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Everything posted by grizz

  1. Not been to one of these in some time. Kent Breakfast Meeting. Just older stuff No dick swinging. And food.
  2. Cool. That is funny. Thanks for letting me/us know.
  3. Just realised I missed the “scenic” part of the brief.
  4. Astro van On my drive day after I drove it home 200 miles. Loose battery terminal.
  5. Of course I have no clue what FTP stands for but have had a few experiences Caddy Repeatedly died and pissed about embarrassing me till I replaced the ECU Including a three hour death after I booked it for an MOT. Passed at 6.30pm Now a faultless low mileage SDI as expected
  6. Good thinking as always. But finding one that will let you wander about, down here…… not sure.
  7. Morning Glenn Thank you, yes I need to leave the toxicity as my tolerance for bullying had been exceeded. Opinions may vary. Had a few comments about the rear door seals on the van. Took a few pics to illustrate what I have to work with. Based in part on the insane prices of the seals, finding a matching profile to use or actually rebuilding parts, like this corner with the original piece and some silicone to recreate the profile, we may be in business. The left hand, first to close door uses pins to secure and locate that door also an upper rain rail and seal in place. Some parts of the seal obviously are a tight fit. I will look at all of this in order to seal and repair all of what is needed. Once again a nice way to start the day. Plan is to wash and clean the van today and use it tomorrow for a breakfast meeting up near Gravesend for American cars. Roads are clean again and as I refuse to drive the van on salted, gritted and wet roads, trying to look after it. Maybe a few pics too.
  8. Only just saw your thread here today Kevin. I forget how many great cars you have, so excuse the multiple likes hit.
  9. Some days Some days do start well. This pic taken at 7.45 out the window with my iPhone, no filter before sunrise made me smile. Amazing what nature can do. Same evening I moved the Astro and Peugeot away from the fence as there was a storm and winds were up to 100mph or 160km/h Next morning 4 panels blown out and another damaged further up. Glad I went out at 10.00pm to move them as damage would really have angered me. And during the day I received three unused batteries and a charger (free for cost of postage) for the action camera @nickwheeler gave me last year for my YouTube channel movies. George being George, Loves chocolate and will steal or insist on trying to get some when he can. I let him have part of a Toblerone mountain to himself, the rest goes in the bin. In other news, keeping busy, there is always work to be done. Plum tree never got pruned in Autumn so did that. Fell off the ladder while pruning the tree in October 22 but landed well by luck. So I decided to cut it back real hard this year, robbing the wood pigeons of their nesting tree where they fledge two lot of chicks each year. Next job, cut up all the thin stuff with a hedge trimmer and cut logs for the fireplace. Today is a good day, breezy but said to be up to 12’C Maybe take the Astro out for shopping. LATER: Took the Caddy. Perfect.
  10. Welcome Craig. I suspect most of your treasures will have an interest here. Micra currently resides in Ireland.
  11. I have decided to put the Green Peugeot 206 CC back in the market as it truly is surplus now the Caddy is doing what it needs to do. Last page PM if interested please
  12. Thanks Kevin I will look at alternatives. My wallet dictates that.
  13. Thank you very much. Compliment accepted. Was having a birthday chat with a former colleague and friend this morning. His reply at the bottom illustrates how the pharmaceutical industry works.
  14. Certainly gets water through the rear doors when washing and hosing it down. Much better fixed
  15. So with winter interfering with some of the projects and progress of my random toys including selling some to make space, well, to regain space, rain, cold, storms have distracted me. So back to the Astro van, which is still a “keeper” unless someone else wants it more than me. 33 years old and in amazing condition overall and only done 78k registered miles means that I have to look after it and continue to improve it. One of a multitude of challenges and repairs I want to affect is replacing the expensive rear door seals. Original reproductions are available. But when you add US Taxes, import duty, shipping and then UK VAT to it the expensive $340.90 base price, increases to an eye watering total. So getting a look at alternatives makes sense but unlikely to happen. Current status is as per pics below. Certainly not fully sealed anymore it allows condensation to build as well. This does not reduce the value but makes me want to improve it. So now I need a suitcase space and baggage allowance in order to make it more affordable. What we need. Always money headed out ehhh. But worth doing??
  16. Thank you guys. I have to actually rethink this thing. Having built the Rezin Rockit I loved the process but once done….. I lose interest. The Astro van is possibly a better option to spend cash on. See below.
  17. What rear wheel drive, chassis UK cars run a 91” wheelbase and has around 60” width. Yes….. for a rebody with a monocoque style 1970 MG B Roadster body.
  18. My local guys, Dan, gets it right. He makes the Post Office look good. I have historically received post from America from strangers who stitched together an address with almost no information. I think that as a corporation, the company is very corporate. That’s their failure
  19. So after the mystery of the envelope with insufficient postage, we had a confession. But there is a story attached to it as you will see in the pics below. My very good mate Fil (Sparkplug) had printed the label and posted it out. WITH A POSTAGE STAMP ATTACHED. It seems the Royal Fail (Mail for patriots) changed the cost of postage so many times that they also issued completely new postage stamps with modern barcodes. The obsolete stamps can/could be traded for new but clearly both Fil, me and many others were not aware. So Fil posted his gift cunningly disguised with a printed envelope so I could neither recognise nor guess who from. And Royal Fail needed to get the extra few pennies postage had gone up in the mean time, sending out a card to say my tax for the transgression was to be paid before they re delivered. Bastards in any language. So now at least the next keeper will know when the service was done and what was dealt with.
  20. It would seem that I missed all of that. I have a load of the old stamps as well. Will have to take them back.
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