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Thread index: I visit Zels place and get to properly take a good look at a Model 70 in person for the first time http://autoshite.com/topic/32723-wanted-an-invacar-ac-model-70-and-general-ramble-thread-with-survivors-list-on-page-26-and-thread-index-on-page-1/?p=1586996 I Join the RUMCars forum, ATW722L gets offered to me and I get a bit* overexcited http://autoshite.com/topic/32723-wanted-an-invacar-ac-model-70-and-general-ramble-thread-with-survivors-list-on-page-26-and-vin-plate-tidbits-on-page-38/?p=1689518 Eggs Mk12 story starts: http://autoshite.com/topic/32723-wanted-an-invacar-ac-model-70-and-general-ramble-thread-with-survivors-list-on-page-26-and-vin-plate-tidbits-on-page-38/?p=1737181 the Northern Ireland Model 70 mystery gets underway http://autoshite.com/topic/32723-wanted-an-invacar-ac-model-70-and-general-ramble-thread-with-survivors-list-on-page-26-and-thread-index-on-page-1/?p=1739073 I join the Microcar facebook group and run into Stuart the guy who knows almost all http://autoshite.com/topic/32723-wanted-an-invacar-ac-model-70-and-general-ramble-thread-with-survivors-list-on-page-26-and-vin-plate-tidbits-on-page-38/?p=1742649 Model 70 known survivors details/list http://autoshite.com/topic/32723-wanted-an-invacar-ac-model-70-and-general-ramble-thread-with-survivors-list-on-page-26-and-thread-index-on-page-1/?p=1753903 Q231PVL (MPH759P) shows up for sale: http://autoshite.com/topic/32723-wanted-an-invacar-ac-model-70-and-general-ramble-thread-with-survivors-list-on-page-26-and-vin-plate-tidbits-on-page-38/?p=1760809 Model 70 Vin plate tidbits: http://autoshite.com/topic/32723-wanted-an-invacar-ac-model-70-and-general-ramble-thread-with-survivors-list-on-page-26-and-vin-plate-tidbits-on-page-38/?p=1769692 Q231PVL (MPH759P)'s number plate is finally confirmed to be MPH759P: http://autoshite.com/topic/32723-wanted-an-invacar-ac-model-70-and-general-ramble-thread-with-survivors-list-on-page-26-and-thread-index-on-page-1/?p=1781134 MPH759P hits the road, I get a lead on 2 Invacar Model 70's and TWC says hello! https://autoshite.com/topic/32723-wanted-an-invacar-ac-model-70-and-general-ramble-thread-index-on-page-1-2-potential-model-70s-located-pictures-on-page-53-and-turn-ya-bastard/?do=findComment&comment=1808539 I drive a car for the first time, and I get more info on the 2 Model 70's and find official documentation mentioning the Model 70 Mark A and Model 70 Mark B https://autoshite.com/topic/32723-wanted-an-invacar-ac-model-70-and-general-ramble-thread-index-on-page-1-2-potential-model-70s-located-page-46-and-twc-says-hello/?do=findComment&comment=1827605 I finally acquire my own Invacar Model 70, REV451R https://autoshite.com/topic/32723-invacar-model-70-acquired-and-general-ramble-thread-index-on-page-1-multi-person-multi-day-multi-invacar-multi-collection-caper/?do=findComment&comment=1840355 I figure out when the rollover bar was added to the Model 70, and get the V5c for REV451R in my name https://autoshite.com/topic/32723-invacar-model-70-acquired-and-general-ramble-thread-index-on-page-1-got-the-v5c-officially-the-registered-keeper-of-rev451r-now/?do=findComment&comment=1847655 I figure out how to find previously unknown blocks of Model 70 registration numbers on the DVLA checker without any pictures, and discover H reg Prototype Model 70's and J Reg production Model 70's https://autoshite.com/topic/32723-invacar-model-70-acquired-and-general-ramble-thread-index-on-page-1-phase-2-finding-a-suitable-driving-schoolinstructor-getting-lessons-and-a-licence-proof-of-h-and-j-reg-model-70s-discovered/?do=findComment&comment=1864381 I start getting regular paid for by myself, official driving lessons https://autoshite.com/topic/32723-invacar-model-70-acquired-and-general-ramble-thread-index-on-page-1-phase-2-finding-a-suitable-driving-schoolinstructor-getting-lessons-and-a-licence-second-lesson-had/?do=findComment&comment=1893233 I work on IDing Invacar Mk12's from their chassis numbers and uncover many late Invacar Mk12 registration blocks https://autoshite.com/topic/32723-invacar-model-70-acquired-general-ramble-thread-index-on-page-1-model-70-survivors-list-on-page-24-pre-model-70-ac-and-invacar-survivors-lists-added-on-page-135/page/83/?tab=comments#comment-1897501 4 new Model 70 survivors "The Garden 4" show up and I discover the previous existence of many more Northern Ireland Model 70's https://autoshite.com/topic/32723-invacar-model-70-acquired-and-general-ramble-thread-index-on-page-1-phase-2-finding-a-suitable-driving-schoolinstructor-getting-lessons-and-a-licence-21st-lesson-had-model-model-70s/?do=findComment&comment=1906101 I acquire enough Model 67 information to ID most from their chassis number