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What do I do, the banger racing issue raises it's ugly head


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Like i say if you disagree with anything they say you are treated to the bog and pollox acid toungue. I think they must be brothers or something.Also did you know hey are now running classes on how to write ebay ads ?They are experts on it and will test you to their strict guidelines so if you are a genuinely illiterate seller on ebay (yes 1/5 adults in britain supposedely are) and fail the test expect your ad to be mocked here upon this forum. For people that get so wound up if anyone so much opposes to their comments they are the first to step in and slag off other people. Why is it they can sit and slag off boy racer cars and post pictures and laugh at them as they like but when anyone criticies 'your cars' they are 'blinkered' or just plain assholes. For 2 of the highest posters on this forum you's are also the most unpleasant. Which is why i do not post here becasue of the hypocritical childish bullying that goes on.

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Should you ever have the misfortune to interrupt a conversation I am having with like minded friends with needless and inflammatory comments you will find out that keyboard warrior is an entirely inappropriate term. :twisted:

Also pog i think you will find that wrecker here was in this discussion long before you were so it was you that interupted him. Your second comment - DO NOT FEED THE TROLL....
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Whats all this about being blinkered? I am more than happy for folk to diss my rusty old heaps! And I have no bones about laughing at the many halfwits who use ebay, its great. However I am sorry if you think I am unpleasant - I disagree, but respect your point of view.Cheer up old bean!

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Each to their own I guess.To be honest, the conversion of the english language into 'txt' speak annoys me, in the majority of cases it's just plain bone-idleness, not being illiterate..Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I respect the majority of peoples. I find Pog and Mr Bo11ox most amusing, their anicdotes and comments have often made me 'laugh out loud'.

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Weird thread... The comic duo almost always make me laugh too, mucho tongue in cheeky etc. I like that. Isn't this the season to be jolly and stuff and shit though?

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Pog & Mr B are part of the forum and post many witty lines, you Mr Walker have posted 4, not a critisism, if you've got something interesting to say just say it and the other forum members will comment as they see fit, I'm a big thick c**t that passed through the education system barely touching the sides but I post on here lot's and find people generally supportive and have only ever been slagged off by banger racers that seem to post for that reason alone. Post away Mr Walker, you will find us all a bit like baby bear if you will be our Goldilocks!

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Hmmm. Odd. I entirely agree with the comments of Torsten and Michiel.... Pog & Bollox are generally very amusing posters as well as enthusiastic shite-ers and for someone who has posted only four times to start laying into them seems strange to me.... Surely if you don't like the tone of the place then don't bother looking at it and posting?And as far as the assortment of ebay illiterates go, well yes they are quite amusing. I absolutely detest TXT speak so as far as I am concerned anyone who can't manage to write a half literate ad deserves pointing and staring at!

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As a recent sign-up to this forum, a relatively infrequent poster, and a first time contributor to this thread, I hope I'm not wrong to stick my nose in here. I must say the last few pages of this thread have opened my eyes somewhat, with some less than insightful input from the "Sportsmen" and the reactions of some more genuine Autoshiters who took the bait and fell in the trap again.

I realise SirBo11ox's revival of this thread was as much about poor ebay etiquette as it was the attitudes of some racers, but the banger racing issue was done to death over and over back in January this year, when there was that unfortunate influx of inflammatory dunces and ill-punctuated topics, so perhaps it should be left sleeping now. I fear this thread has awoken those critters with unenviable post histories, and set them crawling out of the woodwork to wind up the more sensitive souls amongst us. I noticed the vociferous Prophet Pogweasel foresaw the re-opening of this can of worms and warned us several times not to go there... but here we are now.

Pog and MrB lead the way for the rest of us, I believe, and the core of their work is everything this forum is, and should be. What make it special here (apart from the superb subject matter of each and every thread,) are the intelligent and erudite contributions from the more frequent posters, their ability to make a valid point, and to do it eloquently. And I dare say almost all of the top 20 posters would agree with me on that. "Newer" members ferociously brandishing different opinions and values, wading in to upset the tea party should expect a little light-hearted derision and teasing. Would it not be the same on any forum?

However, I stand by my opinion that this is the most welcoming, friendly and open-minded of massage boards. There’s the feeling we are all on the same side, fighting for the same good cause. There’s no cutting sarcasm directed at other users, and the ‘mods’ trust the participants to play nicely and leave us alone. That’s how it should be. I don’t know how far this would have to go to rattle MrHumberS and co, they seem pretty cool, but let’s not push it any further, eh?

Banger racers, “spud licking cnutsâ€Â, ebay cretins, everyone is welcome to lurk and/or sign up to post, but no-one should feel they have the prerogative to cut in and spoil this atmospheric beige haven. Lurk, and think what you like of the rest of us, whatever turns you on… (not that I can dictate anything to anyone – just an inexperienced newby – I know my place).

Surely it’s better to stay quiet and be thought of as a fool, than to open your mouth and prove it to everyone…


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Good post KruJoe. Trust me, it takes a hell of a lot to rattle mine & Mr Leyland's cages. I once even sat through an episode of Hearbeat by accident & was only mildly rattled.

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Here we have an emotive subject where many people hold polarised and entrenched views. In this situation it doesn't take a lot for it to become a slagging match between the opposing camps usually based on lazy thinking stereotypes. I don't agree that the subject has been done to death, yes plenty of posts but not much proper debate. Krujoe your mail is provocative and contradicts your 'open minded' comments.

