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What are v70s like


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I've been offered one with an MOT till March, it's a 2.5 petrol non turbo manual with a tow bar, used to be really well kept with the previous owner but the new owner hasn't done as well and it's suffered a superficial front end tap so has a scrape on the corner and might need a headlight lense as it's taped on.


It's dog cock red, half leather, and other than that I know absolutely nothing about it, other than if I don't save it it'll end up frag.


I hate to see good cars fragged.


Anyone on here likely to want it for reasonable money if I get it and go over it?


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I love mine, it’s a dizzler so very different engine obviously but mechanically they are easy to work on. The cabin is built in a way no modern is anymore and feel like they will outlast a nuclear blast. Once you get used to the handling you can chuck them about in an obscene way for a such a big car. I am guessing it’s pretty cheap so it’s a no brainier to get it bought. I have a spare front bumper if the damage is beyond gaffer tape.

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Great cars. Can’t comment on Manuals as I hate manuals anyway. But I’ve had a 2.5tdi that Scdan of this parish now owns and I loved that car. Also had a T5 auto that saw me to Benidorm n back only grenading the radiator in Paris traffic. Lovely, comfortable smooth rides. Would buy again. 



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They are good cars, but can be heavy on brake consumables, tyres and wheel bearings, the rear bumper mounts can rot but can be replaced (bolt on), the door stop spot weld breaking is a common issue.

People treat them like they are unbreakable but they need care and maintenance especially at this age.

PCV system is a bugger to sort out on the petrols.



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4 hours ago, Lacquer Peel said:

PCV system is a bugger to sort out on the petrols.

I can confirm this. It took me several very unpleasant hours in 2014 to replace the PCV system on my 1997 2.5 SE 10v. It rewarded me by blowing its rear main oil seal two weeks later. I weighed the ungrateful bastard in.

Incredibly, it got put back on the road by someone and lasted a couple more years.

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If it's scrap money and it goes OK why not?
I've had two 70 series Volvos and won't be buying another unless it's sub £300 and doesn't have a game of electronic Connect 4 going on with the dash warning lights like most of them do.

Check it idles steadily and revs up smoothly too,  the electronic throttles have a very finite life and are £££s to fix.
The non turbo one was one of the few cars I've had where I've frequently had to use full throttle in the lower gears on a regular basis. Heavy, high geared, & no torque low down, it was a slug of a thing. I hated it.

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I was meant to go and look at this on Sunday, but I felt like absolute dog pile so didn't bother, it'll still be there next week, so I might well get a look at it next week, it's not been advertised anywhere and he's not actively looking to flog it on, but he's got something else in the wings and doesn't have the room to keep it and another car, hence offering it my way.

So, why don't I just leap in, well Volvo's, unless rear drive, have never really interested me.  I'm still thinking what I really need is something with lashings of chrome and older than me, styling that wasn't done with a set square and a ruler.

I don't really want to bother unless there's a way I can make a few groats in the process, but seeing how even £200 cars aren't moving at the moment, I massively don't want the bother of a heavy, manual, under powered petrol car to try and move along as well as the other stuff on my plate.

If it was an easy win, and I could move it on after a bit of a fettle for a few quid and my time, I probably would consider, but it seems it'll be some grief.

However, as I said, I hate to see a good car fragged!

Is it likely to be worth £300 of a shitters money?, assuming he'd £170 or so scrap money, and I'd have to probably sort the headlight out and move it to my unit, insure it, tax it for a month before it got moved on?

If it's not, I'd probably have to let it pass me by.

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11 minutes ago, Lacquer Peel said:

For what it's worth the FWD big Volvos are good to drive, a lot better than the lumbering RWD ones.
Can't drift around a greasy roundabout of course.

That makes them harder to sell unfortunately.

People like drifting around greasy roundabouts :D



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