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Quality!I went OOOFFF when that Fiat 600 got stacked towards the beginning. Just laughed at the way that Herald randomly just drives into the bridge at 1 mile and hour for no reason at the end too!

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The November issue of Top Gear magazine has a free DVD of great movie car chases and also has that Rendezvous on it.Well worth the £4 for the mag.

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There's now many different chases on YouTube from 70's Italian films, a large proportion feature either Citroen DSs or BMW 2000s as the cars being driven by the villians for some reason...

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A lot of the chases keep getting removed though, which is a shame as I'd love to watch the Opel Commodore mountain road scene from Cold Sweat, but am too idle to put the DVD on. But it is gone! It'll come back.Instead, have a load of police cars being smashed up courtesy of the faintly ridiculous Shuto Kousoku Trial:

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Was that a 130 or 132 - either way I feel sorry for it, it was treated very rough. I never saw Citroen DS' as a fast car - they seem far too cumbersome & wallowy. Was this video supposed to have sound?I had a dream the other night which this reminded me of. It involved a MkIII Ford Transit Luton van driving along this main road in a random place. It was like a seaside place, but it wasn't supposed to be anywhere inparticular. Anyway this van raced past me very fast (I was a pedestrian) and I remember thinking to myself in the dream that vans like that aren't meant to be driven like that (think Richard Hammond toppling that Bedford Rascal during the van challenge) and I was concerned it was going to end badly. It did.......further up the road, I saw it swerve, skid and drive straight into the wall. I expected a 'Police Camera Action' voiceover to exclaim "He's crashed!, he's crashed!, he's crashed!" like the opening credits. I was quite unnerved in the dream. I remember it now, clear as day! :?:shock: No more cheese before bedtime for me! :lol:

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I keep rewinding and going 'hold on, was that a Datsun 160 SSS flashing by and that a Simca Aronde etc.'... excellent stuff guys!Does anyone know if there are dvd's available with nothing but car chases like these, no 'acting', plots or other useless stuff to distract you from the important bits?

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Does anyone know if there are dvd's available with nothing but car chases like these, no 'acting', plots or other useless stuff to distract you from the important bits?

I believe that this month's 'Top Gear' magazine has something along those lines attached to the cover. I'm off up the shops in a moment, so I'll check it out and report back. (Now I've said that, It'll probably turn out to be one of Clarkson cutting a Gamma coupe in half with an angle grinder!)
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:D Whenever the English magazines promise a freebie it gets lost somewhere somehow on the way over here... usually it says 'with free... this month' and it's never there. Somewhere someone has a huge pile of free dvd's, C&SC calendars etc in his barn I guess.
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Right - I'm back from the shops with a very unpromising magazine and a rather more interesting looking DVD. Both were enclosed in a plastic bag, which might bode well for the contents making it to the Netherlands intact (or maybe not - the DVD is in a case, which makes it fairly bulky). According to the blurb, the DVD features 52 minutes of Vanishing Point, Ronin, Bullitt, Italian Job, French Connection, C'etait un Rendezvous, Mad Max, Grand Prix, Le Mans and To Live and Die in LA. So that's this evening's viewing sorted, then...

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Does anyone know if there are dvd's available with nothing but car chases like these, no 'acting', plots or other useless stuff to distract you from the important bits?

I believe that this month's 'Top Gear' magazine has something along those lines attached to the cover. I'm off up the shops in a moment, so I'll check it out and report back. (Now I've said that, It'll probably turn out to be one of Clarkson cutting a Gamma coupe in half with an angle grinder!)
I tipped you all off about this in the 3rd post of this thread! :roll:
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and To Live and Die in LA.

I caught a little bit of this the other night on one of the Sky movie channels. I hadn't heard of it before & I was surprised to see a very young William Peterson as the lead, the likes of which I had only been introduced to by my CSI loving g/f! I didn't realise he had a movie pedigree especially something from 1985! Also Willem Defoe who I had been thinking of at the time & suddenly there he was in this 22 yr old film, and I hadn't really seen much with him in either. Spiderman is about all that springs to mind.
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