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Anyone want a proper shite lugger?


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Shameless self promotion time. This has been a fantastic tool for me but don't need something this big now. Plans are to flog it, plus my 190E, and get a Sprinter instead.You all know what scrap prices are at the moment, 12 or so cars and it's paid for itself. If you know your stuff it'll pay for itself within a fortnight very easily and not just on scrap either...http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0261925417Any question use asq on eBay or ask me on here. Please note I don't have mates/acquaintences/relatives/etc bidding on my stuff.

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Hey, make me an offer and you can have it next Saturday for good!!!

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Wouldn't make enough use of it to be honest. Although we seem to move house enough to warrant transporting at least one of my cars come each move. If I had that sort of money to spend though I'd blow it on something far less useful. Like last year, blew about £7.5k, a couple of the Alfa, & £5.5k on stuff I can't even remember! I suppose I must have enjoyed it then :roll:

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I really could use this. GR8 4 SHITINGHowever it would also incur "the wrath of the gods", who wouldn't know a good opportunity if it smacked her in the chops.

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I really could use this. GR8 4 SHITING


However it would also incur "the wrath of the gods", who wouldn't know a good opportunity if it smacked her in the chops.

Really? I call mine Percy :lol:

Incurring the wrath of SWMBOs is why we are on this planet. Buy it and tell her there's loads of room for shopping (because there is) and imagine all the bags of shite you could load up from Tesco, PrimeEvil (aka Primark). If she still doesn't bite buy her a crap car and send on her on missions fifty miles away. Once she's broken down enough times she'll soon see the wisdom in having such a work of art on your drive. Then, once you're apple of her eyes again and horizontal jogging is back on the menu you can bask in the glory of being right. These kind of opportunities don't happen very often these days in my world so this is YOUR chance to be a winnah in your own household.

Are you just going to sit there looking at pictures of Allegros and the like with council estate wheeltrims or are you going to be a man and put a bid on this uber cool truck?

The voices in my head are telling me you should buy this.

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