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SL's fleet news - Laurel passes 100,000 and general update


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  • 2 weeks later...

A little bit two steps forward and one step back, but with several old crocks to deal with and not as much time/money available to be spent on them as I'd like that's inevitable.


'80s Sunny passed its MoT as above. New cam belt and tensioner fitted (no need to do the water pump at the same time on these), tappets adjusted and oil changed, and it's now going great. Had an enjoyably brisk drive home in it tonight, glad I got one with the 1600 even though it costs a bit more to tax. Ought to put it up for sale really, as the money that's gone into it should have gone on others within the fleet.


Like this one:



Datsun 1200 (B110) by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr



Datsun 1200 (B110) by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr


Repainted wheels fitted with new tyres (I must give those balance weights a lick of paint too). Nankang's finest, but on something with the handling sophistication (and weight) of an empty shopping trolley I don't really think that matters. Trouble is, when it was jacked-up I couldn't help but pick at a loose bit of filler at the bottom of the front wing:



Filler and Rust! by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr


Hmmm, not the greatest repair there at the bottom of the RH front wing. I've a feeling there's a lot more of this sort of thing, inflicted on it by whoever the previous owner got to keep it roadworthy. In this case a bit of tissue had been stuffed into the hole before the filler was applied. I just hope the garage can perform some sort of tidy bodge, don't want to get into significant work on it for a year or two yet.


Hey ho, that's old cars.

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The weather looks good for all of this week so I'm going for Project 5/5. Five different cars to work from Monday-Friday. The score so far:


Monday - 1988 Sunny. A great car for the local A and B roads, happily keeps up with the moderns and would still make for a good daily driver.


Tuesday - 1973 1200 (well it's got me here at least). Fun on the lanes and B roads, but a bit buttock-clenching on the A140 with the Mercedes/Audi/BMW contingent all off to Important Places so I quickly turned off and trundled through the lanes, reminding myself that the clutch really does need changing. Amused myself (not like that) by trying to change up into a non-existent 5th gear once or twice. Actually overtook a lorry and a van in one exciting move.

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Wednesday - Avensis, as I had to put in some work mileage and I may as well use the most economical car if I'm going to claim expenses. I think my 370Z and kit car owning colleague was disappointed I didn't use one of the others though.


Thursday - Lexus. As awe-inspiring as ever, although somewhat under-utilized on the country roads I use.


Friday - Laurel. Saved the best until last?


1200 was dropped-off at the garage yesterday morning. Not sure whether it's good or bad I haven't heard from them yet......

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The little 1200 is certainly giving me something to think about.



Datsun 1200 - Progress? by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr


Eventually got an MoT, after welding, overhauled/new brake calipers then a thorough service, some replacement hoses, new clutch and of course the new set of tyres. All good, that just left me needing to get a can of paint mixed-up and blow in the primered patches before the Ipswich-Felixstowe Run tomorrow. Dread to think what the bill will be, they hadn't had time to get it ready for me.....


But, a few miles down the road from the garage it started running poorly. Not enough to cause FTP, but sufficient to make it undrivable any distance and especially in low speed, stop-start traffic that the run will involve. Rev's keep dropping down, then picking up again, and it dies if I stop in traffic or at a junction.


Difficult to say whether it's something caused by the new parts, or whether it would have happened anyway, but for now I've tucked it away and will forget about it for a week or two.


One thought I did have was that it was on the 'summer' setting and it was fairly cold last night, but I wouldn't have though so bad that carb icing was the problem. Flicked it into 'winter' and it's still not right. Another thing could be that the fuel tank is getting low and it doesn't like that. Could be embarrassing if that's all it is......


Haven't really got the time/motivation to sort it today, and I'd need it to be 110% reliable if Mrs SL was to tolerate driving it (which was the plan), so looks like we'll just be using the faithful Laurel.

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Great work on the little Datsun. I've had loads of cars with those symptoms, all caused by rusty silt coming through from the tank and clogging up the carb jets. Definitely worth opening up the carb float chamber and having a look.

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Great work on the little Datsun. I've had loads of cars with those symptoms, all caused by rusty silt coming through from the tank and clogging up the carb jets. Definitely worth opening up the carb float chamber and having a look.


Thanks. I suspect you're right, it did run OK with a bit of choke suggesting there's a bit of crud there and it's not an ignition problem. I'll give it some fresh fuel, a bit of carb cleaner and see what happens. I don't want to risk taking too much apart myself....

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Certainly sound fuel related. Hope you sort it as that car looks just fantastic.

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Stick an inline fuel filter in the fuel line.  They're only a couple of quid, and it seems to have sorted the Innocenti - gotta be worth a try.


Years ago I had a Mk1 Golf which was doing the usual Mk1 Golf thing of slowly nomming its fuel filler pipe and sending the bits of perished rubber through to the carb.  I kept a stock of inline filters and a flat blade screwdriver in the car, and as soon as it started running badly I'd pull over, take out the clogged filter and stick a new one in - drove it like that for months.

