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Timing a TrackCar - Moogs Mootahs

The Moog

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Didn't bother to do a collection thread as was a 30min drive so fairly boring.


Yesterday I won this




Which is effectively going to replace the civic and the xantia.




Picked car from a bodywork guy in foreign lands (Yorkshire).


First thoughts are that I think it has been sitting for a while but started straight up. Apart from service bits and potentially a cambelt everything seems to be good with it. Comes pre dented.


Current is differently abled tax so that will need to be changed.


Windscreen has small crack in passenger side.


Runs really cold, this is after 30 miles of motorway



Mind you it honks. Properly honks. Not as much as the focus I got from Shadow but not far off.




List of jobs


Oil change

Spark plugs

Air filter


Rear boot struts

Front discs and pads

Cam belt plus bits

Ball joints

Drop links

Rear anti roll bar bushes

Stereo code

Windscreen crack

Swimming pool emptied from boot wheel well

Seal rear light clusters


And a big does of cleaning

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Lovely, comfy old barges these. Plenty of go too. The first car I ever drove was my uncle's 1.8 auto saloon (round a car park, alas).


Does it have the built in mobile phone?

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I think I might have a few bits for S40/V40 squirreled away in the garage behind my old S40 (just about) pictured below. Nothing major, a few trim bits and other useful-ish little things. I'll find out and can bring them in the summer, if you still have this one by then. BIG IF.




If you're replacing the Civic and Xantia with this, does that mean you're gonna use the Harlot as a daily (as I presume the auto Volvo is primarily for the fairer side of the household) or does it mean what I hope/think it does, that you're planning something else for yourself?

There must still a bit of room in front of the house.

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No mobile phone... Although something has been screwed to the passenger dash


Volvo is for missus Moog. Which in theory means I can have whatever I want. I think in short term I will run the starlet as it is just a brilliant car.


Apparently 4 cars are too many :-)

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Took advantage of the sun and got stuck in.


Came with free onboard swimming pool




Set to work with the Titan and emptied it all out



Stripped out the back seats



Dried out nicely



Let missus Moog go for a run around the block. This time she didn't scratch it, instead she broke the gearlever.


Two problems in this photo.




Someone has disabled the internal sensors



Overall not a bad looking car for 200k


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They are jointly developed with Mitsubishi so v40 is carisma based.


Going to be missus moogs car so all little niggles need to be fixed. So fair apart from gearknob everything is just service bits.


If we can get a year out of if for £350 then it is job done :-)

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Nice purchase! Did you find the cause of the lake in the wheel well? If it's any help I pulled the rubber seal around the boot off and filled it full of silicon sealer. Seems to have done the job nicely 12 months later.

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Leak I think is boot seal or rear light clusters or both.


Boot seal was moist when I pulled it up. Also when I lifted the boot water ran out of the light clusters. I think judicious use of sealant will be way forward.


Carpets have been sprinkled with neutrodal tonight to help with smell.


Bought all the bits needed for the car from eBay, coming in at a grand total of £150 which is £70 cheaper than eurocarparts.


Checked the handbooks and service history to 160k.


Anyone know how to get a radio code for the double din radio?_

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had the T4 version, probably the most comfortable car of EVAR.


In fact, in hindsight, i wish I'd used the money I spent on THAT SPANISH BASTARD to get her fixed.

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As i walked past the V40 this morning on the way to work, I could clearly see the swimming pool reestablishing itself in the rear wheel well.  it looks like the boot seal is letting it in. 

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My top tip for light sealage is Carafax non-setting bedding mastic.


Its about 5-6 quid for a large tube that will seal many lights. I got the tip from a Subaru forum and its worked well on my scoob.


Sikaflex etc sets solid where as this carafax stuff allows some flex and still seals like the oem stuff.

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Decided to try a tip from on here before using sealant.


Popped to track and bought a cheap camping mat.





Test fit




Will see if that helps. If not I will get busy with sealant.


Had been hoping to do wishbones today but with snow it ain't happening. Instead fitted new boot struts which is one of those satisfying jobs.



EDIT- didn't work!

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Decided to forgo the idiot box and have go at sealing the rear lights. In the dark, surrounded by melting snow.


Only one pic. But ran bead round most of the seals and also the bottom half of the boot seal.




Fingers crossed.

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Today started bright and sunny so after lunch decided to crack on with Volvo.


Plan was lower wishbones, droplinks, discs and pads at the front. Then if I had time a service.


Got to play with my new tool - ryobi impact wrench. Also got a torque limiter for doing up wheel nuts.




Up and off



Wishbone off. The ball joint nut was a proper fucker, ended up having to cut the nut off.



Tidy work area



Arm on although again ball joints again a pain. Quick YouTube and found if you apply pressure with a crow bar you can get the nut done up. One of those 15 hands needed jobs.


Changed discs and pads. Discs are warped and pretty knackered. Pads weren't too bad.



Droplink decided not to play ball and wouldn't come undone so left it for another day.


The heavens opened and it started to hail. The first time I stopped for a cup of tea, after that cracked straight on with other side. Ended up working through the next 3 hail showers!




Other side was a mirror image with drop link not playing ball and ball joint nut a pain to get on and off.


Going to palm off drop links to garage.


Also looks like it needs tre as loads of play on drivers side.


On plus side the pouring water into the boot has subsided to a trickle. I think the other tail lights are letting some in, so will seal them.


Ordered a new gearknob -£40 from a breaker.


So far it is


£130 purchase

£147 - service parts, wishbone etc

£40 - gear knob

£10- mastic for sealing lights

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After drying out from yesterday I fitted new rear discs and pads to civic.


Luckily stayed dry and everything undid easily.



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In all my time working on mine and my brothers' civic, I only came across one component and one screw that I couldn't undo, so I used a different method to get around that.

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