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Quick hello, and an offer you can most probably refuse....


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Well hello gents, i've been lurking here and on OLC for a while now so i thought i should sign up and say hi from sunny Brighton (actually it's a piss-poor day today..) I'm a car-less (licence-less) 23yo but as my dream garage would include a reliant regal 3/25, a mk1 granny and a lancia gamma coupe amongst others i feel (hope) i won't be too out of place amongst you bastions of good taste.anyway, to my offer!i'm having a clear out and decided to palm off all my old practical classics magazines, 1997-2004, most complete sets, numbering about 80 in total. I've bunged them up on the local freecycle but thought someone localish on here might fancy a crack at them first?well, there ya go, free tat, who could refuse?

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Over Loaded Chariots ? (Queen Boadicca came from down your way, I believe....)- and is that Reagan dragging a smoke in your avatar, by any chance ?

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ha! bloody typical! well if i ever work up the courage to bin my C&SCs then i'll give you a shout, i've about 4 times as many but they are too good a resource to chuck i think.what dya drive garycox? maybe i've seen your motor out and about?

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