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Father Ted

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That's just how I feel! I got in it tonight and now the LED driver display has stopped working again, it just lights up but the mileage and info is missing.


The trouble is I can't afford to change it and it is a nice car when it's not broken, I wouldn't mind so much if it was old or high mileage but it's neither, fortunately the Acclaims running well to make up for it!



Only just realised that you have my old Acclaim trigger lol.

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Our internetz and phone is back up working after I made a huge booboo a few days back. Was tiling the kitchen wall when I noticed it had started to rain and the washing was hanging up out the back, tapped my pocket for the keys and rushed downstairs (4 flights) to get in the now wet through washing. Got upstairs to find the keys in my pocket were for the van! Doing some quick man thinking and taking into account I had wet tile adhesive on the wall I promptly kicked the door in. I've done this before and just bust the yale latch off the frame so no major drama, unfortunately this time I scuffed up the door I glossed last week, bust the frame, lock and catch to buggery, blow out the plaster on the newly painted hall and snapped the incoming phone line that ran down the door frame too. All in all major butt hurt which has cost me in pocket and much time not to mention the earful I was obliged to take too.


The only auto goings on of note is that the van is now being used as storage for pre flat sale tat clear out. Road tax is cheaper than big yella.

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It is a 1993 model. I think the first owner had the plate from her previous Maestro transferred on from new. Sounds a bit strange, but the car is an absolute steal - FSH and virtually no rust. 

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EDIT - phone fail again. The new caliper slider bolts for the Sirion have arrived. In the past ten minutes, the temperature has dropped from 10 degrees to 5 degrees, and we've had rain, sleet, snow and hail. I'm trying to decide if I can bring myself to hurl the 2CV out of the garage into this grimness so I can work on the Sirion in there. It's winter all of a sudden, so being able to drive the car with winter tyres would be good.

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Epic shite collection didn't go to plan.

18 seems to be using a fair bit of fuel at the moment, perhaps due to the slipping clutch, so would have cost far too much to go 800 miles.

It's also horrific trying to go up hills on motorways - considering getting a diesel engine for it.

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What engine does it have? Can't see any of the petrol engines being so feeble that a motorway would be hard work. Don't assume diesel is any better - without a turbo, hills still require a fair degree of planning (ie momentum is key!).

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Surely a new clutch is all it needs?
Even a basic 1.4 will romp up hills in something as light as an R18. The Diesel's no more powerful and a hell of a lot heavier.

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I don't think they ever sold the turbo diesel R18 here did they?  A mate in France had one when I was about 17 - that thing went like the clappers, even with seven of us in the car.

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I would drive it to a scrap yard and clearly point out its future if it isn't going to behave.

Failing that a stake through the oil filter at a crossroads on a moonless night is meant to work*


Have a spare oil filter with you (and oil)


This would be certain death.

It's not a little gremlin infested. It's possessed by an evil spirit that is powerful beyond imagination.

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I think the clutch cable just needs adjusting, but even when the engine is running tip top I don't expect the fuel economy to be more than 40.

I would much prefer the reliability of a diesel too as this one needs constant attention to stay running correctly.

Something_awful says the diesel in his is very torquey, I drove behind him to a car show once and his seemed to cope much better with windy, up hill roads.


I'll have a tinker with it first and see if adjusting the clutch cable and sorting another potential inlet air leak make a big difference.

The clutch has only started slipping recently, if I pull out to overtake something and stamp on the pedal, the engine gets faster but the car doesn't, same with big hills.

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Clutch slip is going to make anything feel doomed. And is just as likely on a Diesel.

If you need more torque, change down. Third should be good for 60mph in the 18. 

Carbs. are vile things to fault find, fix and set up. Persist, you'll get there.

Have you seen Keith Adams R18 blog at AROnline?



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I didn't mean I wanted the diesel to sort this problem, I do think it would help slightly though. But I really want an economical car as all of mine are pretty terrible.
I know where theres a r18 diesel donor too.
Ive rebuilt and cleaned the carb with new seals, diaphragms etc so that should be okay.
Will adjust the clutch cable and see if it helps but as said I want a car that does decent mileage and is supremely reliable.

You may think why not just buy a diesel car in the first place but I like the 18, if I bought say a diesel bx, I would have to get rid of the 18.


Also I have looked at that blog, very good read.

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I made this for my living room... it was meant to double as a wine rack too but it spoils the lighting when filled so the wine has been relegated back to the cupboard :)




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That's awesome!  I want one several.


Got the handbrake cable and brake hose fitted to the red Princess.  I also have temporary garage space and helper to get things moving faster.  Cheers for the good karma, Spiny Norman, it has come in useful today.

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I hate to say it but I'm starting to like the Acclaim a bit now  :oops: , I've managed to adjust the drivers door so it closes a little better, I've sorted the worse of the wind noise also from the drivers door rubber, The new discs and pads have transformed the braking power of the car too.


It cruises along at 70-75mph very well and it seems to be getting nicer to drive strangely. The sunroof still has a small drip right above the drivers head which is a pain but i can live with that, it could do with a a new set of tyres ideally as the old one's are old and squeal badly and offer no confidence in the wet what so ever and i still think it's pretty dull to look at. 