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It sounds very much like the problem i had with the Civic, a inline filter will help and on mine giving the jets a poke with a wire brush helped clear them. The run is very challenging on a car though so i can't blame you for being worried.


See you tomorrow!

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Yep, I have to change the inline filters on the Somerset fairly regularly to keep it running how it should. It was about once a month when I first got the car, now it can go for three months or so before it clogs and starts letting bits through to the carb. I fitted the filter under the bonnet, so it only takes a couple of minutes with a screwdriver to change it.


Very common with cars that have been laid up or have done very little mileage in recent years.

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A busy day! The 1200 now seems fine with a full tank of fuel and healthy dose of Redex in the tank and down the carb. So two cars to clean, polish etc. Be amused to see what Trigger makes of my paintwork rectification.....


Fingers crossed for a hassle-free and successful day tomorrow.


P.S. A new OE fuel filter was one of the items fitted as part of the service.

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The results of my day's work on the 1200:



Datsun 1200 - ready to go by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr



Datsun 1200 - ready to go by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr


Yes, a terrible paint match I know but that was the closest paint my local car shop had on the shelf. Strangely enough it seems this ochre/mustard/gold/orange/baby poo colour isn't that popular nowadays. Unfortunately on a busy Saturday they weren't able to mix up a can for me (though I was impressed they could find the code and I'll get one done soon).


Got a cheery wave from the driver of a rather smart Corsair Convertible when I drove it into town, and another later on from a local Land Rover owner. I've noticed when driving it about that it does attract a lot of glances.


Very rare that I can ever get to spend a whole day on cars, and the weather stayed fine/dry for most of it, so combined with an evening trip out in the wafty Lexus to particularly entertaining stock car and banger racing at Foxhall the Bank Holiday weekend has started off quite well.


Weather looks promising for the big drive from Ipswich to Felixstowe. I'm amused by Trigger's comment that it's a tough journey - it isn't exactly the Stelvio Pass, but when you're in convoy with 500+ other old vehicles on an indirect route that keeps off the A14 it's basically a 15-mile traffic jam....

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It's looking great. I didn't notice the repairs before you mentioned it, the colour's not too far off.

All the best for your drive crawl out today. I hope the gods of weather and reliability shine on you and that the gods of spotting shine on us with plenty of pictures from your day.

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How did you get on getting home SL?. Mrs SL drove past me with her fingers crossed and teeth gritted on the way out! It's a fab little car and got loads of attention at the show, and that professional repair looks alright, petter than some job I've seen Chips Away do anyway!









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How did you get on getting home SL?. Mrs SL drove past me with her fingers crossed and teeth gritted on the way out! It's a fab little car and got loads of attention at the show, and that professional repair looks alright, petter than some job I've seen Chips Away do anyway!


Thanks Mike! It started running a bit poorly on the way back from Felixstowe and all of today, but we made it home without any FTP.


Couple of quick photos for now:



Variety on the Ipswich-Felixstowe Run by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr


The sort of traffic that much of the run involves. A couple of familiar cars ahead of us....



Datsuns on the prom by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr


I left a note on the dashboard giving a bit of info about the 1200. It did seem to create a bit of interest, sometimes there were two or three people waiting in turn to read it (admittedly most of them had grey hair and/or a beige jacket).


All in all a great weekend and I'm glad I persevered with getting it there.

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That looks glorious, Nigel. I'll give it a damn good poking in a car park somewhere soon.


Bit ashamed that I couldn't partake in this, right on my manor and all. But, First Anniversary Weekend. I think I made a wise choice in the long run.

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I love that photo of the run, Your little Datsun attracted quite a lot of attention noticed, there was always a crowd around it and i've seen plenty of photos of it on Facebook too.

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  • 4 weeks later...

After two sessions of fettling at the garage the 1200 now seems to be running nicely. Touch wood it stays that way.....


Not had much opportunity to use it recently, been concentrating on getting the Lexus ready for trackday antics at RAF Marham.



Cheap and Cheerful Trackday Toys by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr


Sadly Baz wasn't able to make it in the end.



Marham pits, end of the day by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr


Wuvvum's Rover suffered the predicted cooling issues, but did manage some time on track in limited bursts. The Lexus did about 150 miles, with noisy PAS when it was initially low on fluid and a smoky brake at the end of the morning session. As hoped, I was the last person still on track when the day finished at 5pm, with the fuel light on and enough rubber left on the tyres to be able to drive home - a very successful day. Fuel consumption dropped to about 12-13mpg.......


The Nova and Commodore SS in the second shot are Marham trackday legends, always worth trying to get a passenger ride out in them. Sadly the Holden suffered alternator failure, its first FTP in what must be thousands of miles on track.

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  • 8 months later...

