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Tickman's stuff. MOT day for the Polo conclusion.


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The efforts on Saturday were much appreciated!

No bother with the effort but please arrange better weather if there is a repeat performance ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

The 19 was collected on Saturday, thread was here:





First fill:




Not a bad looking car:




Current mileage:




It will get a bit of use over the next couple of weeks to see how it is but there was a job I had been trying to fit in for a couple of weeks on the Octavia.




Just a simple* front discs and a re-bleed after the rear pipe was changed last time.


Discs were fitted after finding an 18mm socket and 7mm allen key and they were done.


I bled up the front and back left no problem but the back right was still getting air after too long 

All unions were checked / tightened and it was better but could be better still.


I'm going top use it for a few days to see does pedal feel change.

Already the is more bite in the brakes with the new discs so that is an improvement so far.

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Chuck has been away this past week and is due back and having 5 cars outside the house (and neighbours house) is a little* excessive I've put the 19 away until I decide how shit the brakes on the Octavia  are after having worked on them again yesterday.






Sleep tight!



Next opportunity for a look is a while away.

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I love the shape of these - always had a hankering to replace the Mk1 16V I loved…….. only ever seen complete basket cases or total concours  recently though.

This is a smart looking piece of kit...….

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I love the shape of these - always had a hankering to replace the Mk1 16V I loved…….. only ever seen complete basket cases or total concours  recently though.

This is a smart looking piece of kit...….


Want dibs ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I've been a bit busy doing other stuff instead of car stuff.

Stuff like this has been getting in the way.




And this.




Today I decided to see if the 19 was where I left it.




It was so I took it for a run.




It hadn't fixed itself though.


I emptied the boot of these.




While doing so I discovered one is cracked to fuck on the sidewall so that isn't going near the car again.

Three of them are fine though.

I'm just going to use it for a bit and see how it goes.

That is about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a car needing an mot that had a slight* blow from the exhaust.

On further investigation the back box was no longer connected to the rest of the exhaust and someone had been there before making a welding hedgehog.


No before picture but needless to say I didn't have any exhaust pipe to use to rebuild something so I had to get slightly creative.


I cleaned back the fallen off flange and repurposed a bit of MR2 support bar that runs across the car that stuff gets bolted to.

This was a good fit for the flange.

To get the two bits to go back together I sleeved the inside with more MR2, this time a piece of the water pipe that runs under the car as this was a great fit.








Not the tidiest job but it has worked so far.


Finally back on the car and relative silence has arrived.



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  • 4 weeks later...

This one has been a brilliant buy. 
I would go as far as saying this has been the best car purchase I have made!

Just to prove how useless a statement that is the Alfa 156 I got from 320touring is probably the second best car purchase I've made.

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Work and general life are occupying more of my car tinkering time so I'm getting realistic with what I have.

First up is the Renault 19. Ex Bramz7 and Jim Bell. 


Renault 19 RSI 1.8 8v.
MOT 11/08/19

I really like this car but my MOT guy (who does cash in hand work) is too busy to take on the clutch change it needs and I have projects galore that have to be put before this so it has to go :(

Branz7 roffle thread here: 


He couldn't get it insured sensibly but I managed it for just over £100.

Price: £300 including the sporty alloys. I can just put the steels on and shift the alloys on their own.


Secondly the Octavia 1.8 Turbo 4x4 Petrol without a towbar.

This was picked up from a friend of Saabnut having been off the road for 18 months it proved to be stubborn and didn't want to play but throwing parts at it so far has made it into the trusted workhorse I needed. 

It has had: 
Rear calipers, discs and pads all round, rear wheel bearing, brake lines, alternator general service stuff and a whole lot more that I don't want to add up.

MOT 13/09/19

Price £550.

I can get photos and other details if anyone is even remotely interested. If not I shall brave the public after our holiday.

Details start from about here: 



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The 19 disappeared over a week ago with Scott and today was the first day I could get the gsr in for MOT in the hope to get it out of the way.




Happy with that, it has some advisories which will need attended to.

The rear sill on the driver's side looks like a patch is needed, he wasn't too aggressive when looking and the front subframe is looking sorry for itself in places which I think a wire wheel in a grinder would make some holes. I was informed that plating it would not be allowed under the current MOT rules and hopes of finding one for it were not high but two minutes on Google shows availability from Germany for less than £150 delivered so that is probably the most sensible route to take.

I will get round to it all at some point!

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This did the clutch clip again the other day, I won't be doing that again as I've fixed it properly*
No more fucking plastic0ce85d157cefd4cbab9be842caddda79.jpg

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The plastic clutch clip has put me off xantia's ALOT, having had it happen twice...

I did wonder why they didnt/dont make a metal clip to replace the plastic one but since the plastic one usually goes to save the clutch cable, symptoms of a wearing clutch or similar it would only break something else.

Shame, because I fucking love them deep down...

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The plastic clutch clip has put me off xantia's ALOT, having had it happen twice...
I did wonder why they didnt/dont make a metal clip to replace the plastic one but since the plastic one usually goes to save the clutch cable, symptoms of a wearing clutch or similar it would only break something else.
Shame, because I fucking love them deep down...

Give it a month and you can have this NEW AND IMPROVED "is it the one that sinks" Xantia! Only however much I've invested in it, WHOA WHAT A STEAL, BECAUSE IT'S NOT LIKE I DID ANYTHING TO IT EXCEPT KEEP IT RUNNING SO IF YOU FIND MY MISSING £20 NOTE IN THERE THEN WHOA THATS 10% BACK! INCREDIBLE SAVINGS! It's got like 9 months MOT and feels like a magic carpet ride I just want my 205 to make me happy again and she can't do that if I'm sulking at other cars.

This is the 5th(?) time it's happened and even though it'll never do it again thanks to steel and welding on father Tickmans behalf while I was pissy for 2 days, it's too big french shite for my tastes, which is limited to basically just clios and 2 wheelers of asian origin.

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Sam the plastic clip is now made of 4mm steel and doing the job.

I can understand the idea of the clip protecting the rest of the clutch system but on a car that has £250 in it...

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