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Posts posted by GingerNuttz

  1. 1 hour ago, Talbot said:

    Hasn't that just been done?

    Problems with that paint not curing fully so I said to the captain we should redo it at some point.

    We painted it a zero degrees and even with the space heater going full bore and extra long gas off times it's still a touch soft. You can't leave finger prints in it but can still dig a nail so a better quality paint and warmer weather should see it reet. 

  2. The rear arches are piss easy. Lay the new arch over the old one and clamp it tight, cut through the new and old arch at the same time removing 5mm or so from the new one and you'll be left with a perfect match that you can slowly weld to avoid distortion.

    If you make yourself believe its harder than it is you'll end up putting it off and putting it off. As long as you go slow and cut through both at the same time you'll be fine 

  3. If you're not using 2 pack epoxy I'd just use Zinc 182 as your base followed by something high build that you can sand to 500-800 grit for 1k topcoat. If you want to stick to the can route you could use Upol etch cans as a base followed by a primer then topcoat, the Upol ones can be had cheaper than the proXL ones. 

    Grab a Gerson masks if you can find one, It's what I've always used at home and never had an issue with them.

    (sorry bout the late reply but I didn't get a notification a fortnight ago ) 



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