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Living with Zastava Florida Business - Florida means business, finally back home


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Minor update: I got a call from LPG place. The LPG mixer was most likely never serviced since first installed and as a consequence completely fuxxored and needs replacing. It could be rebuilt in theory, but a new one is more cost-effective. Looking forward* to more findings of neglect, bodgery, and general brokenness. 

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7AM start to pick up the car today. Carb guy I really wanted to talk to before driving off has some stuff later, and was there ‘till 9AM so it had to be this early. 

Now twin barrel carbed! With 2/3 of the fucking LPG system replaced! Actually goes allright for a fucking change.


Brand new fuel pump was duff, seal was too big and blocking fuel from getting into the engine. 🤦‍♂️  Got new plugs, HT leads, some other assorted hoses, and other bits.

Vacuum valve that’s supposed to be operating when aircon is on is shot though, and the result is it stalls on idle with aircon on. Annoying, with parts that are probably unobtanium, but I’ll try. They mentioned that it can maybe replaced with LPG/Petrol valve and made to work like that.

What’s way more annoying was a call I got from the shop some 5 minutes after I left.

- There’s a huge puddle where your car was, and I think it wasn’t there 5 minutes ago. I might be wrong but….
- Temps seem ok, but I’ll check immediately.

Stopped. It seems fine. Oh, there’s a couple of drips, maybe condensation from aircon? Let’s give it a few more minu…*fan kicks in* *pink liquid shoots out* *temperature going above 90* Oh fuck me. 


- Yeah, it’s from the car. I can’t see where exactly, somewhere on the back of the engine, but as soon as the fans kick in, it starts leaking like a sieve. 
- Oh for fucks sake, really sorry man, can’t believe we didn’t catch it in the garage. Look, don’t worry. Can you bring it back without overheating it? I hope you didn’t get too far?
- Nah, a kilometer tops. I’ll let it cool down a bit and drive back.
- We’ll find it later today, just leave it in front of the garage. I’m really, really really sorry. 

Car left to cool off a bit, driven back no problem. Left it at the entrance, with a coolant puddle spreading underneath. 

Taking a bus home now.

Seems that this car has decided to fight me every single step of the way. 

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  • IronStar changed the title to Living with Zastava Florida Business - Now twin barrel carbed but…
3 minutes ago, stuboy said:

rather coolant than fuel leaking

There is next to none in the tank as it didn’t work properly on petrol since I bought it. At this stage, I’m honestly worried about brimming it. Only one way to find out if it leaks though. 😅

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A split hose next on intake manifold caused the coolant dump. It was upset when manifold was switched to a twin-barrel one, and pressurization of system caused it to start leaking. Hose swapped, normal service resumed.

Today’s “you thought it’s going to be a smooth ride? You sucker.” entertainment* was provided by fuel cap. The LPG filler is hidden behind fuel flap, next to petrol cap. Cap got lodged under the LPG filler, and it couldn’t be unscrewed.


Cue 5 minutes of swearing and trying to remove it, before guy working at the station came out with “need a hand?” Yes, but not because I don’t know to pour petrol. He tried as well, then came back with a screwdriver. I unscrewed LPG filler, to make some space to turn the fuel cap, and after some fiddling away it went. This cap is a screw-on type, so I predict fun will continue to be had until I can figure out a replacement that doesn’t catch. 

The car actually shifts now! It’s no hoon at 65bhp, but it’s also light, and goes rather well when floored! Did some 50km today, with no drama. I even got stuck in Belgrade’s rush hour, which is probably the worst type of traffic an old car can be in, but it coped really well! No unexpected temperatures, no shakes, all is well. I don’t trust it as long as I don’t make some 500 trouble-free kilometers.

Stereo sound was lost somewhere along the way, so I’ll need to check where did it go, so speaker surround will be going down again. I also went to the garage, and refitted most of the roofliner trims back on. I forgot to take photos, but other than some clips that just don’t want to go in need to be convinced, it’s almost all there. I also dumped the bits I was driving around in it, so it’s actually a car with useful space inside now.

It also got bumped in parking foodchain, as I forgot to pay for resident parking permit in front of my flat, so with 307CC being away, it was dropped into a garage, like a proper pampered queen. 😄


Next up?

Suspension needs to be sorted. Rear shocks are virtually non existent, and it’s no fun listening to squeaks, and driving with no suspension. Front top mounts are dead-dead and need to go. 
I’m also still trying to find a sparky that can re-wire the stereo properly, and sort out the rev counter. We’ll see how that goes.

Overall, I’m so chuffed that one car is finally back home, and the reason it went into a garage seems properly fixed. 

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  • IronStar changed the title to Living with Zastava Florida Business - Florida means business, finally back home

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