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1986 635 Cs i - SinBin since 2020...

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Surprisingly I was allowed to do the Landrover for as long as I liked when it blew chunks out it's head gasket, she even bought me tea out. Wait... She uses that car... Oh, I see what's going on....

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Doing that welding about a foot above the deck in a hurricane... Gawd blimey!


It's pissing down with rain and I had to cycle to the station in it this morning but I don't care that I got soaked through because... The 635 is BONE DRY INSIDE! 

Yes folks... All bones can now safely be stored in my car! As for weldathon yesterday, well, as I should have expected it took longer than anticipated. Prep took ages simply because the area I'm remaking is inaccessible without magic. The most difficult bits got done but I'll need a full day on it. Sills are on their last legs though and I should be looking to change them completely or I can expect this performance every year.


Fantastic job on the bimmer so far, always great to see people putting in the effort to keep cars like this on the road.

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I've always always loved these...... hovered over the send message a few times when you had it up for sale....... Glad you're getting into it and sorting it properly. You'll have smiles for miles. 

Can't wait to see it back on the road. Good luck

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^ I've decided to put this back up for...


Just kiddin! Managed to bunk off work to create further progress... Walked all the way to the station, about to board train home and... Got a phone call so had to walk all the way back! 2nd escape attempt in action as-we-speak...






Bottom of B post, outer sill, floor and inner sill rebuilt from the inside out! Kinda how it wrecked itself.


That's the worst of it out of the way, a couple more bits up front and we can tidy it all up, black it up, cover it all over again and pretend nothing happened.

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Neat work, and great to see the car going in the right direction. At least you can tell yourself that you’re adding value at each step.

I’ve got to ask though, why the hell does anyone still use that godawful bitumen-laced underseal shiz? It stinks, it’s no good at keeping rust away, it goes flaky and there are about a million better products on the market now.

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Cheers man... Primarily this tetroseal is free. The idea is that if the car leaks again, it will contain it and also stop it getting into the nooks and crannies. I don't mind the smell but it does honk. 

The existing floor finish was stained rust colours in places from the leaks over the years and filthy, this should also keep that filth down and bring to light any live rust issues.


I also have a load of gravitex at my disposal but that smells worse and chips off quite easily.


Just got to tidy up some cosmetics and we're good to go I reckon.

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Well, luckily* the rain we had the weekend allowed me to look into the car and check for any leaks... It becomes an obsession on these cars.


Unfortunately there it was... Drip... Drip... Coming from up behind the dash, above the brake pedal. This leak is the intermittent one, it leaks when it feels like it and I suspect, has been running along the dash underside and dripping depending on how the car is parked.

The reason for that suspicion is that the drip was by the A post as I had dusted the bare floor with talc to show a trace. Now the car is facing the other way, this leak hasn't reappeared, it's above the pedal.


Well, what's above the dash in this area then?


The windscreen wiper motor, but it's not that as it doesn't penetrate the bulkhead. It does however over hang a rubber grommet which is below it and that grommet carries loom into the car. 

Someone has been here before with some thick sealant which has failed, the grommet or boot has shrunk and is loose in the hole through the bulkhead. Pouring water directly over it shows that it's one hell of a leak into the cabin. 


So, after removing the wiper motor I managed to pull out the grommet, clean up the surrounding area which fortunately has not rusted at all through the paint, and re-sealed it with some pukka black sealant.

Almost immediately, the leak is gone!


I checked other rubber bits and we are looking good. 


I need a brake reservoir cap and level sensor. You push the top of the cap in to test the dash warning light and the rubbery bit has a split in it causing brake fluid to bleed out... That's annoying.


I had a sort of result on the tyres. I had to get cheepy tyres just for mot reasons, they were £70 odd quid for the pair... Considerably less than I normally pay for one corner! But my finances are needed elsewhere right now. They are a soft compound and will last about 2 miles! Still, I run the wheels in loose to the fitters and picked them up later. Upon fitting the wheels, one has clearly slipped on the fitting machine, cutting into the chrome rim in 3 places. I had a moan up and got 80 sovs as compo! 


They were on the list for a refurb anyway. You seen the price of style 5's lately? Looks like they've doubled in price in the last 3 or so years.


I'm still cracking on with it, gotta get it done but I'm finding it difficult to find the spare time to get it done any quicker!

