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Saab 96. Whats the score?


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Im not sure ive seen such glorious patina on a classic car for some time. Most people would be wanting to respray, you have decided that it looks best natures way.


Thanks! I suppose patina is one word for it; this was the race car's rear plate during its last outing:




...a man who drives a 1937 Plymouth as a daily....


These kinds words from both of you are making me blush, but I must confess that I sold the Plymouth a few months ago, shortly after getting my Maestro.


...an 850cc engine on triple carbs, and is absolutely hilarious to drive - bugger all torque, but revs like a demon and makes a fantastic noise.


Yes, precisely. For even more fun, put it on this:




The Ridge Motorsports Park at Shelton, Washington.

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