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Jim Bell

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Everything posted by Jim Bell

  1. I love ignoring individual updates to this thread because then you can binge read them in a massive chunk and it's like everything is happening at once. Restoring a Volvo? Outside? In winter? In Scotland? My hero.
  2. On a school night as well. Brave collectioning but worth it.
  3. The geography teacher at the school on the next estate to ours had one of them. Glwts.
  4. Cheers man. Good shout. @loserone also suggested the same earlier today. Definitely a possibility. Not sure if I can be arsed with parts darts. I think it might be better to reverse it into the sea off Marsden cliffs. Going to sleep on it. *overly dramatic flounce ends*
  5. Limped it home 40 miles stopping at Washington services to let it cool again. Eventually home and back on the naughty step. I'm fucking sick of it now mind. ALL VAUXHALLS ARE SHIT. why was I not informed of this earlier? Tossing up in my mind scrapping the cunt or spending money on new calipers/discs/pads. The latter makes more sense but I'm sure that as soon as I've finished putting my hand in my pocket again, the gable end of a building will fall on it.
  6. Used the last of the COOP water that I still had in the boot from the initial BRAKE down too cool the whole shebang. Then popped into Sainsburys (oooo la da fuckin daa) to buy more. Stay hydrated lads. Eeee remember the brakes seizing at the co-op. Seems like just yesterday.
  7. Well the Astra has been providing sterling service as a 10 mile commuter to and from work every day. Nothing of note, so I've made no notes. That was until today when I had to tour county Durham and Teeside to a range of pre arranged appointments. Ooo great, some nice quick country roads. Hang on. What's that smell? Yep. After being cleaned up and lubed twice, that passenger side caliper is dragging again. It's a theme.
  8. Sour times for the German cars man. Hopefully the poor luck will all be over with now and a lottery win looms on the horizon, or you wake up and it was all just a dream like in that series of Dallas when they killed JR but then wanted to bring JR back.
  9. I've altered it digitally to avoid potential copyright issues.
  10. For everyone that ISNT spending their weekends doing things like this: SHAME ON YOU. SHAME. SHAAAAAME.
  11. That bug is the cats knees and the bees pajamas. Lovely.
  12. This is gonna sound like a joke, but no. They redeveloped the underground bogs into a bar. https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/bigg-market-toilets-wine-bar-17102481.amp
  13. The Groat Market and Bigg Market, Newcastle.
  14. Shop at Binns!! Old busses at Tynemouth front street.
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