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I managed to win* a fuel pressure regulator for 10paand off the fleabay. Apparently replaced in error, but that is a snip for a working one! Although I didn't want to go down the second hand route, finding a new one in the UK for an affordable price proved to be difficult. I did find one for just under £100 but I've yet to receive it and I'm not holding my breath.

Reckon the MOT will be next Saturday.


Today I tidied up the external sills and cleaned out the boot. The previous owner was a chippy and has spilt every substance known to man in there. After a shit load of years it's all got a bit sticky and stinky. The spare wheel weighs half a tonne... I've never realised that before so it's getting left out. The car raised a half inch when I took it out!


Some fella came over whilst I was working on it and asked if I'd sell it. Everything has a price. Told him I wasn't budging on the price and he offered me part ex's with an X5 fridge and some kind of Merc toaster. Sorry mate... No can do.


Just want to drive it now!


A C reg 7 series clattered past me at Wythenshawe hospital on Wednesday - driven by a giffer it was covered in marks and sounded very tappety. At least you can work on BMW's of that era.

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Got hold of that second hand unit for a tenner. Seller also sent me the bag his new one came in. I'd like to know how much BM charge for them.


I gave it a quick tidy up and tosh over whilst I was having breakfast as the paint was chipping off it.




Oh, I think I've been refunded for that other one? The payment was in pending transactions for a while, never taken. Then the balance went up yesterday by that amount and the pending vanished. Technically, it never left my account!


I've got to learn my lesson with these weird firms. It's like when you buy that thing on the bay, it doesn't arrive and then your read thier shocking feedback.


A C reg 7 series clattered past me at Wythenshawe hospital on Wednesday - driven by a giffer it was covered in marks and sounded very tappety. At least you can work on BMW's of that era.


Mine got really tappety a few years back. Rocker gaps we're all over the place, one was too tight, how does that even happen? I suspect tomfoolery. Even though that noise has gone, the injectors are really clanky, even after swapping them out. Spoils video sound of what is quite a nice running engine.


....Some fella came over whilst I was working on it and asked if I'd sell it. Everything has a price. ...

This is slightly annoying in the sense that you suspect that they're only trying to waste your time. On the morning that my gearbox gave up, three passers-by asked if I'd sell it.


That's right, when he offered me appliance shite I knew he'd be walking.


This is slightly annoying in the sense that you suspect that they're only trying to waste your time. On the morning that my gearbox gave up, three passers-by asked if I'd sell it.



I wonder if that beige E12 518 is still rotting on that driveway?


Set of genuine M Technic springs £100.


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How could I not say yes to those... They look so cwute... Send payment details and I'll pay up Friday or something. 

I bought a really cheap* coat this week and some vinyl so my free funds are smoll.


I wonder if that beige E12 518 is still rotting on that driveway?

Long gone. I checked back in February.


There's a house around here that has three 635's wasting away up the drive. I think I found the owner on a site but no reply to my message. It's one of those houses that to look at says... Leave me alone...


There's a house around here that has three 635's wasting away up the drive. I think I found the owner on a site but no reply to my message. It's one of those houses that to look at says... Leave me alone...

There used to be a waste patch in Claygate, Surrey, that had loads of E24s and a few E9s all rotting away merrily.


What was I saying about second hand parts?




It's fucking fucked mate. Not a lot of luck with it this week so I'll be ordering a new one from mateys volvo site or facing BMW parts. Balls. But hey, let's turn that frown upside down...


What was I saying about second hand parts?




It's fucking fucked mate. Not a lot of luck with it this week so I'll be ordering a new one from mateys volvo site or facing BMW parts. Balls. But hey, let's turn that frown upside down...

That FPR was something that never went wrong on mine. Can't believe they're that difficult to find now.


How could I not say yes to those... They look so cwute... Send payment details and I'll pay up Friday or something. 

I bought a really cheap* coat this week and some vinyl so my free funds are smoll.



I'll get you the guy's number.

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That FPR was something that never went wrong on mine. Can't believe they're that difficult to find now.



On my other FPR Focused thread a fellow shitter has done some research and found some. They are listed in general across the States but the couple of times I've tried to buy them, it amounted to nothing but giving my details away gratis. BMW still have them supposedly, don't know what price though... You can only imagine. Just got 2 new for under 80quid in the UK with buyer protection. Hopefully the sale produces a result this time!

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