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Everything posted by mitsisigma01

  1. Welcome , how many cars in the shit are you and whereabouts are you, I'm 5 or 6 cars in and dahn sarf in Sussex
  2. Let us know when you're done and sorted the pictures coz these ones ain't showing 😕
  3. Once you breakdown their barrier of bullshit and blocking and you manage to work out what you're entitled to their ok ..... Not for me but for my elderly neighbour, last month she got over 2k ....
  4. Which one are you 🤔 one mustn't just assume nowadays 😬
  5. Same here , pretty shit when you were a motorbike courier, it wasn't even a message one ,just a tone buzzer. 💩💩
  6. Just been ticketed, the warden saw me papping and stepped away quickly
  7. HWHTOY? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/334436882288?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=st9R7fVyRmK&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=nW0ykaT3T02&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  8. Same seller relisting or recent buyer flipping 🤔
  9. John and John will probably do you a favour and take away your car and anything else not bolted down though once they've sent their cousin John round to realign your security camera 😏
  10. Seems cheap ... am I missing something
  11. £1700 , doesn't make it any less likely to be a shitbox
  12. Well it wasn't back in 1984 when I did jury service , just after I had been stitched up by the local rozzers
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