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a new wave of technique

Guest onlytheinterestedly

is blackhat controlable?  

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  1. 1. is blackhat controlable?

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Hi All


Glad I Found at - autoshite.com


Writing this due to a topic I saw here a few days ago -


Black Hat SEO


The SEO developers have been classified as Black Hat which operate using more questionable techniques and view the search engines as the enemy. Unfortunately Black Hat techniques can sometimes adversely affect the sites ranking and worse, get their client's sites banned.



Black hats traditionally play to the emotional needs of their clients and often convince them to part with their money without giving clear and specific information on the changes they will make to their sites. If a client is fully aware of the risks and is prepared to buy into short term gain then that is their choice. However, many Black Hat SEO do not disclose their tactics. Black Hat techniques are just plain bad business practice. They also do the search engines and the search users a huge disservice by contributing to poor quality of results. This adds nothing to the end user experience.



The main objective of discussion should be on the techniques rather than people. Listed below are the following point are regarding the Black Hat techniques:


* The Black Hat techniques are not ethical.

* The Black Hat techniques are probably illegal.


Some of the various Black Hat tactics are referral log spamming and cloaking. One should be aware of the tactics competitors are using and be prepared to use the same tactics. When using Black Hat SEO, the content on a page and links both on and to a page are developed for search engines to see. Humans aren't supposed to see them at all, and various Black Hat techniques can be used to hide them. If humans do see them, their experience is degraded because for example the content may be machine generated garbage.



Black Hat practices are designed to be hidden from humans, the quality of the work produced by the practitioner is also hidden to humans. This causes a couple of problems: Clients often are not able to tell that what is done on their behalf to protect them. The work is not open to review, so it would be difficult for professional organisations to review the quality of the work, too. This is likely to be more of a problem in future as the industry evolves. Black Hat practitioners tend to see Search Engine Optimisation as a war, and search engines and SEOs as the enemy.



Black Hat techniques will always increase the risk that a site will be deliberately removed from a search engine's index. Black Hat practitioners know that their practice will warn their clients of the danger and will have a strategy to cope with that danger. They may treat domains as disposable items. Any individual person may say they find a page relevant to a particular keyword. That doesn't mean that it is among the most relevant pages on the Web for that individual or for other individuals. This is a subjective assessment.



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It took me 7 hours to find this place - I found it through google Its Great!


If OK I'll post again


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Yeah, whatever. Moderator people..... you need to set up greater account security, e.g. an activation code by email with a randomised code on the activation screen, or something. Otherwise the amount of this trash will rise and rise and rise.

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