Best of all Mrs Trigger like's it too! People at her work keep chatting to her about it as it's the oldest car in her works car park and it's not a Audi or BMW like all the other cars.



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Been spannering hard today. Rebuilt the front calipers on the cortina and got them fitted with new flexis. A bit of a mare to bleed but got there in the end. I also fitted a new speedo cable, which was about 5 inches shorter than the old one, which was a bit challenging. Also the gearbox side of the cable was fitted with the bastard of all clips which I eventually managed to get out but not before breaking a bit off the end. I managed to get it back in after another war but I'll need to buy a new one. I also re-assembled the interior and found that the likely cause of the drivers door not shutting right is that the door is a mk5 door with a mk4 frame welded on to it so the frame is bent in a bit. I've bent it back back it doesn't close properly. Closer to being driveble though.

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A bit of mild spannering on the mk1 sierra today in between rain showers today, fitted longer wheel studs and fitted my new copper cored radiator with my new pair of 12" cooling fans today, that bugger isn't going to overheat in a hurry when it's finally on road

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been back in rover diesel again popped over to mates garage to collect the trailer but had to remove the 2.2 vx engine sitting in it..


then bring the trailer back to mates house..


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I've actually been doing some shiting today believe it or not.


The Doblo has had a battered front wing the whole time I've had it, looks a mess and makes a racket when you open the passenger door.




Well I found a wing on ebay the right colour so lobbed it on today.






Hells bells, what a difference, the whole front end of the van fits together much better and the door opens and closes properly at last!!!! Perfect paint match as well. The wing was £40 delivered so not mega cheap although I don't know what it costs to courier a front wing, must be a tenner so i shouldn't grumble really. Also:





New cam belt!!!! I bought this about 6 months ago and never got round to fitting it. surprisingly straightforward to fit although access to a couple of bolts is very awkward. Just the small matter of an MOT next, and this van will be going up for sale.

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Been window shopping for the beige Princess' new interior retrim I want to do now I've got good quality components installed that unfortunately don't match properly.  I'm going for a chenille which is essentially a modern velour but harder wearing, easier to get and is easy to acquire in beige and purple and will be about £50 to do the cabin.  I've got some spare seat covers to use as a pattern so I don't even need to strip the seats in the car until they're ready to retrim.  That's the easy bit and as seats go, they're not too horrendous a design to retrim.


My problem is finding suitable carpetting.  I can find purple carpets but they're either very cheap kids bedroom type things or very flat automotive stuff.  I want something akin to the carpet that was fitted from new but in royal purple rather than brown.  Just dying the carpet a uniform colour will look cheap, a bit of variation in the pile of the carpet helps lend a better quality look to the end product, particularly with very artificial colours like brilliant purple.  I want something that's middling, if it's top end quality carpetting it will make the rest of the fixtures look very cheap and if it's bottom end it'll wear out, be a waste of money and make the rest of the fixtures look very cheap.


Then there's the door cards.  I know I want them beige to match the planned interior retrim but I don't know if I want to dye them as Trigger did his Cortina seats or if I want to retrim in fabric to match the seats with purple piping following the original stamped-in detail on the vinyl to make it look more professional.


The dashboard will remain standard.  Purple dash vinyl in place of the black will look tacky and beige will likely create too much glare.


Anyway, advice on carpets is the thing I'm after.  Regardless of the price, can anyone suggest a supplier for good quality not-tacky looking purple carpet with a bit of plushness to it that's suitable for use in a car?

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Re the princess carpet, how using a light coloured carpet from a dead luxobarge like a jag and dyeing/trimming it to match?

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[quote name="vulgalour" post="545051" timestamp="

Anyway, advice on carpets is the thing I'm after. Regardless of the price, can anyone suggest a supplier for good quality not-tacky looking purple carpet with a bit of plushness to it that's suitable for use in a car?


Funnily enough, I just bought some purple carpet for my daughter's bedroom. You would be very welcome to the off-cuts - it's decent quality but I suspect it is a paler shade than you're after.


This place:




appear to have every possible colour of carpet, in a variety of different styles, displayed around the walls of their shop going from one end of the colour spectrum to the other.


A bit out of your way for you, I suppose, but they may be worth a call.

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@Shiterider: I tried this with a Lexus LS400 rug but it was too small.  Trouble is, most luxobarges are RWD so the carpet tends to have a big bit missing down the middle and/or be moulded and are therefore of no use.  It's a good idea, but I'd need a donor with a flat square floor and the only things that seem to have that are busses and I don't want to fit rubber matting.

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@cobblers:  "saxony shaggy pile.  Perhaps in purple, for girls..."  London is a long way to go for carpetting.  Whenever I've asked for carpet from carpet shops in (comparatively) tiny quantities they've rarely responded favourably even when I outlined precisely what I wanted the carpetting for.  Apparently, it's an odd request.

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Have a look at customclassicretro.co.uk

Give Vaughan a ring, tell him what you want and ask for, and insist upon, barefoot discount.

He will be able to get you exactly what you want.

It won't be the absolute cheapest.

Bloody good though and the discount should bring it into line with other stuff.

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