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Disabled Parking (not shite related)


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What are the rules about parking with a disabled badge? Can you just park anywhere without fear of getting ticketed? And if you can, what is the point of disabled parking bays?

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Well, from my experience, you can park anywhere, but I stand to be corrected though, I have often stopped on double yellows in the main street thru Penzance (Market Jew St.) in a selection of old bangers, with my disabled parent's disc displayed face up on the dashboard.I do believe there is a time limit of two hours though. :(

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and here is a classic example of the "old banger' that gets parked on double yellow lines, with said disa- bled disc ! (2-speed auto to boot!)

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- and who can recognise the location for this shot ?

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You can park on singe / double yellow so long as there is no waiting / loading restrictions. You cant park on zig zags or crossings, or residents parking areas and you have to park cortously ( so no parking on a blind bend or hump back bridge).I think disabled bays are there to try and discourage people with blue badges dumping their cars anywhere by providing "protected" parking spots.You also get three hours on a blue badge, no mater what the time limit is ( so say it is a 1 hour, no return in 2 hours limit you can stop there fr three)

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You also can't neccesarily park in a "pay and display" car park for nothing, as there's a car park in Wakefield where disabled drivers do so and return to parking fines.

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You can park on singe / double yellow so long as there is no waiting / loading restrictions. You cant park on zig zags or crossings, or residents parking areas and you have to park cortously ( so no parking on a blind bend or hump back bridge).I think disabled bays are there to try and discourage people with blue badges dumping their cars anywhere by providing "protected" parking spots.You also get three hours on a blue badge, no mater what the time limit is ( so say it is a 1 hour, no return in 2 hours limit you can stop there fr three)

Most resident's bays allow free disabled parking, they do round here.
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