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Link wouldn't work on my ipad, but suspect this will be cringeworthy viewing...!

Not usually* a fan of American versions of Brit TV shows as they are often crapper parodies of the crap UK ones. Starring* all the same people that inhabit most other US shows. ( Dawg lookalikes, men who like guns, brassy women, noisy fat folks and rednecks various...Seemingly.)

Lots of OMG shouting and whooping, fuck all content and punctuated by adverts every 5 minutes.

This may be different. Possibly.

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I didn't like it. if its possible it seems even more dumbed down than the uk version. whereas in the uk, there may be a subtle incidental joke like jezza inadvertantly drawing a cock on a gps tracker by driving a car in that pattern, in the US version they feel the need to explain all the jokes a if they are worried people won't get it. it seems too contrived an forced.

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I didn't like it. if its possible it seems even more dumbed down than the uk version. In the US version they feel the need to explain all the jokes a if they are worried people won't get it. it seems too contrived an forced.

They wouldn't 'get' the jokes without an explanation... Even then probably not.

The American sense of humour is elusive. It's there, but hard to find!

It certainly isn't subtle or sarcasm based. More ' banana skin' IMHO.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really don't know why and I felt dirty and soiled for it but I kind of enjoyed The 2nd/3rd series of TG USA, possibly even more than the GB version. The camera and sound work seems better/more entertaining, certainly to my uneducated brainthing.

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Must admit, I really like the TGUSA.


TGUK has dropped off in the last couple of series and TGUSA has gone up.


They did a convertible challenge on the US one recently in Alaska, that was worth watching just for the scenery alone.


Well worth a look in my honest opinion if you get the chance.



Can't check out the links above, but see if you can find the episode where they buy old cars to do moonshine runs. They take them all on an off road course which ends up with one of them jumping a 60's Cadillac about 30ft. (Broke the back of the car)




- Dave -

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I really don't know why and I felt dirty and soiled for it but I kind of enjoyed The 2nd/3rd series of TG USA, possibly even more than the GB version. The camera and sound work seems better/more entertaining, certainly to my uneducated brainthing.


Nailed on.


Series two and three were so much better, as imo, the presenters weren't trying to play Clarkson and co.

They do challenges better, too.


I know it's all staged, but the handbrake test where Tanner's Fiero(?) managed to full-lock one way, then the other and plough into Adam's(?) motor made me 'lol'. As did the bowling ball against the rear screen.


Australian Top Gear on the other hand... :|

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