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loserone last won the day on June 6 2022

loserone had the most liked content!



  • merchant de tapis

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    here, but only for the tat in miniature thread


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Rank: Matra Rancho towing a Tagora

Rank: Matra Rancho towing a Tagora (12/12)



  1. And yet we've just had a thread restored which is literally eBay tat for EVs. It's also been mentioned several times before that the eBay tat threads have been key resources in gathering a cars history
  2. It seems pretty damned solid. There's a rotten saloon with a OM606 only 10 miles from here.
  3. If @pogweasel doesn't win this one after his track record of success I will be bitterly disappointed
  4. I imagine they get a tonne of abuse to be fair
  5. Never mind that, looks like the 124 may be being weighed in. Exhaust gases leaving via the cooling system.. with no history and unknown how long the HG may have been dodged for, its probably not worth spending the time and money on.
  6. Thanks man, future me really appreciates that.
  7. Any especially keen interested parties in the SEX DEN S124 please feel free to reach out to save me typing up a for sale thread.
  8. Interesting times Looks like I'm ev shopping again!
  9. Really like Seppo and he has great taste
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