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  1. Been far too long* since I have done one of these.. Last night, I spent some time ( and not an inconsiderable number of £) ordering up parts to fix 4 of the fleet. Additionally, the Audi goes in on Monday for two front tyres. By midnight I was cash poor and not yet part rich, so I downed the laptop and turned to idly browsing my phone.. Staying strong through the sea of " for sale" tags here, I upped the ante and broke out TEH DADDY! Gumtree. Up in these parts, the bargains are oft far flung - population density and geography conspiring against the local bargain hunter. Due to this, my default search includes a radius of 150 miles - annoyingly flagging up NI cars not worth the extortionate repatriation costs. However, it also reaches into the far flung Ecosse.. catching exotic locations such as Duns and Huntly. But not so this time, for lo, the tree did bear fruit and it doth fall not far from my abode. This is the collection leg of the adventure, a TTT/ Split_Pin co-produced Caper. My lift arrives at 8.
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