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Vw polo 1997 1.4 Now sold & collected


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So what have you got - email, home address, phone number?

He'll probably turn up on other forums too, or be easy to find. Following him round asking when he's going to cough up on every single website he goes on would be amusing.


Actually I wonder if you can do a DVLA, and sell the "debt" to a collection agency for £100 or whatever. You get a bit of cash, he gets grief. You'd probably have to keep hold of the car though just in case he pays up, because it'll probably then be his. Or can you store it and charge fees for that via small claims court?


All this sounds way too much hassle than just getting over it and selling it to someone else, but where's the fun in that?

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Or re-register it to him, and then drive round some roads near his house blezzing through speed cameras and leaving it in bus lanes and stuff.

If the trail eventually leads back to you, you've got the letter from the DVLA thanking you for updating the records, and a eBay printout showing that he bought it off you.


Or park it in his living room, on fire.

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