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Average days shite in New Zealand


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I think you must be hitting some kind of quota on Photobucket. I can see your new pics but not the earlier ones, though I could see them yesterday. You might be seeing them because they are cached on your PC.You might have to open multiple Photobucket accounts or look at another hosting solution. Most ISPs offer free webspace but I've never worked out how to utilise mine.

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well ive removed everything off this PC n Photobucket...othawise me helpless..the red thing with the Roller grill is a Bambina with a Wolsely Hornet grafted onto it...owned by my landlord..so are the Jowetts...they exceeded their storage bill so Ross got them both for 300 quid tho one is just a shell...he also owns the Vanguard 6..we bought that online for 200 quid..now im afraid to load anything else cos it takes ages n nobody but me selfish self can see them...churs lads....RAB

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Mr. Rabia - not sure, but you may need to ensure the photobucket folder you are putting these pics in is set as public - that way any pics in there should be visible to all. I think there may be some other option whereby the pics are visible to others only while you are logged in to p.bucket which may explain why they seem to be sporadically visible - not sure though.


Best not put any 'personal' pics that you'd rather we didn't see in a public folder though, or do you always wear that one-piece body stocking when you go tat spotting? :shock:

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its this godamn cafe PC...the body stockings a real faux pas..i usually wear a negligee n wellies!..ok..ill kick the photobucket again n see what appens..churs.....RABPosted Image

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my mate rents a house in Wellington n this Alvis TA21 /100 is in the garage downstairs..he reckons the ol boy is in a ol folks home..and may see if he can get the car if the house comes up for sale...

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