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Kiltox last won the day on February 19

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Rank: Matra Rancho towing a Tagora

Rank: Matra Rancho towing a Tagora (12/12)



  1. This stuff is expensive as all fuck however I’ve never known paint to cover like it. It’s extraordinary. https://coatpaints.com/
  2. I had that code reader too, I think it’s just a feature* of it that it brings up a brake error when you interrogate the parking brake module. Any issue with the parking brake will be related to the NS parking brake motor which is a really cheap nasty pattern part which didn’t fit very well.
  3. No worries, thanks for looking. I’ve smashed the ever living fuck out of the lock now anyway 👌
  4. Indespension hitch locks are actually quite secure if you don’t have the keys No prizes for guessing how I know this.
  5. There isn’t any random little keys in the boot of this is there?
  6. Sorry your £10 car isn’t more exciting @gadgetgricey, must try harder
  7. Nope. Thats in bits at the moment - trying to sort all of its stupid little issues like the noisy starter, air pump etc.
  8. @RetroShite can rebuild it, he has the technology
  9. Yeah there's a lot of it about. Scum gon' scum I suppose
  10. Was just thinking about Cannock the other day. Would be well up for a similar shite auction meet if an alternative could be identified
  11. Decided I’m never going to get around to fixing the Astra so it’s on eBay. Attracting more interest than I expected tbh https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/156108780004?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=UtJpyBAgQKy&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=UtJpyBAgQKy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  12. Kiltox

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