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anyone know how to unseize go kart steering

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i know its not a car but im sure someone on here can help its a pedal go kart ive just got off a friend the steering is completely seized, anyone now how to unseize it, ive tried gallons of wd40 and hitting it with a hammer all to no avail.

many thanks in advance


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front minus wheels (obviously lol) steering column and front seat



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this one moves fine (around 180 degrees)


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while this one is seized solid, the whole go kart was upside down in a garden for a few years hence the amount of rust on it.


Heat is pretty good for breaking down rust. As long as there's no bearing in there, put a gas torch on until it's almost red hot, then hook a tube or big spanner over to give you more leverage.


Or Plusgas is good, spray over the rusty bit every 10 minutes, or soak the rust in a puddle of Plusgas if you can tip the whole frame upside down


WD40 is not a penetrating fluid. Try some Plusgas.


Get it hot with a blowtorch too. Then while its still very hot slip a tube or something over the axle and try moving it too and fro. Heat is very good at getting things to loosen.




Edit: Beaten to it on both counts!


WD40 is rubbish for this type of thing, I've seen people soak 20 year old rusted brake unions overnight and it never works, I don't think it even claims to work on this?


As said, HEAT will shift it! Even a a couple of seconds with an angle grinder might free it - heat AND vibration.


Go kart looks good! Nice to see non-plastic manufacture.


Have you tried loosing your rag with it? I usually find a large kick followed but a stream of four letter expletives to be... erm, well completely unhelpful actually


If you can arrange a suitable container, leaving it to soak in diesel for a couple of days might do the trick. Diesel's good stuff.


WD40 is not a penetrating fluid. Try some Plusgas.


Get it hot with a blowtorch too. Then while its still very hot slip a tube or something over the axle and try moving it too and fro. Heat is very good at getting things to loosen.


haha ye i tried just kicking the crap out of it and ened up with quite a sore foot, followed by non stop swearing, thanks for the advice


4.9.10 just to update blowtorching it worked thanks for the very helpful advice everyone the steering is now unseized :D

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