https://autoshite.com/topic/32723-invacar-model-70-acquired-and-general-ramble-thread-index-on-page-1-phase-2-finding-a-suitable-driving-schoolinstructor-getting-lessons-and-a-licence-21st-lesson-had-model-model-70s/?do=findComment&comment=1919851 Pre Model 70 AC and Invacar survivors lists added/started and I discover existence of private AC Model 64's https://autoshite.com/topic/32723-invacar-model-70-acquired-general-ramble-thread-index-on-page-1-model-70-survivors-list-on-page-24-pre-model-70-ac-and-invacar-survivors-lists-added-on-page-135/page/135/ The Owner of "the Garden 4" pulls them out of storage, I identify which Model 70's they and exactly and he quickly gets them on the road https://autoshite.com/topic/32723-invacar-model-70-acquired-general-ramble-thread-index-on-page-1-model-70-survivors-list-on-page-24-pre-model-70-ac-and-invacar-survivors-lists-added-on-page-135/page/166/?tab=comments#comment-2172016 The restoration of AdgeCutlers Ex Oddingley Invacar Mk12E starts https://autoshite.com/topic/32723-lightbulbfuns-invacar-general-ramble-thread-index-on-page-1-survivors-lists-on-pages-24134-adgecutlers-invacar-mk12-restoration-from-page-186-onwards/page/186/?tab=comments#comment-2251655 I finally pass my driving test after almost 2 years! https://autoshite.com/topic/32723-lightbulbfuns-invacar-general-ramble-thread-index-on-page-1-survivors-lists-on-pages-24134-adgecutlers-invacar-mk12-restoration-from-page-186-onwards-rev-home-at-long-last-woo-d/page/213/?tab=comments#comment-2379384 Orignial post: so how do I start this post off well... to cut to the chase I know of a picture that was taken 9 years ago and its a picture of an abandoned invacar and I have been trying to find said invacar for reasons that are probably quite illogical (also some slight sentimental ones) heres the picture in question I have managed to stalk track down the person who took the photo, and he said that it was by an art studio on fish island bow (which is hipster-central FYI) (the photographer is currently on holiday apparently, but said that when he gets back he will go through his archives and see if he has a reg plate shot) so the other day I went to fish island and had a good old fashion hunt (and utterly did my back in) but sadly I was unable to find it despite finding plenty of other chod. so Im wondering if any of you guys might have any idea where this invacar is or what might of happened to it? the sentimental reasons why I want to find and save this/get an invacar is because when I was about Age 3 I saw an invacar parked up by the side of the road and it was the the first car that ever stood out to me made me go "WTF is that?" (but in 3 year old words, I didn't learn the middle finger until i was 4 ) to which my mum said "its a car for disabled people" (which 3 year old me took as, "all cars with 3 wheels where built for disabled people" so I also thought for a long time that reliant robins where built for disabled people too...) the "illogical" reasons are that well I have never owned a car before... and I think an invacar would be a good simple vehicle for me to cut my teeth on so to speak, and then once I got it going I could "daily it" as a small run about, since ironically enough I have a bad back which prevents me from doing much outside of the house otherwise... also owning a car in Central London is a horrible idea but if you must, best it be a small compact car right? (and also hopefully its cheap to have/run as well...) also finally its also a case of I Just want to do SOMETHING, my chronic back injury has meant that I have been housebound for the last 5 years or so and I just want to fucking do something... and what better to do then to try and find and save a historically important vehicle thats also proper autoshite (this also leads to, even if I cant personally save it, I hope that its at least found and persevered by someone here but ideally id like to grab it ) PS while out and about looking for the invacar I came across this yard in fish island which seemed to have some traveller type people mulling around about in, I was hoping to ask one of them if they knew about the invacar since they seemed to of been the sort of person who might know about it sadly I could not find a way into the "compound",I also grabbed this shot since my inner bus person wonders what that coach is? sadly I could not grab a reg plate shot, for those wondering as well the thing with the blue tarp roof looked like a pretty old Lorry but I could not get a good view of it sadly, there where also some cars and broken transits sitting around. so yeah I hope you all dont mind me making this post I know its a bit far fetched so to speak (the picture WAS taken almost 10 years ago and fish island has been quite heavily redeveloped since then I think)... but I am stubborn bastard so I hope to find it still
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