Sadly I'm not going to be able to recreate photos from the previous post /\, as the Lexus has of course been sold and gone through the hands of several AS folk since then. There is another Marham trackday coming up, wonder what I'll be using this time?


Anyway, as I seem to be getting somewhere with the Camry after its three years languishing on my driveway I thought it was time for a proper update.



Camry progress? by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr


As mentioned in the News thread, I got it collected by a local garage. They put it through an unofficial MoT test and gave me the following list:



Washers and wipers not working (the washers do work fine, I reckon he got foxed by them working off a button and not the usual pull, but the wiper motor seems to be knackered - I have a spare to fit).

RH outer and LH inner driveshaft gaiters split.

RH front spring broken.

LH front brake binding.

Fuel pipe leak at rear.



Front and rear disc corrosion.

Brake pipe corrosion.


This morning I went and collected it.



Camry prep underway by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr


The garage were very accommodating and let me pootle about and start doing some bits on it.



Camry underside by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr


Putting it on the lift to change the wheels to a decent, matching set revealed the extent of what I think is rodent (or even rabbit?) damage underneath - they seem to like underseal, and I presume they're the culprit behind the fuel leak too.



Camry - progress being made by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr


Starting to look like a real car. It was great to drive it again (on a private road of course), reminding me of why I'm persevering with it. I imagine we all have a favourite car that just seems to 'fit' us perfectly, and this is mine. However, the drive did reveal that the clutch is on the way out - it always felt a bit soft and if various things are coming apart to do the other work a clutch change surely won't be that much extra work?



Camry by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr


Another job ticked off the list - number plate fitted.


As well as the MoT items, my list will eventually include:


New brake pads and fluid change.


Get the twin rear wipers working (essential).

Replace non-functioning lock on driver's door.

Deal with a bit of grot on the sill end and rear arch.

Repaint the tailgate and one door.

Repair towbar.


Footman James say it shouldn't need more than a new MoT to get it insured again, due to the Cat C rating it got after the rear-end damage.


Making the most of the two 'free' council tax months at this time of year, I'll get all the parts myself after payday, do the simple stuff then hand it over to the garage to get it roadworthy. I've managed to locate a mixture of Blueprint and KYB parts (for a laugh I did get a quote from my local Toyota dealer who I take the modern ones to, it was useful in getting me some part numbers if nothing else).


In other news, the 1200 is still on the naughty step with its poor running issue. I have a carb rebuild kit on the way, but I realise it could well be grot in the tank/pipe.


The Laurel might get used for dad's taxi duties tomorrow, just to give it a run out. Battery needed a charge today, but I hadn't disconnected it and have barely used the car this winter.


The Sunny continues to give great service as my second car. Such a nice thing to drive, I'm glad it didn't sell.

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I've always liked N13 Sunnys- I wanted one as my first sat and got talked into a mk2 Gold instead.


I'm not sure if you're aware but they will rot at the rear strut towers. You'll have to remove the boot trim to check that area out. I once did that to a B12 ZX on a dealers forecourt lol.

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I've always liked N13 Sunnys- I wanted one as my first sat and got talked into a mk2 Gold instead.


I'm not sure if you're aware but they will rot at the rear strut towers. You'll have to remove the boot trim to check that area out. I once did that to a B12 ZX on a dealers forecourt lol.


How did you find a Golf in comparison? On a couple of occasions I've considered a Mk2 (or Jetta equivalent) but never gone through with it. I'd imagine them to feel a bit stolid, whereas the Sunny is really quite a brisk little thing to bomb about it. I really ought to get a new set of tyres on it this year.


I must be brave and have a look at the rear towers one day. I know that B11/12 suffer it (a Y-reg Sunny I had back in the '90s needed a load of welding there).



Its always good to read a SL update, have you booked into the Ipswich to Felixstowe run this year yet?


Thanks Mike. You really should come and visit one day and have a play in some of them. No, I haven't entered the run this year and I might give it a miss, but I'll see what the rest of the family think. Might have left it too late now anyway.

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How did you find a Golf in comparison? On a couple of occasions I've considered a Mk2 (or Jetta equivalent) but never gone through with it. I'd imagine them to feel a bit stolid, whereas the Sunny is really quite a brisk little thing to bomb about it. 


Now that I think about it I never actually driven a Sunny. I only got as far as viewing the N13. Later, I looked at a B310 and a B12 Sunny Coupe ZX didn't buy either.


edit: oh I still have pictures of the B310! 




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Now that I think about it I never actually driven a Sunny. I only got as far as viewing the N13. Later, I looked at a B310 and a B12 Sunny Coupe ZX didn't buy either.


edit: oh I still have pictures of the B310! 





The B310 looks good. Shame DVLA says it didn't last beyond 2008.

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Excellent news on the Camry getting closer to the road. I've not woken the Rover up from its Winter snooze yet, but I reckon this might be the year that I actually spend some money on it.

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