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My wife just came within about an inch of becoming a widow! :shock:


She's on call for work this week, which means she gets the company Peugeot 206, which means I get custody of the Megane for a whole week!


This means that the R11 is parked-up, un-used for a week, and I know that if left in this manky weather, it's unlikely to wanna start come next week, so I decided to use the Eleven to pop to Tesco's and get some butter a few minutes ago....Just to keep it running :roll:


Now it's very foggy here just at the moment, I was driving along Salhouse Road on dipped headlights, when in a split second I faintly picked out a flashing indicator at my nearside verge....I immediately braked quite hard, believing I was about to encounter a car stopped on my side of the road, when FROM FUCKING NOWHERE came a dark coloured Skoda Fabia, toward me on my side of the road, no lights, OVERTAKING a slower vehicle! :shock:


My hard-braking started to turn into a sideways skid, as I made for the verge to avoid certain death, then miracle of miracles the homicidal prick was gone....How three vehicles passed on that road without a loud bang, and fatalities I'll never know....There was nowhere safe to turn around, for about a mile, so it wasn't worth going back after him....Just as well really, as I would probably have killed the ignorant arsehole! :evil:


Today was not my day....And for that I'm very thankfull....That Skoda driver might not care if he (or others for that matter) lives or dies, but I'm not ready Just yet!


Please Autoshite chums, if it's foggy where You are today....TAKE CARE.

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Guest greenvanman

Scary tale Baz, glad you made it in one piece. It's extremely icy here today, so I'm staying off the scooter & going to work in the car.


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"Let's be careful out there" :)

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Bloody hell, that was a lucky escape. There are a lot of morons on the road, why anyone would be overtaking, let alone overtaking with no lights on in that sort of weather defies belief.Twunt.

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I normally find these are the same people that put their foglights on when it's just raining!Glad you are o.k Baz, bet that got the adrenalin rushing..
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Shocking, but sadly not surprising. I was most surprised to be hooted/gesticulated at this morning as I pootled down the by-pass at a steady 55. Any faster really would have been stupid as you could not see your hand in front of your face, and I knew damn well there would be a queue at the end of the dual carriageway. Still, TT drivers obviously know best, eh.

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Shocking, but sadly not surprising. I was most surprised to be hooted/gesticulated at this morning as I pootled down the by-pass at a steady 55. Any faster really would have been stupid as you could not see your hand in front of your face, and I knew damn well there would be a queue at the end of the dual carriageway. Still, TT drivers obviously know best, eh.

hehehe -that always makes me laugh, especially when I get to the queue and give the other driver a toot and a wave! (or usually a sarcastic thumbs up and wink!)
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Glad you are o.k Baz, bet that got the adrenalin rushing..

Judging by the way I was shaking immediately after, I suppose it must have! :roll:


One positive thing though....However crap my night at work gets, I can be happy in the knowledge that my evening could have been SO much worse! :D

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I am assuming you are Norfolk based from your details, and that story sounds very familiar to me. M25 aside, the A47 and A140 (and in parts the A11) are the worst roads I have ever driven on (in UK) as far as other drivers' behaviour is concerned. I had many months on a daily run between Wymondham and Ipswich - I'm surprised I'm still here as I was probably a bit hot headed and retaliatory in thoses days. After that, The A47 between Wymondham and P'boro was the norm, but I soon found myself on the A1101 for a bit of peace. I had to downgrade to the B1108 after I found myself behaving nearly as badly on that deliciously tempting straight stretch between Swaffham and Fincham. :oops: Take extra care out there - no other bugger seems to.

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God awfull, it would've been a tragedy if you'd been a second closer :- I mean R11s are getting rare now.. :lol: Nah, very glad you're OK, Some mates think I'm nuts for having my lights on during the day even in the sunshine!- But the number of PPL that just WILL NOT SEE I need to reduce the risk. I had a moron today pull out in front of me from a side road in a silver Golf (do german cars come in any other colour? oh yeah, black too :evil: ) only for the twat to go slow over a series of speed bumps in front of me because fid-on sports cars like Golf GTis can't take 'em without breaking. My shite Xantia could actually accelerate over the lot of them!! sorry just pissed me offBlack cabs often do the most homicidal things around this city too. Mind you Glasgow famously has its "road to nowhere" flyover that just stops in mid air since 40 years. It also has some slip roads that go from a 30 zone straight on to the OUTSIDE lane of the M8!! FFS, what were they thinking??

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so I decided to use the Eleven to pop to Tesco's and get some butter a few minutes ago....Just to keep it running :roll:

Does that work? I know people use veg oil. I'll have to give it a try.....
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Mind you Glasgow famously has its "road to nowhere" flyover that just stops in mid air since 40 years.

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My god, and whoever said the interweb was a waste of space? You learn something new every day.....


This soooo needs the Dukes of Hazard zooming off the end of it.

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I had a slightly similar incident going home in a Monsoon downpour at the end of last year. It really was such low visibility & so dangerous that I stopped, appropriately enough in the Notts village of Rainworth (geddit?). After sitting there for a few minutes I thought 'This is stupid. I'll miss The Simpsons' or whatever, and by now the rain seemed to be easing off a little. So I signalled very clearly before moving, looked very,very carefully in the side mirror and gingerly pulled out into the never-much-traffic 30mph road. Out of nowhere a 4x4 WITHOUT LIGHTS AND GOING STUPIDLY FAST sprung up behind me. And he had the audacity to hoot at me! :x


You would think that everyone in this country noticed the weather, wouldn't you? We talk about it enough.

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