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Yeah Krujoe youre worse than Bernard Manning with your forthright and controversial post there, just tone it down a bit will you!!!! Won't somebody think of the children! etc.I may be wrong but I feel a load of virtual navel gazing potentially developing here, lets not pollute the forum with that stuff eh?

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Guest greenvanman

Here we have an emotive subject where many people hold polarised and entrenched views. In this situation it doesn't take a lot for it to become a slagging match between the opposing camps usually based on lazy thinking stereotypes. I don't agree that the subject has been done to death, yes plenty of posts but not much proper debate. Krujoe your mail is provocative and contradicts your 'open minded' comments.

I disagree. It very definitely has been done to death, and starting another 'debate' on the subject would serve no purpose whatsoever. Autoshite is about enjoying and keeping often strange (and to some, unloveable) vehicles going, while banger racing is about smashing them to bits. I don't think two interests could be more polarised than that. Can I therefore suggest that anyone who wants to have such a debate takes it somewhere more appropriate?
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The thing is that this isn't a banger racing forum, I think the object of this site is to preserve the memory of otherwise forgotten, some would say mundane cars. In effect I take it that the general position of this site is to try and preserve these cars and that is where I stand. There are people on this site that support banger racing fairly common cars and classics that are far beyond economic rescue, I can't argue with that, in fact crack on. The rogue racers, some seem to be on here and one encounter I had that started this thread, take great delight in provocation. Maybe the guy who offered £800 for the Lada was winding me up but as I asked, what the fuck am I to do, I rescued this car to keep it from banger racers. We know that there is a certain kudos in racing rare and nice cars, I don't think the vast majority of people on here support this, I don't believe there's room for debate on this site about this. Those that weld up basket cases or a strip out a Mondeo for racing fair play, no debate is necessary. My motto right now is remember and preserve where you can.

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And I dare say almost all of the top 20 posters would agree with me on that. "Newer" members ferociously brandishing different opinions and values, wading in to upset the tea party should expect a little light-hearted derision and teasing. Would it not be the same on any forum?

However, I stand by my opinion that this is the most welcoming, friendly and open-minded of massage boards. There’s the feeling we are all on the same side, fighting for the same good cause. There’s no cutting sarcasm directed at other users,Surely it’s better to stay quiet and be thought of as a fool, than to open your mouth and prove it to everyone…


So you're saying im a fool. You completely contradict yourself over and over. Why is it that "newer" members should have to put up with that attitude. They "wade into upset the tea party" So newer members cant post in the threads without interrupting all you cosy regular posters. We should keep our noses out and perhaps stick to our own "noob" threads and be ridiculed... Thats the problem with this forum, you all go on about how welcoming it is but a lot of the time it is anything but because of a few arrogant self important posters.
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I wasn't actually suggesting any further debate just commenting on the quality of the contributions. I didn't start this thread and if you check back over my previous posts you will see I attemped (unsuccessfully) to conclude it. Having said no further debate needed posters have put their side, so I do feel a brief come back is fair.Firstly not talking about racing classics that is a debate in its own right and not my thing at all. An interest in old cars on the road or old cars on the track doesn't have to be mutually exclusive. I currently have no interest in restoring cars, can't be doing with bodywork. I drive old shiters on the road usually squeezing a year or two out of motors that has been given up on. I did honestly think this site was more about proper shiters being used in a similar way.If we are talking better examples wouldn't they be better discussed on Retro Rides? The majority of cars being raced are past being economically fit for the road. They are not rare and are only really having a detour round the track on the way to the weighbridge.

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From what I can see you're just being antagonistic Mr W, the owner of the car that started this thread Mr Pandamonium seems to have conributed and is certainly made himself part of this forum within a few short weeks. If you're interested in this phenomenon that is Autoshite then contribute and join in, if you come in pretty much straight away with an attack on two established and popular pillars of this shite community don't expect to be patted on the back, basic stuff really. Anyway, apart from the fact that we all love automotive shite no one takes it too seriously, read the threads, learn to love us and be nice to your fellow man and his crap wheels

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im a infrequent poster because i chose to be i post some cars on here not to wind anyone up, i want to share some finds with you .torsten started this thread with a question ,now he was either naive , stupid or thought he struck gold with his lada he asked for comments he got them .torsten had most likely upset someone with daft comments and they were taken revenge a few of the click get upset and starts slagging people off if they dont quite fit in (sort of bullys really) banger drivers,boyracers and even drifting .who are these people to slag anyone off most of you have no mechanical skills, certainly no welding skills ,and no buying skills paying over the odds for stuff you cannot sell for a profit, let alone break even on.on reading some of your feedback alot of you are called timewasters and even one of the click was called a clown .one off the few decent people on here with any savvy is nigel bickle he seems to be a do'er rather than messer top respect

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.... most of you have no mechanical skills, certainly no welding skills ,and no buying skills paying over the odds for stuff you cannot sell for a profit, let alone break even on.

Thats exactly true, and we don't pretend to be anything else. Its the whole point of the site. Now ffs, someone lock this post down and lets start looking at crap cars again instead of bickering like teenagers in chatrooms..... YO MOMMA.... etc, etc. lol.
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